
  • 网络emerging economies;emerging market;EMEs
  1. 世界银行(worldbank)昨日获得了自1988年以来的首次普遍增资。作为回报,新兴市场国家获得了更多的投票权。

    The World Bank yesterday won the first general increase in its capital since 1988 in return for a shift of voting power towards emerging markets .

  2. imf表示,埃及等新兴市场国家将继续保持强劲增长势头。

    Emerging markets such as Egypt would continue to grow strongly , the IMF said .

  3. 但许多新兴市场国家也一直抵制imf的评估。

    But many emerging market countries have also resisted IMF scrutiny .

  4. 但正如贝蒂在周一所说:新兴市场国家并不乏担任IMF总裁的可信人选。

    But as Beattie reported on Monday : ' There is no shortage of credible potential candidates from emerging market countries to head the IMF .

  5. 拉加德可能对此进行干预,提拔来自新兴市场国家的人士进入高级管理层,其中可能包括来自中国的IMF总裁特别顾问朱民。

    Ms Lagarde may intervene to promote senior management from emerging market countries , perhaps including Zhu Min , the Chinese adviser to the managing director .

  6. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)将改革其放贷安排,此举旨在促使更多资金流入新兴市场国家,并减轻与利用IMF贷款相关的污名。

    The IMF is to overhaul its lending facilities in an attempt to propel more money into emerging market countries and lessen the stigma attached to tapping the fund .

  7. 去年,许多新兴市场国家指责美联储(Fed)实施定量宽松的前景,推动廉价资金涌入金融市场,增大了新兴国家货币的上行压力。

    Last year , many emerging market countries blamed the prospect of quantitative easing by the US Federal Reserve for pushing cheap money into financial markets and increasing upward pressure on emerging nations ' currencies .

  8. 如今,一篇报告由IMF的一群经济学家撰写这样认为,国际货币基金组织在关于新兴市场国家对资本入境的限制措施如何使用的问题上应当切实再三思考其立场。

    Now a paper * by a group of IMF economists suggests that the fund has substantially rethought its position on the use of restrictions by emerging markets on capital inflows .

  9. 从OECD国家和新兴市场国家两个方面分析了OECD国家养老金资产在进行投资时存在本土化投资偏好的原因。

    On the aspect of OECD countries and emerging market countries , this paper analyses the pension funds'investment preferences of localization and its causes in OECD countries .

  10. imf专家表示,此提议旨在安抚新兴市场国家,因为有些国家已对imf向西欧发放的大量贷款日益感到担心。

    IMF experts said the proposal was aimed at mollifying emerging market countries , some of which have become increasingly concerned about the large amounts of IMF lending going to Western Europe .

  11. 就推动IMF和其它国际机构更具代表性而言,把更多投票权转移给新兴市场国家,是20国集团(G20)努力的核心元素之一。

    Shifting power towards emerging market countries is one of the central elements in the Group of 20 nations ' drive to make the fund and other international institutions more representative .

  12. adm表示,由于中国和印度等新兴市场国家粮食消费持续增加,该公司受益于玉米等农产品“强劲的出口需求”。

    ADM said it was benefiting from " strong export demand " for crops such as corn in response to rising consumption in emerging countries , including China and India .

  13. 另外,美联储(fed)提供了支持,它决定与4个新兴市场国家韩国、新加坡、巴西和墨西哥签订货币互换额度协议,向这些市场注入巨额美元流动性。

    Moreover , the US Federal Reserve has provided support with its decision to establish currency swap lines with four emerging markets South Korea , Singapore , Brazil and Mexico to inject large amounts of dollar liquidity into these markets .

  14. IMF坚定地表示,随时准备迅速向需要的国家提供资金,而且目前正考虑通过流动性互换工具,让比较富裕和稳定的新兴市场国家可以快速获得资金。

    The fund has insisted it stands ready to get money quickly to countries that need it and is considering granting rapid access to richer and more stable emerging market countries via a liquidity swap facility .

  15. 同时研究了12个OECD国家和3个新兴市场国家的养老基金海外投资情况,以及爱尔兰和挪威养老储备基金的案例,并从中借鉴成功做法和有益经验。

    Meanwhile , it investigates the international investment of the pension fund of 12 OECD countries and 3 emerging market economies , and the national pension reserve funds in Ireland and Norway .

  16. 新兴市场国家正致力于快速筹措资金,增强国际货币基金组织(imf)的有效火力,以期提升该机构在应对欧元区主权债务危机方面的作用。

    Emerging market countries are working on ways to contribute money rapidly to expand the effective firepower of the International Monetary Fund , with the aim of increasing its role in fighting the eurozone sovereign debt crisis .

  17. 自今年4月20国集团(G20)承诺向国际货币基金组织提供额外资金以来,有一点已经变得很明确,即各国政府不会坐视一个新兴市场国家违约。

    Since the G20 [ group of nations ] committed extra money to the International Monetary Fund in April , it has become clear that the governments will not let an emerging market country default .

  18. 在IMF出台规定之前,巴西等增长迅速的新兴市场国家采取了一系列旨在遏制热钱流入的措施,因外国投资者急于利用这些国家强劲的经济和高利率获利。

    The IMF framework follows a series of measures adopted by Brazil and other fast-growing emerging markets aimed at stemming a flood of money from foreign investors keen to cash in on their strong economies and high interest rates .

  19. 佐利克表示,富裕国家和大型新兴市场国家决定为国际货币基金组织(imf)提供更多资源,用于应对经济危机,“其根本作用是为全球经济购买了一份金融保险。”

    Mr Zoellick said the decision by wealthy countries and large emerging markets to give the International Monetary Fund more resources to fight economic crises was " fundamental in offering a financial insurance policy for the global economy . "

  20. 尽管七国集团(G7)在很大程度上已被20国集团(G20)(其中包括具有系统重要性的新兴市场国家)取代,但迄今为止,两者本质上并无多大区别。

    And although the Group of Seven rich countries has largely been replaced by the Group of 20 , which includes the systemically significant emerging markets , so far it has not distinguished itself .

  21. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)甚至在今年3月发表讲话,警告美国人,要确保匈牙利和乌克兰等新兴市场国家存在的问题不会产生巨大的涟漪以至波及美国海岸。

    Barack Obama , the US president , even spoke out , warning Americans in March to ensure that problems that exist in emerging markets like Hungary or Ukraine don 't have these enormous ripple effects that wash back on to our shores .

  22. 结果甚至略微好于预期:新兴市场国家的配额将增加逾6个百分点&配额将决定各方在IMF执行理事会(共有24个席位)投票权的大小;欧洲同意让出两个理事席位。

    The reward was a slightly larger-than-expected shift of more than 6 percentage points towards emerging market countries in the quotas that determine voting power in the 24-member executive board , and Europe agreeing to give up two of its board seats .

  23. 周三宣布竞选imf总裁的拉加德在做出上述承诺之际,还准备对新兴市场国家展开巡访,以说服它们同意让欧洲人继续把控全球金融体系中的最高职位。

    MS Lagarde , who on Wednesday launched her campaign to become IMF chief , made the promise as she prepared for a tour of emerging market capitals to persuade them a European should once again hold the top job in global finance .

  24. 通过这些途径,新兴市场国家相信,它们再也不会受制于美国财政部(或国际货币基金组织(IMF))了,因此也不需要通过结构性改革损害本国的既得利益群体了。

    By these means , EM countries believed they would never again find themselves on the hook to the US Treasury ( or the International Monetary Fund ), nor for that matter would they need to inconvenience local vested interests with structural reform .

  25. QFII制度作为新兴市场国家在资本项目尚未完全开放、本币未完全自由兑换的条件下开放本国证券市场的一种可靠的制度选择,成为中国证券市场国际化的一种重要策略。

    QFII system as an efficient way to open the security market of the emerging market-directed economy country whose capital account has not opened enough and currency cannot exchange freely with others , is an excellent strategy to internationalize China security market .

  26. Trium学员要在这三个校园内完成六个学习单元,另外还要去两个新兴市场国家学习一段时间。

    Trium participants complete six study modules , moving between the three campuses , in addition to time spent in two emerging-market countries .

  27. 15个主要新兴市场国家的信用违约互换(cds)指数下跌了三分之一至206,而itraxxsovx西欧信用违约互换指数则攀升至将近190。

    The credit default swap index for 15 major emerging market countries has fallen by a third to 206 , while the itraxx sovx index for Western European CDs has climbed to almost 190 .

  28. 通过对新兴市场国家和地区实施QDII的效应分析,并结合我国具体的市场背景,提出了推出QDII的一系列制度安排及营造良好外部运作环境的建议。

    Based on the effect analysis of QDII system for the emerging market countries and regions , and combining our country 's specific market background , this paper puts forward a series of system arrangements about QDII and some suggestion of constructing a good operating environment .

  29. 市场人士和参与谈判者表示,拟议中的特殊目的投资载体(spiv)具体细节仍不够明晰,能否从新兴市场国家的外汇储备和主权财富基金吸引资金尚无法预测。

    Market participants and people involved in the negotiations said details of the planned special purpose investment vehicle ( spiv ) remained too hazy to predict whether it would attract money from emerging market central bank reserves and sovereign wealth funds .

  30. 很多新兴市场国家的货币与美元相比被低估了30-50%。

    Many emerging-market currencies are undervalued against the dollar by30-50 % .