
  • 网络ssti;Soft tissue infections
  1. 临床应用结果表明:RXM适用于多种感染,可治疗上下呼吸道感染、皮肤和软组织感染等。

    The results of clinical studies with roxithromycin have confirmed the potential for its use in a variety of infections , such as respiratory tract infections , skin and soft tissue infections .

  2. 创伤弧菌可引致伤口或软组织感染。

    Vibrio vulnificus can cause wound or soft tissue infections .

  3. 目的:探讨磁共振成像(MRI)和超声诊断软组织感染的价值。

    Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of MRI and sonography in soft tissue infection .

  4. 2003年,达托霉素被FDA批准在美国上市,主要用于皮肤和软组织感染治疗。

    Daptomycin was approved by FDA in 2003 , and it was used in skin and soft tissue infection .

  5. 莫匹罗星软膏治疗小儿软组织感染

    Effect of mupirocin ointment in treating soft tissue infection in children

  6. 小儿软组织感染属小儿外科常见病种。

    The infection of soft tissue in children is more common .

  7. 无出现伤口和肢体软组织感染,12条患肢(11.2%)出现不同程度血肿;

    Hematoma occurred in 12 lower limbs ( 11.2 % ) .

  8. 甲硝唑治疗皮肤与软组织感染38例

    38 Cases of Infection of Skin and Soft Tissue Treated with Metronidazole

  9. 夫西地酸治疗皮肤及软组织感染的临床研究

    Study of the fusidic acid in treatment of skin and soft tissue infection

  10. 皮肤软组织感染病人与血浆脂多糖

    Study of Soft Tissue Infectious in Skin and Dynamic Monitoring of LPS Level

  11. 利奈唑胺治疗复杂性皮肤软组织感染的临床分析

    Linezolid Treatment in Complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections : A Clinical Analysis

  12. 皮肤及软组织感染分离菌对抗菌药物的敏感性分析

    An Analysis of Susceptibility of 21 Antibiotics for Isolates from Skin and Soft-tissue Infection

  13. 6例发生软组织感染,经积极抗感染治疗后痊愈。

    The infection was controlled with antibiotic therapy .

  14. 医院感染以呼吸道感染和皮肤软组织感染为主。

    Hospital infections occurred mainly in the respiratory tract and skin soft - tissues .

  15. 封闭式负压引流在治疗皮肤软组织感染性缺损中的应用

    Application of vacuum sealing drainage on the defect of extremities soft tissue with infection

  16. 软组织感染不同时相磁共振病理研究

    Pathological basis of soft tissue infection on MRI

  17. 50例皮肤软组织感染的细菌学及药物敏感分析

    The Bacteriology and Drug Sensitivity Analyses of 50 Outpatients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infection

  18. 人工心瓣材料和不同浓度细菌与皮下软组织感染的关系

    Relationship of Prosthetic Valve Material , Bacterial Concentration and Subcutaneous Soft Tissue Infection in vivo

  19. 观察硫酸依替米星治疗软组织感染的疗效。

    To observe the clinical efficacy of etimicin sulfate to the infections of soft tissue .

  20. 另9例经证实的软组织感染未见骨膜下脓肿。

    No subperiosteal abscess was detected in the remaining 9 patients who had proven soft-tissue infection .

  21. 皮肤及皮肤软组织感染抗菌药物临床试验设计与评价的特殊考虑

    Special considerations on the clinical trial design and evaluation of skin and skin soft tissue infection

  22. 头孢地尼治疗36例皮肤软组织感染临床疗效及抗菌活性观察

    Clinical efficacy and safety evaluation of cefdinir in the treatment of skin and soft tissue bacterial infections

  23. 肺部和皮肤感染比较常见,但骨骼、脑以及软组织感染少见。

    Lung and skin involvement are frequent , whereas bone and cerebral and soft tissue involvements are rare .

  24. 皮肤软组织感染分离菌的分布及耐药性

    The Study of Microbiology and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Bacterial Strains Isolated form Patients with Dermal Soft Issues Infected

  25. 引起社区获得性皮肤软组织感染的病原菌分布及主要致病菌的药物敏感性分析

    Study of microbiology and antibiotics susceptibility of bacterial strains isolates from community-associated skin and skin - tissue infection

  26. 甲磺酸加替沙星片剂与环丙沙星片剂治疗皮肤软组织感染随机对照临床研究

    A randomized controlled clinical trial of gatifloxacin versus ciprofloxacin in the treatment of skin and soft tissue infections

  27. 调查血流、肺、胃肠道、移植物、软组织感染的临床资料。

    Medical records were reviewed for bloodstream , lung , gastrointestinal tract , allograft , or soft tissue infection .

  28. A群链球菌感染可以引起相对轻微感染,主要有咽喉炎、急性扁桃体炎、猩红热、皮肤软组织感染、脓包病。

    GAS can cause relatively mild infections including pharyngitis , acute tonsillitis , scarlet fever , skin infections and impetigo .

  29. 目的:了解目前引起皮肤及其软组织感染的主要病原菌及其对抗菌药物的敏感性。

    Objective : To investigate pathogens causing skin soft tissue infection ( SSSI ) and determine their susceptibility to antimicrobial agents .

  30. 结论注射后皮肤和软组织感染可认为是引起破伤风外伤伤口。

    Conclusion When the skin and soft tissue occur infections after injection , it can be believe as a source of tetanic wound .