
háo qiáng
  • despotic;despot;tyrannical;bully
豪强 [háo qiáng]
  • [despot;bully] 强横而有权势的人,经常对那些比自己弱小者恐吓、苛刻或残酷的人

  • 力摧豪强。——《明史》

豪强[háo qiáng]
  1. 宋代的豪强势力及其与地方官府的关系

    Despotic Force and its Relation with Local Government

  2. 此外,山东等地汉族豪强对东魏、北齐建立后的政治活动影响甚微。

    In addition , despotic clans of Han in Shandong had little influence in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasty 's political affairs .

  3. 这时各地豪强也纷纷独立,形成群雄并起的局面。

    Almost immediately , the powerful lords rose one after another .

  4. 秦汉豪强地主犯罪研究

    The Study on Crime of Powerful Landlord During Qin-Han Dynasty

  5. 如曹魏集团,就曾极力排除与豪强联姻。

    Such as the Cao Wei group , exclude the politic marriage with the lord .

  6. 火勇两支西部豪强对于上赛季的七场西决喋喋不休。

    Each of these West powers will bicker about last season 's thrilling seven-game conference finals .

  7. 清末民初,国衰民困、外国豪强肆侵。

    At the end of the Qing Dynasty , a country decline people trapped , foreign despots wanton invasion .

  8. 明初以来沧州移民宗族形态的演进与社会变迁从豪强宗族到文化士族&东汉马氏研究

    The Clan Pattern 's Evolving and Social Changes in the Immigration Society of Cangzhou since the Beginning of the Ming Dynasty

  9. 总之,云计算使初创公司拥有了一系列独特的价值驱动因素,使他们可以在安全的距离内与传统的业界豪强进行竞争。

    Altogether , this gives startups a unique set of value drivers that allow them to compete with traditional powerhouses from a safe distance .

  10. 几周后,士族豪强袁绍起兵讨董卓,一时间全国又陷人内战混乱之中。

    Within a few weeks there was open rebellion against Dong Zhuo the whole country was in the chaos situation of civil wars again .

  11. 西汉中后期由于政治衰落和中央对地方控制力的减弱,地方豪强势力有相当大的发展。

    Because of the western han dynasty political decline and middle the central government to the local control is abate , local power forces have considerable development .

  12. 他躬行实际,以民文本,减免赋税,勤政廉洁,敦行教化,打击豪强,并取得了显著的成绩。

    His practice with people on ACTS of text , tax breaks , diligent , honest , Nathan line , and the enlightenment , blow conference contender has made significant achievements .

  13. 两汉时期政府的保障行为主要体现在对流民和贫民的保障、灾后补救和抑制豪强这三个方面。

    The social security measures in the Two Han Periodfunctioned mainly in three aspects : safeguarding the refugees and paupers , doing some repairs after natural disasters , and curbing the powerful clans .

  14. 限于时间、篇幅,更囿于笔者水平,本文主要是对秦汉豪强地主犯罪现象的研究。

    Be limited by time , words , more be constrained by the author level , the article only is a research on the phenomenon of crime of powerful landlord during Qin-Han dynasty .

  15. 西汉经过文帝、景帝两朝的恢复与发展,社会生产复苏,社会秩序趋于稳定,地方豪强势力也逐渐抬头。

    The Western Han Dynasty , the scene after the two emperor recovery and development , the social production recovery , stable social order , and the local power forces also gradually looked up .

  16. 本文认为东汉后期社会分裂的主要原因是豪强地主田庄经济的恶性发展。

    In this essay , I hold that the main reason for the split of the late Eastern Han Dynasty was the strange development of the economy of the farms of the strong landlords .

  17. 朝廷的腐败,地主豪强的压迫,再加上接二连三的天灾,百姓没法生活下去,被迫起来反抗。

    The corrupt imperial court , the landlords " oppression along with the successive natural disasters made it impossible for the people to live on , so many of them rose up to revolt .

  18. 本文将着重探讨孙吴政权建立的情况及孙吴统治之下的社会发展概况,包括东吴社会经济发展状况、世家豪强势力的发展状况以及东吴时期的婚姻制度等。

    The establishment of Sun Wu State and the society development conditions are mainly discussed in this paper , which including economy development , the rich and powerful families ' development and the wedding system .

  19. 诸葛亮在川期间,主要依靠从荆州带来的旧属,同时注意笼络原来刘璋部下和益州豪强大族。

    Zhuge Liang in Sichuan Suchuan period , the main dependence the subordinate which brings from Jing zhou , simultaneously pays attention bosses around the original Liu jade tablet subordinate and the profit state powerful bullies .

  20. 从刘秀这一历史人物的阶级出身,历史人物与农民革命的关系,中国古代封建君主一类的历史人物向豪强地主妥协诸方面,可以看出刘秀在其一生中是发展变化的。

    Class ranks of historical figures , the relations between historical figures and peasant revolutions , the compromise between historical figures from feudal monarches and tyrannical landlords indicate that historical figures are changing all their lives .

  21. 豪强势力的崛起是历史发展的必然趋势,由他们主导的土地兼并也是必然的历史现象,西汉王朝最终由于土地兼并而崩溃。

    The rise of the Local despotic force was inevitable and the land annexation led by these forces was also natural in history . Due to land annexation , The Western Han Dynasty declined in the end .

  22. 这种变化导致西汉中后期豪强势力崛起,他们与国家权力融合,使乡三老与里父老在西汉中后期逐渐豪强化了。

    This change resulted in the rise of the despotic forces in the mid-and late Western Han dynasty , whose coalition with the state power made Xiang San Lao and Li Fu Lao grow into despots in the mid-and late stage .

  23. 豪强与胥吏在官民诉讼斗争中角色复杂,胥吏讼官更多体现统治阶层之间的矛盾,豪民对官员的讼争客观上与一般民众的利益有一致性。

    Tyrannical and petty officials played a complicated role in the struggle , the lawsuits of petty officials versus formal officials reflected their contradictions in a large degree , but objectively , tyrannical were in agreement with common people in the struggle .

  24. 两汉社会的治安问题主要集中于三个方面:一是以豪强大姓为主、对社会治安严重破坏的地方恶势力;

    The problem of public order of the Han dynasty is concentrated mainly on three aspects : the first one is mainly with despotic big surname , which is for the local vicious power of the serious damage of security of society ;

  25. 西汉前期在这两方面做得都很好,统治者以二十等爵制为基础将百姓编伍,实行严格的等级身份制,二十等爵制在西汉初很大程度上抑制了豪强势力。

    During the early period of Western Han dynasty , the rulers did a quite good job in the two aspects . Based on the twenty peerage levels , rulers compiled the mass people into different Wu and practiced strict Grade identification system .

  26. 这个词在20世纪30年代很常用,指的是地方上的豪强,如今用于嘲弄中国的一个新的特权阶层:该词典对它的解释是富有钱财而缺少文化和正确价值观的人。

    Commonly used in the 1930s to refer to local tyrants , tuhao today derides a new privileged class that has emerged in China : people who are extremely wealthy but lacking in education or values , according to the dictionary 's definition .

  27. 经济方面,丈量土地,清查豪强地主的隐田,聘请水利专家潘季驯主持治河,改革赋役制度,推行鞭法。

    In economy , he measured the land again and clarified the private land that the despots had grabbed for . He invited the water conser-vancy expert Pan Jixun to harness the rivers . He reformed the tax system and advocated the one-whip system .

  28. 潮阳向来是粤东大县,地域广阔、人口众多、居民富庶,但潮阳也向称难治,其地理状况比较复杂、民风剽悍、豪强大族势力强大。

    Chaoyang has always been a big county in the east of Guangdong Province . It has broad region , large population and prosperous economy . However , Chaoyang is also famous for difficult governance because of its complicated geographical conditions , valiant folkway and local powerful tyrants .

  29. 伴随着王莽新国的覆灭,旧的社会秩序失去了控制,地方豪强势力各据一方,成为地方秩序的有力维持者,邓氏家族也就随之发展起来。

    With the fall of Wang Mang new countries , the old social order is out of control , and the local forces , according to a party to the very tight , become the powerful place order to maintain , who is representing the family then developed .

  30. 但是经过黄巾起义,东汉政府已经摇摇欲坠,各洲牧、太守纷纷拥兵自重,地方豪强为了共同利益,形成利益共同体,并推举德高望重或有能力的人当统帅,东汉政权已经名存实亡。

    However , the various local feudal lords ended up with strong political and military strength . In addition , for fearing of that they might lose their local control , these local lords united and elected the capable and celebrated lord their leader , therefore the Eastern Han authoriy was severely shaken and became virtually a puppet one .