
  • 网络baseline plan;baseline;re-baselining
  1. 可以将中期计划与比较基准计划或当前计划进行比较,以监视项目的进度或进度落后情况。

    You can compare an interim plan with the baseline plan or current plan to monitor project progress or slippage .

  2. 刚刚开始项目时,当前规划信息即使与比较基准计划信息不是完全相同也会相似。

    When you first begin your project , the scheduled information is similar , if not identical , to your baseline planned information .

  3. 有关于基准计划的这部分内容在上文中已有论述。

    These issues relating to the planned programme were referred to earlier in this article .

  4. 另外要说的是基准计划更新的问题,每一次的更新都要求进度信息准确一致。

    A further problem is that the updates of the programme require adequate and consistent progress information at each update .

  5. 在任务完成时,将计算比较基准计划开始日期和完成日期及实际开始日期和完成日期之间的差异。

    When tasks are completed , the variance is calculated between the baseline start and finish dates and the actual start and finish dates .

  6. 此外,项目控制过程是项目管理中重要而必备的部分,仅仅建立一个全面的基准计划是不够的,因为即使是最完善的计划也不能保证项目总是进展顺利。

    Furthermore , project controlling is an indispensable part of project management because even the most perfect plan cannot always guarantee the project going well .

  7. 因为很多进度计划在制定时没有相应的资源预测支持,而且制定计划的方法很多,所以核实基准计划这个步骤可以说是见仁见智的。

    Since many construction programmes are not resourced , and there may be a variety of ways of programming the project , this verification exercise may well be highly subjective .

  8. 倘若当真用基准计划来计算延误,分析师就必须要确保基准计划中工期的安排是合理的,并且处理与之相关的其他问题。

    If you do use the planned programme as a measure of delay then you should show that the planned programme duration was reasonable and deal with the other problems associated with this .

  9. 混流制造过程不可避免存在诸多不确定的动态事件,如设备故障、紧急插单、质量事故等,导致生产过程无法遵循预定义的基准计划执行。

    Inevitably , there are many uncertain dynamic events in the procedure of HFS manufacturing , such as equipment breakdowns , emergency orders , and quality accidents . And because of that , the pre-scheduled plan cannot execute as its wish .

  10. 我知道布什总统支持以宗教信仰为基准的计划,我也尊重他的这种做法,但他的减税计划不应包括在内。

    I know and respect that President Bush supports faith-based programs but his tax plan should not be one of them .

  11. 采用生灭过程理论对可再生资源的不确定性进行了分析与建模,提出了一种基于两阶段优化的启发式算法来求解稳定的基准调度计划。

    Uncertain availabilities of renewable resources were analyzed with the theory of birth-death process , and a heuristic algorithm based on two-staged optimization was proposed to solve the stable baseline schedule .

  12. 欧洲地球化学基准值填图计划于1996年被欧洲26个国家地质调查局长论坛(FOREGS)正式批准。

    The Europe Geochemical Baseline Mapping Program was approved in 1996 by the Forum of European Geological Surveys ' Directors ( FOREGS ) .

  13. 因此,一些分析人士越发怀疑,美联储不会坚守在仲夏提高基准利率的计划。

    Some analysts therefore are increasingly skeptical that the Fed will stick to its midsummer timetable for raising its benchmark rate .

  14. 在我们关于性能、基准测试和容量计划的展出中,一个最受欢迎的主题是性能监控和瓶颈分析。

    One of the favorite topics of our presentation on performance , benchmarks , and capacity planning was performance monitoring and bottleneck analysis .

  15. 通过应用进度控制的项目进度计划、绩效报告、变更请求和进度管理计划这几方面的控制基准为项目进度计划控制提供依据。

    Progress through the application of the control of the project schedule , performance reports , change requests , and schedule management plan to control these aspects of the project schedule baseline provide the basis for control .

  16. 关键的一点是,欧洲央行已经制定了一项基准,现在必须依照这一基准停止该计划是正确的。

    The crucial point is that the ECB has set a benchmark against which cessation of the programme must now be justified .