
yǔ yán yùn yònɡ
  • performance;linguistic performance
  1. 语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的体现。

    Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication .

  2. 语言运用的功能域

    Functional Field of Performance G Language

  3. 语用学是研究语言运用及其规律的学科。

    Pragmatics is the study of language usage and its rules .

  4. 阅读成为语言运用中最频繁的活动。

    Reading is the frequent activity in language application every day .

  5. 护理过程中健康教育的时机选择和语言运用

    Timing of Health Education during Nursing Procedure and Relevant Wording Skills

  6. 作为言语成品的文学作品和以研究语言运用(言语)的修辞学之间存在着一种紧密的内在联系。

    There is a close relationship between literary works and the Rhetoric .

  7. 商务英语是英语语言运用技能和国际商务知识互相融合的一门综合性课程。

    Business English is an integrity of English skills and business knowledge .

  8. 《周易》的语言运用理论

    Theory of language usage in the book " Yijing "

  9. 教师教学幽默语言运用的技巧与作用

    The skills and effects of humorous language in teaching practice

  10. 比况短语是短语结构类型中的一种,在日常生活的实际语言运用中使用频率很高。

    Comparison phrase is one type of the phrase structures .

  11. 第4章分析了商务谈判中的语言运用。

    Chapter 4 deals solely with oral business discourse .

  12. 论司法机关法律文书中的语言运用

    On Language Application of Legal Documents in Judicial Agencies

  13. 语言运用上则给读者带来浓烈的审美体验。

    It also brings readers strong aesthetic experience in the use of language .

  14. 此外,文化还是制约语言运用的决定因素。

    Culture is the decisive element in language-using .

  15. 语文教学中提问语言运用探微

    On Application of Questioning Language in Chinese Teaching

  16. 法律文书语言运用简论

    Brief Discussion on Linguistic Usage in Legal Documents

  17. 英汉颜色词在语言运用中的文化差异

    Chinese and English Cultural Differences of Color Words in the Course of Language Application

  18. 概念的限制在动态的语言运用中有多种方式。

    The limitation of the concept has various ways in the dynamic application of language .

  19. 语言运用中的性别歧视研究

    Sexual Discrimination Tendency Reflected From Language Uses

  20. 语言运用上主张文备众体,并着意于语言的省净、简洁与平淡。

    The language is brief and plain .

  21. 认识自我,建立自信,促进学生综合语言运用能力的全面发展。

    It also emphasizes accelerating the full development of the students'ability of using synthetic language .

  22. 语法在语言运用能力中的地位

    The Role of Grammar in Language Proficiency

  23. 他们上课,练习,把一门新的语言运用到实际中。

    They are taught , able to practice and put their new language into use .

  24. 论语言运用与语言获得

    On language competence and language acquisition

  25. 浅谈语言运用能力的培养

    The Cultivation of Language Using Competence

  26. 语篇结构从根本上来说是文化思维方式在语言运用过程中长期影响的结果。

    Differences of thinking modes bring about various features of textual structure in English and Chinese .

  27. 学习目的与语言运用

    Learning Purpose and Language Use

  28. 游戏是一项富含语言运用并受孩子欢迎的活动。

    Play is a rich activity with opportunities to use language and is very popular with children .

  29. 尽管他们在语言运用上有很多相似性,但由于社会背景以及生存年代的差异性,两人不同的表现风格还是显而易见的。

    Though there are similarities between their use of language , the differences in style are obvious .

  30. 这是具有历史意义和现实意义的。该剧在语言运用和象征、讽刺性模拟手法的运用方面独具特色。

    The play was featured for its language use and mimic writing style of symbolism and sarcasm .