
  • 网络Compensation ratio;immunity ratio
  1. 对于机动车方具体承担的赔偿比例应根据机动车方和受害者的过失程度来决定。

    The specific compensation ratio on the part of motor vehicles depends on the responsibilities thereof .

  2. 因此,在共同污染案件中,污染者目前可能难以确切地知道其应承担的损害赔偿金的比例。

    Therefore , it may currently be difficult for a polluter to know with any certainty what proportion of damages it will be responsible for in a joint pollution scenario .

  3. 这些离婚损害赔偿案件的特点主要表现为:原告均为女性且低婚龄居多、诉讼理由多元、精神损害数额相对较小、获得赔偿支持的比例低。

    The characteristics of damage compensation cases are as follows : The majority of plaintiffs were women at a low marriage age , the causes of action are diverse , the amount of moral damages is relatively small , and the compensation support is low .