
péi chánɡ jīn
  • damages;compensation money;compensatory payment
  1. 她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。

    She claimed damages from the company for the injury she had suffered .

  2. 实际上,许多州都颁布法令,允许索取“情感转让”赔偿金。

    Numerous states , in fact , have enacted laws allowing damages for “ alienation of affections ” .

  3. 他被责令支付总额为3万英镑的损害赔偿金。

    He was ordered to pay damages totalling £ 30 000 .

  4. 他判得损害赔偿金5万英镑。

    He was awarded damages of £ 50 000 .

  5. 这家报纸被罚以五十万英镑的诽谤损害赔偿金。

    The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds .

  6. 安被判予6000英镑的损害赔偿金。

    Ann was awarded £ 6 000 damages .

  7. 得到赔偿金1万英镑

    to receive £ 10 000 in compensation .

  8. 她得到了25000英镑赔偿金。

    She collected £ 25 000 in compensation .

  9. 你的索赔应当能成功,假如这样的话,损害赔偿金将会相当可观。

    Your claim ought to succeed , in which case the damages will be substantial .

  10. 他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。

    They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim .

  11. 他在法庭上被证明无罪,并且获得了损害赔偿金。

    He was vindicated in court and damages were awarded .

  12. 高级法院法官裁定他获得600万英镑的损失赔偿金。

    A High Court judge had awarded him £ 6 million damages .

  13. 诽谤他的报纸已经向他提出支付赔偿金。

    The newspaper which libelled him had already offered compensation .

  14. 她同意支付4,000英镑的庭外和解赔偿金。

    She accepted an out-of-court settlement of £ 4,000 .

  15. 航空公司所投的保险公司有责任向受害者家属赔付损害赔偿金。

    The airline 's insurer is liable for damages to the victims ' families

  16. 赔偿金将在140名索赔人中分配。

    The compensation will be split between 140 claimants .

  17. 公司从他获得的赔偿金中扣去了这笔付款。

    The company deducted this payment from his compensation

  18. 他拒绝接受赔偿金。

    He has dismissed an offer of compensation .

  19. 在承认侵犯他人身体罪后,法庭判令威廉斯医生支付300英镑的赔偿金和100英镑的诉讼费。

    The Court ordered Dr Williams to pay £ 300 compensation and £ 100 costs after admitting assault .

  20. 我敢肯定,窃贼们一定是等着我领到了保险赔偿金,然后回来再次把我洗劫一空。

    I 'm sure the burglars waited until my insurance claim was through and came back to clean me out again

  21. 他们给予每位受害者900英镑赔偿金。

    They have authorized awards of £ 900 to each of the victims .

  22. 赔偿金的裁定额考虑到了受害者所经受的痛苦和折磨。

    Compensation awards take into account the pain and suffering caused to the victim .

  23. 我有权利索取货物损坏赔偿金。

    I am entitled to a repayment for the damaged goods .

  24. 她被判给予巨额损害赔偿金。

    She was awarded substantial damages .

  25. 他人的行为是否有过失?如果你的责任超过50%,你在此过失诉讼中就有可能无法得到赔偿金。

    Did the other person act negligently ? If you are more than 50 percent responsible , you may not be able to recover damages in the negligence action .

  26. 且:总收益分配随着赔偿金(γf)的递增在核心企业与从属企业之间向后者倾斜;

    And with the increase of compensation (γ f ), the subordinate firm will get more from the total welfare .

  27. 它并未用android赚取一毛钱,这使得计算任何潜在的损害赔偿金与专利使用费,非常困难。

    Google does not earn any money with Android , which makes it difficult to calculate any potential damage awards and patent royalties .

  28. 唯冠公司已向中国数家地方法院提起诉讼,要求禁止销售ipad,直至苹果向其支付16亿美元赔偿金。

    Proview has asked several regional Chinese courts to ban iPad sales until Apple pays the $ 1.6 billion it demands .

  29. 这座支柱就是美国的专利制度,正是它让苹果(Apple)得以从三星(Samsung)获取所谓盗窃知识产权的10亿美元赔偿金。

    That pillar is the US patent system , which has allowed Apple to extract $ 1bn from Samsung in compensation for alleged theft of intellectual property .

  30. 三星和苹果公司(AppleInc.)围绕侵权问题在世界各地法院展开争斗,三星因此要向苹果公司支付近10亿美元的损失赔偿金。

    Samsung , which has fighting with Apple Inc. in courts around the globe over patent infringement , owes the Cupertino-based company nearly $ 1 billion in damages .