
yǔ yán biàn tǐ
  • language variety;variety of language
  1. 天津方言作为汉语的一个语言变体,在近几十年发生了不少变化。

    Tianjin dialect , a language variety of Chinese , has also experienced changes in the past decades .

  2. 作为一种独特的语言变体,英语演说辞在西方国家占有重要的地位。

    As a kind of unique language variety , English public speech is extremely important in the western world .

  3. 语码转换(CodeSwitching)是指在同一次对话或交谈中使用两种甚至更多的语言变体。

    Code switching means two or more language varieties are used in one conversation .

  4. 如前所述,WebSphereServiceRegistryandRepository提供了一种为类别分类的相关部分指定替代语言变体的机制。

    As explained earlier , WebSphere Service Registry and Repository provides a mechanism for specifying alternate language variants for relevant parts of a classification taxonomy .

  5. 书面语中语言变体的个人识别

    Personal Language-Using Style Recognition of Language Changing in Formal Writing Language

  6. 简析西班牙语翻译的语言变体

    On the Language Variance in Translation between Spanish and Chinese

  7. 很多专家相信两种语言变体正在越来越接近。

    Some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together .

  8. 它揭示了不同情景语言变体的总体原则。

    It reveals the general principles of language under different situational contexts .

  9. 俄语讲演体是介于日常口语与书面语之间的一种语言变体。

    Lecture language is a language variety between written language and oral language .

  10. 第一章综述各种亚洲非本族英语语言变体。

    The first chapter presents an overview of English varieties developed in Asia .

  11. 社会群体中的语言变体:方言(英文)

    Language variation among Social Groups : Dialects ;

  12. 从新加坡英语看低位语言变体的社会作用

    Singlish : Role of Basilect in Society

  13. 港式中文与语言变体

    " Hongkong Chinese " and Language Variations

  14. 论语言变体和语用失误之间的互相影响

    Interaction between Language Variability and Pragmatic Failure

  15. 黑人方言是在种族压迫和文化霸权统治下产生的特殊的语言变体。

    Black dialect is a special language variation under the racial oppression and culture hegemony .

  16. 语言变体框架中的语域

    Register in the Framework of Language Varieties

  17. 语域概念起源于应用语言学的语言变体概念。

    The concept of register comes from the larger concept of language variation in applied linguistics .

  18. 然而,词典学界已经越来越关注语言变体的语法差异了。

    Nevertheless , Lexicography is increasingly paying attention to the grammatical differences between BrE and AmE .

  19. 试图从中找到两种语言变体中隐喻的共同特征和差别,并探讨了存在这些共同点和产生差别的原因。

    The author tries to find the common features and differences , and explores their reasons .

  20. 一个人的语言变体的改变意味着社会文化身份的改变和社会价值观念的改变。

    The change of the anamorphosis means the change of social culture status and social value .

  21. 语言变体与社会语境&兼谈对外语教学的启示

    Linguistic Variety and Social Context

  22. 此外,新加坡商务英语也可以通过与美国商务英语或其他国别的语言变体进行比较研究,这也是本课题以后开展进一步深入研究的领域。

    Further studies can be conducted in the comparison between Singapore Business English and other English varieties .

  23. 研究者们根据各自研究的需要,建立了许多体现各种语域和语言变体的专门语料库。

    The researchers have established many specialized corpora in terms of register and language variety to achieve their purposes .

  24. 社论作为新闻报道的一种语言变体,长期以来被视为话语分析的重要语料来源。

    Editorials as a sub-variant of news reporting discourse have been regarded as an important language resource for discourse study .

  25. 此后,他把这些语言变体进行分类并提出了低度、中度和重度三个等级的民族中心主义。

    Then , he categorized these linguistic variations and created three scales of ethnocentrism & low , moderate , high .

  26. 任何语篇都产生于特定的情景语境,所以语境的交际维度实际研究的是语境中不同的语言变体。

    Any text emerges in a certain situation of context . People use different variations of language in different communicative situations .

  27. 语码转换,是指人们在一次性对话或交谈中同时使用了两种或更多的语言变体。

    Code switching refers to the simultaneous utilization of two or more language varieties in one and the same conversation event .

  28. 中国网络皮钦语是一种特殊的语言变体,在文体上具有自身的一些特色。

    Chinese Cyber-pidgin is one of the special kinds of language variation ; it has its own features in literary style .

  29. 网络流行语是一种极富时代感、创意与表现力的新型语言变体,也是社会语言学所关注的全新研究课题。

    Internet catchwords are featured as a newly developing language variation , which have appealing for creativity , originality and expressiveness .

  30. 作为网络语言变体的手机短信语言的显性多样表现和隐性本质存在

    The Explicit Various Manifestation and the Implicit Essential Existence of the Language of Mobile Short Massage as the Variety of Internet Language