
háo huá xínɡ
  • Luxury;deluxe model
  1. 另一方面,我也可能会买一台豪华型的。

    On the other hand , perhaps I 'll buy the deluxe model .

  2. 豪华型猎杀机器

    a deluxe model hunting and eating machine .

  3. 有豪华型的,但贵得很。

    There is a de luxe model available , but it 'll cost you .

  4. 这还没算上豪生酒店(HowardJohnson)呢,去年12月,拥有1360间客房的三亚豪生大酒店隆重开业,成了三亚豪华型酒店中的老大。

    That 's not to mention the Howard Johnson that became Sanya 's biggest deluxe hotel when it opened its1,360 rooms in December .

  5. 我公司提供的主要电梯部件有:控制柜、主机、LED吊顶、对讲机、操作面板及特殊(豪华型)的轿厢的设计和制造。

    The main elevator parts which we can provide are below : Controller , Gearless machine , LED ceiling , interphone COP ; and the designing and manufacturing for some special ( luxury type ) cabin .

  6. 宝马选择不在车展上展示之诺车型。与此相反,该公司在车展上高调展示了豪华型i3电动汽车。

    BMW chose not to display the Zinoro at the show , instead highlighting its premium i3 electric car .

  7. 大型客车市场中豪华型客车增速将放缓,普通型城市公交客车将成为大型客车主导产品;中型客车市场中车长为7m~9m的中高档中型客车将热销。

    The luxurious buses in large bus market shall slow their growth speed , the popular city public buses shall become a main product in large bus market , the medium buses with 7m-9m length in medium and high grades in medium bus market shall be in better sales .

  8. 新环境下豪华型客车经济寿命

    The Economical Life of Luxurious Bus in the New Circumstances

  9. 豪华型喷雾器

    Luxury Aerosol Products A New Type of Extinguisher & PGAS

  10. 豪华型的价钱要贵得多。

    The de luxe model costs a lot more .

  11. 伊万尼克称之为“侧翼战略”,用以区分购买豪华型轿车的顾客群。

    Ewanick calls it a " flanking " strategy that differentiates luxury buyers .

  12. 好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?

    Ok . Luxury , mid-size or compact ?

  13. 我们所做的一切只是为通用公司的豪华型汽车培养未来的买主。

    All we were doing was growing future customers for GM 's Luxury cars .

  14. 我们特别向您推荐豪华型果汁机,相信在您的市场上将可畅销。

    We particularly recommend the deluxe type which will sell well in your market .

  15. 豪华型控制装置的标准配置还包括自动变换器。

    Duplex controllers feature automatic alternation as standard .

  16. 课题为满足嘉陵集团新产品开发的需要对大排量豪华型摩托车前后悬挂系统进行开发。

    This topic satisfies the need of the JiaLing group to new product development .

  17. 如果你要大车,我建议你买那部豪华型的。

    I suggest you buy a luxury-size car if you need a large car .

  18. 坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。

    The luxury model gives a smoother ride .

  19. 豪华型悬挂式全透明玻璃楼梯空间结构的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Suspended Space Structure of Fully Transparent Glass Stairs for Luxurious Hotel

  20. 豪华型钢瓦冲压成形

    Forming processes of steel tile

  21. 噢,唔,这样的话,我可能会买一台豪华型的。

    B : Oh . Well , in that case , I 'll probably buy the deluxe model .

  22. 如丝般柔软和轻盈,我们豪华型马海毛毛毯是您最渴求的享受。

    Silky soft and gossamer light , you 'll enjoy the perfect luxury of our pure mohair pile .

  23. 许多市议会议员反对在市中心建造豪华型住宅。

    Many members of the council opposed the building of the luxury houses in the centre of the city .

  24. 加长车型越来越受到中国消费者的青睐,就连一些强调运动性的豪华型中级车也不例外。

    The Long Wheelbase Version of cars get more popular in China , and that also includes the SUV .

  25. 该机是本公司新款的豪华型凹版印刷机,设计新颖、造型美观、经济实惠。

    The intaglio printing machine is our new luxurious machine with design novelty , attractive appearance and economic price designed .

  26. 然而这样的业绩主要取决于大众旗下豪华型的新生力量-奥迪。一辆防弹大型豪华轿车

    Yet this performance is largely due to Audi , the burgeoning luxury wing of the VW group . a bulletproof limousine

  27. 但豪华型汽车的中期增长势头预计仍将保持强劲,因为几乎没有零售分析师认为政府的节俭运动将产生长期影响。

    But medium-term growth in the luxury sector is expected to remain strong as few retail analysts are predicting permanent impact from the austerity campaign .

  28. 本文介绍了豪华型旅游船装饰设计、及公共处所独特的天花板造型设计。

    The paper presents the decoration design of this cruise liner and the unique modelling design of the ceilings of the public spaces of the liner .

  29. 实际上,在每一种车型及每一种类型的汽车上都可以找到该公司的产品,无论是小轿车还是豪华型车,也无论是卡车还是运动休闲车。

    The Companys products can be found on virtually every vehicle make and in every vehicle segment , from compact cars to luxury vehicles to trucks and SUVs .

  30. 可升级机型,可根据需要选配AL410+AR410型导轨式滑道,豪华型配置双机械手来轻松拆装轮胎。

    This model can upgrade , the luxury helper AL410 + AR410 with rail-style slideway are optional according to customer 's demand , can make the operation easy .