
róu lìn
  • ravage;devastation;trample on;rape;rack;despoil;make havoc of;crush under one's feet
蹂躏 [róu lìn]
  • [rack;trample on] 践踏,比喻用暴力欺压、侵凌

  • 遭受战争蹂躏

  • 在那些蹂躏罗马帝国西部各省的蛮族中间

蹂躏[róu lìn]
  1. 年来,这个国家一直被内战外侵所蹂躏。

    For two decades the country has been ravaged by civil war and foreign intervention.20

  2. 年轻的CharlieSimolien艰难地趟过肮脏的洪水回到惨遭地震蹂躏的家。

    Young Charlie Simolien wades through filthy the water only to return to his earthquake ravaged home .

  3. 突然间骨瘦如柴的Derek推开了餐馆的门,他看起来就像是一个饱受拳头蹂躏的拳击运动员。

    Suddenly a gaunt Derek pushes through the restaurant 's door , looking like a punch-drunk boxer .

  4. 而如今Wiltshire还正遭受着游人的蹂躏,他们中的许多有神秘主义思想倾向。

    Now Wiltshire is being trampled by summer tourists , many of them mystically inclined .

  5. 比如,对于一个饱受危机蹂躏的政府来说,将削减公共支出归咎于国际货币基金组织(imf),要比承认完全是自己的主意容易得多。

    It is much easier , for example , for a crisis-wracked government to blame public spending cuts on the International Monetary Fund than to say that the cuts are all its own idea .

  6. 实际上,它饱受内战蹂躏–自1991年MohamedSiadBarre少将的政权倒台之后,一直为分裂的部落式民兵国家。

    It 's a country which has been wracked by civil war & with the nation split among clan-based militias since the fall of the regime of Major General Mohamed Siad Barre in1991 .

  7. Misurata城,利第三大城市,在过去的两个月里饱经战火蹂躏,包括它的机场和海港已经被反抗军解放。

    The city of Misrata , the country 's third biggest , under siege for the past two months , has been secured by the rebels , along with its airport and port .

  8. 珊瑚礁已经忍受了数百年人类的各种蹂躏。

    Reefs there have suffered through centuries of intense human abuse .

  9. 整个社区被夷为平地,房屋全部倒塌,生命惨遭蹂躏。

    Entire communities were wiped out , houses destroyed , lives ruined .

  10. 到底是该捍卫婚姻还是尊重尊重?到底哪个可能会“蹂躏“美国婚姻呢?

    Defended , respected : what could possibly ail marriage in America ?

  11. 这个国家被战火蹂躏了50年。

    For fifty years the country was scourged by war .

  12. 也许一个人生活在被战争蹂躏的区域。

    Or perhaps one has lived in a war-torn region .

  13. 典型他们是从饱受战争蹂躏的国家逃出的难民。

    They are fugitives from a country ravaged by war .

  14. 可耻的狮子在这里蹂躏了我的爱人。

    Since lion vile hath here deflowered my dear .

  15. 是啊,反正你不介意为尝此美味而蹂躏这个星球

    Yeah , if you don 't mind raping the planet for it .

  16. 我就是用它来逃离了饱受战争蹂躏的巴格达。

    I used it myself to escape war-torn Baghdad .

  17. 潮水退去之后它不畏海水蹂躏的关键昭然若揭

    The retreating tide reveals the key to surviving the sea 's assault .

  18. 鸦片战争已经蹂躏了大地。

    The opium wars have ravaged the land .

  19. 饱受蹂躏之后静静躺在刚飘落在雪地上

    Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

  20. 那些长期受他蹂躏的国家产生了新的希望。

    New hope sprang up in countries that had long been under his heel .

  21. hire:雇佣fatty:胖子publicize:公布重点单词精学:战争期间无辜百姓横遭蹂躏。我们必须非常小心,不要因为轰炸德黑兰而造成一次大失策。

    Eg.We must be very careful not to commit an atrocity by bombing Teheran .

  22. 对他们来说,环境的污染也许不是最悲惨的蹂躏。

    For them , environmental contamination may not be the worst sort of devastation .

  23. 黑暗的阴影吞噬了她的梦想,蹂躏着她的灵魂。

    A dark shadow swept that dream away , and mutilated the mermaid 's soul .

  24. 饥饿的世代无法将你蹂躏;

    No hungry generations tread thee down ;

  25. 你的探员将要被蹂躏。

    Your agent is gonna suffer .

  26. 成吉思汗的游牧部落大肆蹂躏,将整个村庄夷为平地,把死尸填满护城河。

    Genghis Khan 's ravaging hordes razed entire villages , then used the corpses as moat-fill .

  27. 受战争蹂躏的国家。

    A country wasted by war .

  28. 他们都准确地描写了被战争蹂躏的地方。

    They accurately depict war-torn regions .

  29. 该国还驱逐了援助人员,这可能会对饱受战争蹂躏的达尔富尔地区的难民造成致命影响。

    It has also expelled aid workers , bringing potentially fatal consequences for refugees in war-torn Darfur .

  30. 但是,在这样一个曾受到种族灭绝冲突蹂躏的国家,进展却令人惊奇。

    But in a country that had been ravaged by genocidal conflict , the progress is amazing .