
  1. 跨国收购上市公司法律问题研究

    Studies on Legal Issues of International Merging of Listed Company

  2. 当最激动人心的跨国公司打算上市时,它们几乎都会选择美国的证交所。

    When the most exciting international companies went public , nearly all chose to list on us exchanges .

  3. 目前,香港正吸引越来越多的跨国企业来港上市。

    It is attracting increasing numbers of listings from global companies .

  4. 顾名思义,境外上市是跨国或者跨地区上市。

    As the name implies , overseas listing is listed on oversea stock markets or regional market .

  5. 本章介绍了离岸公司在跨国并购和海外上市中规避法律监管的行为方式。

    This chapter described the behavior of the offshore company in the evasion of legal regulation during cross-border mergers and overseas listing .