
  • 网络Cross-Cultural Communication;Intercultural Communication
  1. 全球化背景下的跨文化沟通与中国如何吸引FDI

    Globalization Effects and International Cross-cultural Communication Countermeasures

  2. 国际语境下平面设计的跨文化沟通研究

    On the Cross-cultural Communication of Graphic Design in International Context

  3. 论跨文化沟通中的深层语言障碍问题

    On the Obstacles to the Implication of Language in Intercultural Communication

  4. 简论企业文化建设中的跨文化沟通与融合

    To discuss about the communication and incorporation of construction in corporate culture

  5. 增强文化差异意识,提高跨文化沟通能力;

    Increase the cultural difference awareness and enhance intercultural business communication competence ;

  6. 企业管理中的跨文化沟通障碍刍议

    Tentative study of barriers in intercultural communication in enterprise management

  7. 跨文化沟通是跨国公司管理中的重要方面。

    Cross-cultural communication is an essential aspect in multinational management .

  8. 电力企业国际商务活动中跨文化沟通失误分析

    Analysis of Communication Errors in International Business Activities of Power Industry Companies

  9. 跨文化沟通中的主要障碍及改进途径

    Main barrier and improvement way in the cross-cultural communication

  10. 跨文化沟通中的深层观念障碍探析

    An Exploration of Deep-rooted Idea Obstacle in Cross-cultural Communication

  11. 第三,管理人员和员工要进行有效的跨文化沟通与交流。

    Thirdly , management personnels should carry out efficient cross culture communication with clerks .

  12. 跨文化沟通与国际经济

    Trans-cultural Communication and International Economy Cross-Cultural Differences

  13. 学习跨文化沟通的技巧。

    3.Learn cross-cultural communication skills .

  14. 在回顾了有关文化,跨文化沟通等相关文献之后,本文提出了两个研究问题。

    After reviewing general theories on cultural dimensions and cross-cultural communication , this thesis proposes 2 research questions .

  15. 同时本文介绍跨文化沟通一般障碍及文化差异造成的沟通障碍,并在此基础上结合一些关于促进跨文化沟通理论。

    And also to introduce the cross-culture communication barrier and the barrier cause by the different cultural background .

  16. 有效的沟通和跨文化沟通是这些在华日资中小企业达到良性运转的重要手段,而如何优化这些企业内部沟通体制,就显得尤为必要。

    Effective communication and cross-cultural communication reached an important means of healthy functioning for the Japanese SMEs in China .

  17. 良好的跨文化沟通有助于企业更好的理解文化差异,化解文化冲突。

    Good intercultural communication will be beneficial for enterprises to better understand cultural difference and dissolve the cultural conflicts .

  18. 要解决这个矛盾,就必须加强文化融合,发展与提高跨文化沟通能力。

    In order to solve this problem , we must strengthen cultural integration , develop and improve cultural communication skills .

  19. 毫无疑问这种跨文化沟通需要跨文化意识,旅游资料翻译尤其如此。

    It goes without saying that cross-cultural communication requires cross-cultural awareness and this is especially true for the translating of tourist materials .

  20. 这些跨文化沟通项目还指导日本员工,在西方文化中什么做法是可接受的,甚至是受到期许的。

    The communication programmes also provide guidance to Japanese staff on what is acceptable or even expected of them in Western contexts .

  21. 与处于高语境和低语境文化之间的人进行跨文化沟通时,缺乏相应了解会使得双方难以达成协议。矛盾而由此产生。

    In cross-cultural communication between high-and low-context people , a lack of understanding may preclude reaching a solution , and conflict may arise .

  22. 随着企业日渐把触角伸到国门以外,西方跨国公司正在采取一些措施,帮助日本员工提高跨文化沟通能力。

    As businesses increasingly expand beyond national borders , Western multinationals are taking the initiative to help staff in Japan improve cross-cultural communication skills .

  23. 透过社会学视角对大学生跨文化沟通能力培养进行思考,大学生跨文化沟通能力的培养是社会发展的要求,是时代特征的体现,是一个社会系统工程,需要社会相关力量的共同努力。

    This paper offers a sociological account of cultivation of the cross-cultural competence of the undergraduates , which is a demand for the social development .

  24. 全球化的快速发展,使得中国需要大批具备跨文化沟通管理能力和战略思维及世界眼光的经营管理人才。

    With the increasing globalization , it is necessary for China to cultivate a large number of talents with cross-cultural capability and strategic thinking and world perspective .

  25. 了解和尊重这些文化差异,克服文化障碍,避免自我参照标准,有助于在国际营销谈判中有效地实现跨文化沟通,实现谈判的成功。

    It is helpful to achieve effective intercultural communication in international marketing negotiation by recognizing he respecting such cultural difference , overcoming cultural barriers and avoiding self-reference .

  26. 第四,就企业战略联盟中存在的文化冲突问题,研究了如何进行文化融合和跨文化沟通。增强文化差异意识,提高跨文化沟通能力;

    Four , studies how to blend culture and transcultural communication in terms of cultural conflict . increase the cultural difference awareness and enhance intercultural business communication competence ;

  27. 在回顾和分析有关中美文化、跨文化沟通及激励理论的相关文献之后,本文提出了某些特定的文化层面及文化变量。在此理论基础上,本文分析员工激励并据此提出假设。

    After reviewing relevant studies and theories on Chinese and American cultures as well as on cross-cultural communication and employee motivation , the author puts forward a hypothesis .

  28. 这些障碍的存在,使得跨文化沟通主体在审视异质文化时不自觉地带来干扰信息,带来对异质文化先验的偏见或自卑,从而造成跨文化沟通的严重受阻。

    Because of these obstacles , the main bodies of cross-cultural communication cannot view heterogeneous culture objectively but with bias or self-abasement , which makes cross-cultural communication obstructed .

  29. 语言翻译作为跨文化沟通和交流的桥梁,在各民族的沟通交流和促进人类文化全面繁荣的过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用。

    Translation , as a bridge communicating between different cultures , plays an implacable role in the interaction between various culture and nations and the globally promotion of cultural prosperity .

  30. 然后以跨文化沟通理论和软件外包过程实践为基础,总结出双向递阶沟通模型;挖出通过挖掘而挖成(沟)

    Based on the cross-cultural communication theory and the OOS process practice , we summarize bidirectional communication model handing over the step ; To make ( a tunnel ) by digging .