
mào yì hé tonɡ
  • trade contract;trading contract;business contract
  1. 贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算。

    The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB .

  2. 信用证欺诈是FOB贸易合同中海运欺诈的又一重要形式。

    The fraud of letter of credit is one of the forms of maritime transportation under FOB .

  3. THC问题不仅涉及对运输合同和贸易合同的理解,还涉及到对航运和贸易惯例的理解,以及对市场垄断行为的管制。

    These questions concerned about transport contract , trade contract , and the traditions in shipping and commerce .

  4. 主要就EDI贸易合同所引发的与国际货物买卖合同有关的法律问题作一介绍,如书面形式问题、签字问题、EDI在证据法上的法律问题、合同成立问题等。

    Technical characteristic of the process of contract establishment ; This paper aims to make an analysis on some relevant legal issues brought about by EDI contracts , such as issues of written form , signature , evidentiary validity , and contract formation .

  5. 论国际贸易合同履行过程中不可抗力的适用

    The Application of Force Majeure to Performance of International Trade Contract

  6. 国际技术贸易合同条款的风险及其防范

    Risk in International Technology Trade Contract Terms and its Prevention

  7. 这两家签订了一份寄售贸易合同。

    The two company have sign a contract to do consignment trade .

  8. 俄语国际贸易合同文本的语体特征

    The Stylistic Features of International Trade Contracts in Russian

  9. 办理企业加工贸易合同登记备案手续。

    Going through the procedures of registration and record of processing trade contract .

  10. 国际贸易合同文本翻译的对等理论研究

    A Study of the International Business Contract Translation from a Perspective of Equivalence

  11. 组织出口货源:商贸企业应根据贸易合同或信用证的规定准备好出口商品。

    Business enterprise and importers in consultation on the success of a trade contract .

  12. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈及其对策

    International Trade Contract Subject Fraud and Countermeasures

  13. 对外贸易合同专家系统

    Expert System of the Foreign Trade Contract

  14. 商品检验条款是国际贸易合同中的重要组成部分。

    The clause of commodity inspection is an important part of contract in international trade .

  15. 版权贸易合同研究

    The Research on Copyright Trade Contract

  16. 根据新的贸易合同,几种货物免收进口税。

    Under the new trade agreement , the import tariff comes off certain kinds of goods .

  17. GB/T16963-1997国际贸易合同代码规范

    Specification of international trade contract codes

  18. 综合实践并借鉴相关理论,概括总结出国际电力贸易合同的内涵。

    Comprehensive the related practicing and relevant theories to summarize the connotation of international electricity trade contracts .

  19. 经营单位,是指对外签订并执行进出口贸易合同的中国境内企业或单位。

    An operating entity refers to an enterprise or entity that signs and performs import and export contracts .

  20. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈的对策主要有资信调查和主体法律性质的审查。

    Countermeasures of international trade contract subject fraud mainly are : investigation of credentials and inspection of law subject nature .

  21. 国际贸易合同中商检、不可抗力、争议和索赔、仲裁等一般性条款的规定方法;

    Fixed method in general clauses , such as commodity inspection , force majeure , dispute and claim in international trade contract ;

  22. 文章最后对发生贸易合同争议时各方当事人的权利义务作了简要分析。

    Finally , the paper makes a general analysis of the rights and duties of the parties when the commercial contractual disputes arise .

  23. 提单是国际海上货物运输的重要单证之一,其在国际贸易合同以及国际海上货物运输合同中,扮演着极其重要的角色。

    Bill of lading , as one of important documents for international shipping carriage , is playing core role in the contract of international trade .

  24. 国际贸易合同主体欺诈形式主要有虚构合同主体欺诈形式、变更合同主体欺诈形式、有限责任欺诈形式。

    The main forms of international trade contract subject fraud are : fabricating contract subject fraud , changing contract subject fraud and restricting responsibility fraud .

  25. 其实,在版权贸易合同方面传统的意思自治原则与最密切联系原则仍然具有适用的价值;

    Actually in trade contract of the copyright , traditional " autonomy of will " and " the closest connection " principle still have suitable value .

  26. 第三部分研究了国际电力贸易合同的内涵和特征。

    The last part is the necessary requirements of carrying out the international electricity trade . Chapter ⅲ is the content and features of international electricity trade contract .

  27. 进境肉类产品的货主应当在贸易合同签订前办理检疫审批手续,取得进境动植物检疫许可证。

    The consignor of entry meat products shall go through quarantine approval formalities and obtain a license for entry animal and plant quarantine before concluding a trade contract .

  28. 就国际贸易合同的共同特征而言,最典型的可以说是内容的合法性,条款的完整性以及语言的准确性。

    As for the common features of international business contracts , legality in contents , completeness in clauses and accuracy in language may serve as the most typical items .

  29. 商检机构应当在对外贸易合同约定的索赔期限内检验完毕,并出具证明。

    The commodity inspection authorities shall accomplish the procedures for inspection and issue an inspection certificate within the period of validity of claims prescribed in a foreign trade contract .

  30. 国际电力贸易合同是实现跨国电力交易的法律基础和保障,因而对国际电力贸易合同进行研究就具有必要性、现实性和重要性。

    As international electricity trade contract is the legal basis and security for electricity trading , and therefore it is more realistic , more important more and necessary to study on the international electricity trade contracts .