
péi chánɡ yì wù jī ɡuān
  • organization with indemnifying obligation
  1. 赔偿义务机关与审查赔偿机关相分离原则;

    Principle of separating compensation obligation organ and review compensation organ ;

  2. 此外,该修改决定还增加了赔偿义务机关应当为赔偿请求人出具收到申请的凭证,并对申请书进行初审和补正告知的义务等。

    In addition , the decision also increased the organ liable for compensation shall apply for the claimant received a certificate issued , and the application for preliminary examination and correction of the duty to inform .

  3. 税务机关及其工作人员违法行使职权侵犯管理相对人的合法权益造成损害,税务机关依法作为赔偿义务机关承担赔偿责任。

    Abstract The illegal activities dones by the tax authorities and their staffs encroach on the legitimate interest of the administrators , and the tax authorities as the indemnity obligation ones should pay for the compensation according to law .

  4. 作者试图从国家补偿的角度对野生动物致人损害的救济的法理基础,赔偿义务机关的设置等问题提出一点设想。

    From the angle of state reimbursement the writer makes an attempt to raise tentative ideas about such problems as basis of principle of law for relief of damage to people caused by wild animals , establishment of organizations with indemnifying obligation , etc.

  5. 受行政机关委托的组织或者个人在行使受委托的行政权力时侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,委托的行政机关为赔偿义务机关。

    An organization or individual entrusted by an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen , legal person or other organization and causes damage when exercising the entrusted administrative powers , shall be the organ under compensatory obligations .

  6. 相比而言,新法在国家赔偿范围、国家赔偿义务机关、国家赔偿方式和标准、国家赔偿程序四大主要内容都更加明确且更切合司法实际操作。

    In contrast , the newly revised scope of state compensation , the state organ liable for compensation , State Compensation methods and standards , state compensation program , the four major content more clear and practical operability .

  7. 赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关对损害事实、因果关系存有争议的,赔偿委员会可以听取赔偿请求人与赔偿义务机关对损害事实及因果关系的陈述和申辩,并可以进行质证。

    The claimant and the organ liable for compensation of the damage fact , causality disputed , the compensation commission may listen to the claimant and the organ liable for compensation for damages and the causal relationship between statements and arguments , and may conduct cross-examination .

  8. 国家赔偿由本法规定的赔偿义务机关履行赔偿义务。

    The obligations of state compensation shall be performed by the organs under compensatory obligations stipulated by this Law .

  9. 决定书和赔偿金额分割单应当由共同赔偿义务机关签章确认。

    The written decision and the list of compensation separation shall be signed and confirmed by the organizations with joint compensation obligation .

  10. 赔偿请求人要求赔偿应当先向赔偿义务机关提出,也可以在申请行政复议和提起行政诉讼时一并提出。

    A claimant shall , first , file a claim for compensation with an organ under compensatory obligations and may , in the meantime , file a claim when applying for an administrative reconsideration and instituting an administrative procedure .

  11. 赔偿请求人要求赔偿,应当先向赔偿义务机关提出。

    A claimant to compensation shall first apply to the organ liable for compensation in making a demand for it .

  12. 我国国家赔偿制度关于精神损害、行政不作为和赔偿义务机关如何行使追偿权等问题,应在《国家赔偿法》中予以进一步完善。

    Spiritual harm , administrative non-execution and how to execute pursuing of the right of indemnity in our state indemnity system should be further perfected .

  13. 如:赔偿归责理由不合理、赔偿范围相对狭窄、赔偿费用过低、赔偿义务机关不明确等问题。

    Such as : compensation for reasons attributable to unreasonable compensation is relatively narrow , low compensation costs , compensation and other issues is not clear obligation authority .

  14. 赔偿请求人书写申请书确有困难的,可以委托他人代书;也可以口头申请,由赔偿义务机关记入笔录。

    Where the claimant has difficulty in writing the application , the claimant may entrust it with other persons or file a verbal application , which shall be recorded in writing by the organ under compensatory obligations .