
  • 网络pre-listing tutoring
  1. 鉴于SY公司处在上市辅导期,所以在中远期融资方案的设计中考虑从资本市场上直接融资,通过发行股票和债券的方式筹措到未来公司所需资金。

    Since the SY Company is listing in the period of counseling , it might financing from the capital markets directly in the design of the long-term financing options , financing by Issuing stocks and bonds .

  2. 为了进一步认识这些上市公司,辅导投资决策,本文分析了行业背景和公司的财务及经营,并编制了路桥成份指数。

    Analysis is made on the enterprise background , finance , running and politics-making and provided the composition index on highway and bridge .

  3. 它通过对保荐人的责任追究机制,促使保荐人对证券发行人进行上市前的辅导、推荐,以及上市后的持续督导。

    It is the responsibility of the sponsor to promote the listed issuer before the coaching , referral , and continuing supervision after the securities listing through the accountability mechanism .

  4. 如今她管理下的咨询公司ClassVGroup专为拟上市公司提供咨询辅导。

    She now runs class V group , guiding ipo-bound companies .

  5. 这里成立了“上市办公室”,为企业上市提供前期辅导服务;

    An office for listed companies has also been established to provide preliminary guidance services for the enterprises .