
  • 网络Trade facilitation
  1. WTO框架下贸易便利化问题探析

    A study on trade facilitation under WTO frame

  2. 美国与东盟将开展合作,启动“东盟一站式服务”(ASEANSingleWindow)试点项目,这是一种加快货物通关的贸易便利化项目。

    The United States and ASEAN will work together to launch the " ASEAN Single Window " pilot program , a trade facilitation project to expedite cargo clearance .

  3. 我们会尽快贸易便利化的交易与最大的专业水平

    We will expeditiously facilitate trade transactions with the utmost professionalism .

  4. 升级“升”什么?自贸协定升级除对原协定的原产地规则、海关程序与贸易便利化、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易等5个领域进行升级外,还新增电子商务、政府采购、竞争政策、环境与贸易等4个领域。

    The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce , government procurement , competition policy as well as environment and trade , in addition to improvements on rules of origin , customs procedures and trade facilitation , technical barriers to trade and trade in services .

  5. 首先回顾了WTO贸易便利化谈判历程,介绍了从1996年新加坡部长会议起到2004年WTO总理事会上的历次重要谈判情况及在贸易便利化方面的进展。

    The author first looks back to the history of negotiation on Trade Facilitation , introducing the negotiation process from the Singapore Ministerial Conference in 1996 to General Council meetings in 2004 .

  6. 第五章主要关注时下WTO的热点议题&贸易便利化,分析了世界海关组织为此所有主要努力和所扮演的重要角色。

    Chapter 5 focuses on the hot topic in the WTO , i.e. trade facilitation , and analyses the major contribution and efforts that the WCO has made in promoting the negotiation thereof .

  7. 协定也应推动服务业市场,服务业市场在全球GDP中的份额不断扩大,促进国家发展和基础设施建设,补充贸易便利化措施。

    The deal should also boost markets for services , which are an increasing share of global GDP , enablers of national development and infrastructure , and complement the measures to facilitate trade .

  8. 第三章介绍和点评国际海关组织、APEC、NAFTA等国际组织的贸易便利化工作。

    Part III analyzes trade facilitation work in International Customs Organization , APEC , and other international organizations such as the CEPA .

  9. 为了在新的一轮WTO谈判中争取主动,从国际规则的被动接受者转变为制定标准的参与者,就必须加强对贸易便利化的深入研究,这也是本文的写作目的。

    In order to take the initiative in the new round WTO negotiation and help China take active part in standard-setting not only accept rules passive , it is necessary to strengthen in-depth study on trade facilitation . It is also the purpose of this paper .

  10. 第二章介绍WTO贸易便利化谈判。分析各方在谈判中的主要分歧,并指出如何设计出不同于以往的特殊与差别待遇条款将是谈判的关键。

    Part II introduces the negotiation of trade facilitation within the frame of WTO and explores the members ' standpoint and differences arisen , and points out how to design " Special and Differential Treatment " different from the past is the key to solve the problem .

  11. 同时选取世界经济论坛2008年-2010年报告中ETI的数据,金砖国家、发达国家以及亚洲新兴经济体等二十多个国家与中国进行详细比较,从而得出中国在贸易便利化方面的优势与劣势。

    And choosing BRICS countries and developed countries and new economies in Asia , this paper uses these countries to compare to China on ETI , conclude the advantages and disadvantages of China in trade facilitation .

  12. 中国海关推动贸易便利化积极发挥海关职能作用

    China Customs Promotes Trade Facilitation While Actively Performing Its Functions

  13. 多哈框架协议中贸易便利化的主要问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Trade Facilitation of Doha Framework Agreement

  14. 我们期待落实《贸易便利化协议》。

    We look forward to the implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation .

  15. 贸易便利化的正面效应及对环境的双重影响

    On Double Influence of Positive Effect of Trade Facilitation and It Involved Environment

  16. 近年来中国海关在推动贸易便利化方面所做的主要工作

    Major Tasks Accomplished by China Customs in Promoting Trade Facilitation in Recent Years

  17. 贸易便利化对我国海关监管的挑战及其对策

    The Challenges of The Trade Facilitation to China 's Customs and The Countermeasures

  18. 中国贸易便利化的成本与收益分析

    Analysis of Costs and Profits on Trade Facilitation

  19. 论优化合格评定程序与贸易便利化

    Study on Conformity Assessment Procedure and Trade Facilitation

  20. 在新的形势下,实现贸易便利化的呼声越来越强烈。

    Under the new situation , there is an increasing demand for trade facilitation .

  21. 一种方案是将贸易便利化从谈判转变为发展计划。

    One option is to shift trade facilitation from a negotiation to a development plan .

  22. 大力发展电子政务,推进国际贸易便利化

    Develop E-government to Promote International Trade Facilitation

  23. 一些发达国家的海关在推进贸易便利化方面实行了一系列改革。

    Certain reforms on trade facilitation have been carried out by Customs in some developed countries .

  24. 因此,贸易便利化和贸易安全问题逐渐成为全球贸易关注的热点问题。

    Therefore , trade facilitation and trade security issues become a hot issue of global trade .

  25. 在推进贸易便利化过程中,海关扮演着非常重要的角色。

    During the course to promote trade facilitation , the customs is playing a significant role .

  26. 从其他国家的经验和我国的实践来看,作为外贸政策的执行机关&海关是贸易便利化的主要实施者之一。

    From the other nation experience , customs is one of main carriers to trade facilities .

  27. 帮助非洲国家改善海关、商检设施条件,促进区域内贸易便利化。

    China will help African countries upgrade customs and commodity inspection facilities to promote intra-regional trade facilitation .

  28. 最后分析了贸易便利化对政府、商人和消费者的意义。

    Finally , meanings of Trade Facilitation towards the governments , the businessmen , the consumers are analyzed .

  29. 第三,在与贸易便利化相关的各部门之间建立起一个有效的协调机制。

    Thirdly , an effective harmonizing system should be set up in the relevant sectors of trade facilitation .

  30. 近年来,我国在贸易便利化方面取得了积极进展,但仍存在着一些问题。

    China has been making great progress in trade facilitation recent years , yet some problems still exist .