
háo shuǎng
  • bold and forthright;unrestrained and frank;straightforward;forthright
豪爽 [háo shuǎng]
  • [forthright] 气度豪迈、举止大方

豪爽[háo shuǎng]
  1. 蒙古族人民性格热情、豪爽,在百年的发展中,蒙古族也形成了自己的优秀的民族文化。

    The Mongolians are enthusiastic and straightforward , they have their own excellent national culture in the years of development .

  2. 高挑的青岛小嫚(言对姑娘的称呼)豪爽的青岛小伙会让你体味北方人的人性魅力。由我这样的人来决定舍取,惊人的豪爽。

    High small ( dialect to the form of address of the miss ) in Qingdao pick , straightforward Qingdao small the human nature magic power that will let your body flavor Northerner .

  3. 他豪爽地挥舞着双臂。

    He waved his arms expansively .

  4. 我喜欢北方人的豪爽和直率。

    I like the openness and directness of northerners .

  5. 杰迪性情豪爽,而哈桑严肃认真,甚至有些过于谨小慎微。

    Jehdi was a cheerful person , whereas Hassan was very serious , perhaps too cautious and careful .

  6. 他是个好人,一个非常豪爽的军官。

    He 's a good man and a very gallant officer .

  7. 为人热情豪爽,有着十分饱满的工作激情。

    I am honesty candid & have full of working passion .

  8. 吉姆最讨人喜欢的特征是豪爽和充满活力。

    Jim 's two most pleasing traits are generosity and energy .

  9. 哈钦斯太太已豪爽地答应今天同我们在一起。

    Mrs Hutchins has generously agreed to be with us today .

  10. 他那双豪爽的红褐色眼睛里,不是也常常热泪盈眶么?

    The hot tear was often in his magnanimous ruddy-brown eye .

  11. 男士的风格是豪爽,迷人,容易接近。

    The male form is majestic , enticing and readily available .

  12. 女王以豪爽的微笑向群众致意。

    The queen greeted the crowd with a gracious smile .

  13. 这儿有一位慷慨豪爽人物,居然看不起收集先令来了!

    Here 's a generous spirit to scorn scraped-up shillings !

  14. 豪爽的,开朗的:愿交往的,开放的,慷慨的;外出的。

    Disposed to be open , communicative , and generous ; outgoing .

  15. 他是个性格豪爽,不拘小节的人。

    He is a person with easy-going and cool attitude .

  16. 她实在很够豪爽的同意接见我们。

    She was gracious enough to agree to see us .

  17. 我不想要她那豪爽的慷慨!

    I don 't want to get her magnificent generosity .

  18. 他讲一口好英语,表情豪爽而恳切。

    He spoke a fine English . His countenance was open and hearty .

  19. 她浑身散发出活力、热情和豪爽。

    She exuded vitality , enthusiasm , and generosity .

  20. 他看起来好象是一个特别豪爽的,高尚的青年绅士。

    He seemed to be like some specially manly and refined young gentleman .

  21. 李老爷豪爽地挥手制止谢意。

    Expansively , Massa Lea waved away the thanks .

  22. 这些看法别出心裁,豪爽大度,英明睿智。

    They are original , magnanimous , and wise .

  23. 当地人开始后悔他们早些时的豪爽大方了。

    The locals started to regret their earlier expansiveness .

  24. 我豪爽地答应了,可是没等一会儿,就离开了。

    I promised immediately , but I did not wait for her until she came back .

  25. 家父理查德爵士是很富有的,而且生性非常豪爽。

    My father Sir Richard , is very rich , and of a most generous nature .

  26. 谈起统计和研究方面的话题时,格林斯潘放松下来,变得近乎豪爽。

    When he gets on the theme of statistics and research , Greenspan relaxes and becomes almost expansive .

  27. 她掏出钱包付了一千现金,多豪爽的顾客!

    She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash : what a cool customer !

  28. 由于环境的影响,北方人大多性格豪爽。

    Because of the environment , the people in the north of China are very frank and straightforward .

  29. 我不吹嘘,我讲话豪爽痛快,有时很错误,有时很准。

    I 'm not bragging , I speak a generous , sometimes very wrong , sometimes very accurate .

  30. 而且,男士们,你们要怎麽拎著几人份的啤酒,同时豪爽地拉出椅子呢?

    Holding a round of beer and pulling out a chair could also be out of the question .