
  • 网络stately homes;palace;Residence
  1. 他们将房子改造成一座豪华住宅。

    They 've transformed their house into a palace .

  2. adj.宽敞的,广阔的;无边无际的那座豪华住宅的房间很宽敞。

    spacious The rooms of the palace were spacious .

  3. 华人置业曾在上述地块推出名为斯卡拉(LaScala)的豪华住宅项目,与意大利米兰的一家歌剧院同名。

    Chinese Estates was building a luxury housing complex on the land called La Scala , named after the opera house in Milan , Italy .

  4. 四个月之后,这位女士觉得这座公寓离萨福克大学太远,就以290万美元卖出了这套房子,并在波士顿的后湾(BackBay)附近花240万美元购买了位于一个豪华住宅楼中的带有三个卧室的公寓。

    Four months later , she decided the apartment was too far away from Suffolk 's campus , so she sold the condo for $ 2.9 million and bought a three-bedroom apartment for $ 2.4 million in a luxury building in Boston 's Back Bay neighborhood .

  5. 尽管政府没有提供官方数据,但坊间充斥着内地亿万富豪用现金购买九龙站(KowloonStation)附近多套豪华住宅的传闻。对于那些频繁往返内地和香港之间的人而言,九龙站是个非常受欢迎的地段。

    While the government provides no official figures , anecdotes abound of mainland billionaires paying cash for multiple units in new luxury apartment blocks near Kowloon Station - a popular area for those who shuttle frequently across the border .

  6. 每个人都想留住那个家伙,因为我们认得出他是大陆人,经纪人RyanChan说道。Chan是在为附近的新豪华住宅项目帝峰皇殿(Hermitage)招揽客户。

    Everyone wants that guy because we can tell he is a mainlander , says Ryan Chan , one of the agents vying for customers for the Hermitage , a new luxury residential project situated nearby .

  7. 位于同一主体建筑的另一座高楼天玺(Cullinan)是一个豪华住宅项目,那里的两套豪华公寓分别售价3亿港元。

    In another tower in the same complex is the Cullinan , a luxury residential development where two penthouses are for sale for HK $ 300m each .

  8. 例证:李泽楷计划从香港固话通信公司电讯盈科(pccw)分拆出一家新的房地产公司,成为一家雄心勃勃、项目遍布亚太地区的豪华住宅开发商。

    Example : Richard Li is planning to turn a new property venture being spun off by his Hong Kong fixed-line telecommunications company , PCCW , into an ambitious luxury residential developer with projects throughout Asia - Pacific .

  9. 彼得袁预计,内地人士对超豪华住宅的需求将持续高涨。

    Yuen expects Chinese demand for super-luxury homes to remain buoyant .

  10. 豪华住宅目前在大连住宅市场中所占比例达到30%左右。

    It now makes up about 30 % of the residential market .

  11. 宅邸;豪华住宅他的家和我们可怜的小房子相比是座宫殿。

    palace His home is a palace compared with our poor little house .

  12. 而就在这附近还有其他大量的豪华住宅项目。

    There are plenty of other opulent developments nearby .

  13. 在香港,豪华住宅价格不断刷新纪录。

    In Hong Kong , luxury real estate prices keep climbing to the stratosphere .

  14. 近几年来,豪华住宅小区的数目激增

    The number of luxurious housing developments has sharply increased in the last several years

  15. 听你说得,简直和电视剧里的豪华住宅一模一样啊!

    Hearing this , it sounds just like a luxurious house from a soap opera .

  16. 这些共管公寓引领了一系列俯瞰中央公园的豪华住宅楼的开发。

    The condos also sparked development of a billionaires row of residential towers overlooking Central Park .

  17. 碰巧有一天,安东尼奥跟着爷爷一起来到伯爵的豪华住宅。

    It happened one day that Antonio went with his grandfather to the Count 's great house .

  18. 克鲁尼向来喜欢将自己在世界各处的豪华住宅借给友人用作特殊场合。

    Clooney is known for sharing his multiple luxury homes around the world with friends during special occasions .

  19. 该报告没有具体说明一座豪华住宅的成本或什么组成了一份普通工资。

    The report did not specify the cost of a luxury home or what constituted an ordinary wage .

  20. 在狂热的豪华住宅板块,上海房源的售价是北京的两倍。

    In the white-hot luxury residential sector , Shanghai prices are double those in Beijing , the capital .

  21. 不管是投资金融服务业还是投资豪华住宅,投资者需要的不仅仅是不存在日常腐败。

    Investors , whether in financial services or luxury homes , need more than the absence of everyday corruption .

  22. 中国的商业地产和豪华住宅已经供过于求,汽车产量也已经超过了需求水平。

    Commercial real estate projects and luxury residential buildings have been overbuilt , and automobile capacity has outrun demand .

  23. 该集团的资产包括港岛南部高级住宅区一栋24层楼的豪华住宅楼。

    The group 's assets include a 24-storey luxury residential tower on the exclusive south side of Hong Kong island .

  24. 豪华住宅楼天玺的两套顶层复式公寓是这一趋势最明显的迹象。

    Two penthouse units at a luxury condominium known as the Cullinan are the most significant sign of the trend .

  25. 博洛尼,为别墅与豪华住宅提供定制整体家居解决方案的高端生活方式品牌。

    Boloni , is a high-end lifestyle brand which provides customized and integrated home solution for luxurious villa and residential .

  26. 该报告没有具体说明一座豪华住宅的成本或什么组成了一份“普通工资”。

    The report did not specify the cost of a luxury home or what constituted an " ordinary wage . "

  27. 要住进纽约中央公园西的豪华住宅,年薪25万是远远不够的。

    Admitted to the New York Central Park west of luxury residential , the annual salary of250,000 is far from enough .

  28. 富人越来越富,越来越自信,他们最喜欢的事情莫过于购买豪华住宅了。

    The rich are getting richer and more confident , and there is nothing they like more than buying fancy homes .

  29. 一个在翠贝卡心脏远一点,五富兰克林广场是注定的豪华住宅的一个缩影。

    A bit further in the heart of Tribeca , Five Franklin Place is destined be the epitome of luxury residences .

  30. 在市中心一座豪华住宅工地里拍摄的一组照片,工人在危险环境作业。

    A luxury residential site in the city center where a group of photos taken , workers operating in hazardous environments .