
  • 网络software complexity
  1. 通过统计C代码的软件复杂度,提供了衡量C代码质量的重要指标。

    Through counting the software complexity of C code , this tool can provide the important target of evaluated C code quality .

  2. 面对日益升级的软件复杂度,企业架构师的注意力逐渐集中到了一种能够解决系统集成问题的方法&面向对象的架构(SOA)。

    Enterprise architects , faced with ever-increasing levels of software complexity , have zeroed in on Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) as a means of overcoming system integration problems .

  3. 基于UML的软件复杂度估计及进度控制元模型可度量性及度量方法研究

    Software metrics and process control with UML A Study of Measurability and Metrics on Meta-Models

  4. 软件复杂度的自动分析方法

    The automatic analytical method of software complexity

  5. 另一个策略,子系统复杂度平衡策略,用来减小在后期开发阶段中的软件复杂度。

    The other strategy , used for balancing subsystem complexity , is designed to reduce the software complexity in the later development stages .

  6. 本文对这三种密码协议的执行时间、结构特性以及实现分析的软件复杂度给出了客观的评估。

    The thesis also objectively evaluates the performance of time delay , structure properties and software complexity of the above three cryptographic protocols .

  7. 随着软件复杂度的提高,软件失效和故障问题日渐突出,软件可信性越来越受到人们的关注。

    Along with the increase in complexity , software failures and malfunctions grow . People pay more and more attention to the question of software credibility .

  8. 嵌入式系统的快速增长和嵌入式软件复杂度的增长,对嵌入式软件开发技术的提高提出了迫切的要求。

    With the rapid growth of application demands and the increasing complexity of embedded software , the embedded software development urgently needs some advanced developing techniques .

  9. 随着星载软件复杂度的增加,提高软件测试效率对保证软件质量越来越重要,软件的可测试性设计成为提高软件测试效率的关键手段。

    Satellite 's on-board software is much more complex than before , so how to improve test efficiency of satellite software is very important for its quality .

  10. 然而随着射频链路的增加,系统的硬件复杂度及信号处理的软件复杂度都呈指数增加。

    However , with the increase of RF chains , the hardware and signal processing complexity of the system increases exponentially , which makes the system realization difficult .

  11. 通过对软件复杂度、强度及重要度的分析,充分考虑了实时多任务软件的特殊性,提出了基于任务模块的软件可靠性分配模型,并给出了实时多任务嵌入式软件可靠性指标分配工程实现。

    By analyzing the complication intension and importance of software , the model of reliability allocation and practical method based on task module is presented to fit for real-time multitask software .

  12. 同时该方案具有原理简单、电路工作频率低、软件复杂度低、系统工作可靠等优点,对其他专用图像压缩系统具有一定的参考价值。

    And the project have the advantages of simple , low working frequency , low software complexity , working reliable etc , has certain reference value to other special image compression system .

  13. 软件复杂度是为了预测软件开发费用、开发周期、可靠性的模块内程序逻辑复杂性的度量方法。

    The complexity of software is a measure for program logic complexity in models , which could be used to predict its corresponding developing expense , its developing period and its reliability .

  14. 以软件复杂度为牺牲,实现了线性调频信号无线定位系统标签节点低功耗的软硬件整体设计工作,使整个系统更加具有经济价值。

    The thesis had shown the whole design of wireless positioning system based on Chirp signal and low-power tag , which made the system more economical at the expense of the software complexity .

  15. 由于软件复杂度不断提高,和软件开发团队的不断扩大,如何保证软件质量,越来越引起人们的重视。

    Today , as the software has became more and more complex and the developing team have became bigger and bigger . How to improve the software qualities have became more and more important .

  16. 文中提出迷惑变换导致的鲁棒性表现在软件复杂度变化与代码功能模糊性增加两个相对独立的层面上,并为此建立了相应的度量模型:软件系统复杂度模型与迷惑变换模糊度模型。

    And we show that software robustness by obfuscating transform is reflected both by software complexity change and the increase of the code functional obscurity which are relatively independent each other . The corresponding models are constructed : system complexity model and transform obscurity model .

  17. 随着Internet及计算机技术的发展和普及,软件的复杂度越来越高,规模越来越大。

    With the development and popularization of the Internet and computer technology , software is becoming more and more complex and huge .

  18. 软件维护复杂度是基于Halstead度量法来进行计算的。

    Maintenance complexity is a calculation based on Halstead metrics .

  19. 在对比分析TCP和4类传输协议(TP4)特性后,提出了一种具有TCP和TP4协议转换功能的传输层网关设计方法.与网桥方法相比,此方法具有主机软件移植复杂度更低的优点。

    A new transport gateway approach with better portability is proposed which implements the protocol translation function between TCP and transport protocol 4 ( TP4 ) .

  20. 一种软件结构复杂度度量模型及其自动实现

    A model of measuring software structure complexity and its auto-realization

  21. 而且随着软件系统复杂度和需求的不断增长,风险管理的作用变得越来越突出。

    Risk management becomes more important with the increase of software complexity and requirement .

  22. 变量度量估计软件的复杂度

    Variable Metric for Software Complexity

  23. 随着软件系统复杂度的不断增加,对软件需求的抽象变得越来越困难。

    As the increase of the software system complexity , the abstraction of software requirements is becoming more and more difficult .

  24. 随着软件的复杂度和规模不断增长和扩大,业界对于软件的可重用性和可维护性的要求也越来越高。

    With the growth of software complicity and scope , it becomes more and more important of software reusability and maintainability .

  25. 关于如何在您的产品中提供分级别的用户接口的一些细节上的建议,请参考“管理您的软件的复杂度。”

    For some suggestions on how to provide the appropriate level of detail in your user interface , see " Managing Complexity in Your Software . "

  26. 当应用软件的复杂度不断加大时,单凭个人的设计经验已经不能解决所有的设计问题,利用资深软件工程师的经验就显得尤为重要。

    As the complexity of software systems increases , design problems can 't be resolved by individual experience , it is important to use experience of experienced software designers .

  27. 随着为分布式系统设计的分布式软件的复杂度的增加,分布式系统中节点数量的增多,导致分布式系统有越来越高的概率发生故障,从而造成系统可靠性越来越差。

    With the increase in complexity of distributed software for distributed system and the number of the nodes , distributed system may have more and more failure and be worse and worse reliability .

  28. 随着嵌入式应用的越来越广泛和深入,嵌入式软件的复杂度也越来越高,如何有效提高复杂系统或者应用领域中嵌入式软件的可靠性越来越受到广泛的重视。

    Embedded software has became more and more complex with the popularity of embedded application . Meanwhile , how to improve reliability of complicated system and embedded software in the field of application is getting more valued widely .

  29. 随着智能手机的不断发展,其操作系统以及应用软件的复杂度也在不断地提高,手机软件逐渐取代硬件成为智能手机产品的核心竞争力。

    With the continuous development of smart phones technology , the operating system and software applications will continue to improve the complexity . Mobile phone software gradually replaces the hardware and become the core competitiveness of the mobile phone products .

  30. 实践证明,微机保护采用RTOS后,其实时性和可靠性都得到提高,同时减少了软件设计的复杂度,有利于产品的开发和维护。

    Experience shows that real-time performance and reliability of protection relay have been improved , complexity of software design is decreased , development and maintenance of products is easier .