
  • 网络image color
  1. 略谈词语的形象色彩

    Image Color of Terms

  2. 从形象色彩分析,除ABAB式以外的形容词重叠式通过重叠强化事物的某种性状,加强描写性和状态性,从而使得表达更加形象生动。

    As for image coloring , all adjective reduplications but ABAB pattern can make expressions more vivid by emphasizing on items'characteristics and strengthening its description and state .

  3. 词语的形象色彩与词汇教学

    Effect of Vocabulary 's Image Colouring on Vocabulary Teaching

  4. 词的形象色彩和有形象色彩的词

    Image colour of words and words with image colour

  5. 北京奥运会形象景观色彩的设计与应用

    Application and Design of the Color in Beijing Olympic Game 's Image and Landscape

  6. 插画的语言是通过形象、色彩和它们之间的组合关系来表达特定的含义的。

    In the language through images , and a combination of the relationship between them to express a particular meaning .

  7. 让人们对你有所了解,比如为你的专业形象添加色彩和深度的一些个人细节。

    Let people know a little about you ; a few personal details add color and depth to your professional image .

  8. 绘画中主要形象的色彩和布局有时主要是由表现或象征的因素决定的。

    The colours and placing of the principal images in a design may be sometimes largely decided by representational and symbolic considerations .

  9. 数字信息资源中,数字图像资源因其直观形象、色彩丰富、易理解、不受语言限制等优势,获得了人们青睐。

    In a variety of digital information resources , digital image resources are welcomed , because of its intuitive image , rich in color , easy to understand , without language restrictions and other advantages .

  10. 展示设计是以空间与形态设计、视觉形象、色彩、照明、声响与演示为手段,以传达信息或宣扬某种观念为目的的一种空间传播形式.它有着鲜明的艺术特质;

    Displaying design , as a way of space communication , conveys information or disseminates some ideas by means of space and form design , visual images , color , illumination , sound and demonstration .

  11. 它以中国画为神,充分发挥针法的表现力,达到构图严谨,形象逼真,色彩鲜明,质感强烈,形神兼备的艺术境界。

    Absorbing the spirit of Chinese paintings , the embroidery reaches a high artistic level .

  12. 最后,是两个世界碰撞下女性形象的悖论色彩。

    Finally , is the " paradox of the two world " collision feminine image .

  13. 这些习语含有丰富的文化内涵,使得人类的语言形象生动,色彩丰富。

    The idiom is rich in cultural meanings , which makes human language vivid and colorful .

  14. 图像类型齐全,图文并茂,其中景观素描图数量较多,形象逼真,色彩鲜艳,示意图设计新颖、别具特色。

    The " " has many scenic sketches of various types with vivid image , bright color and novel design .

  15. 潍坊风筝是历史悠久的一种民间工艺,以造型精致、形象逼真、色彩艳丽、具有浓郁的乡土气息而著称于世。

    The kite in Weifang is a folk craftwork with a long history , which is well-known for its exquisite design , vivid image , voluptuous color and enriched native breath .

  16. 即利用形象直观、色彩适宜的各种视听感知信息来组织现场安全生产活动,推动自主管理、实现自我控制。

    Namely using intuitive image , color , suitable for all kinds of audio-visual sensory information to organize the scene safety in production activities , to promote autonomous management , self control .

  17. 色彩是自然美的中介,更是视觉艺术天然的原料,一切视觉艺术的语言必须由色彩来表达,一切视觉艺术形象必须通过色彩来创造。

    The colour is a nature beautiful lying inside , also sense of vision art a language for o raw material , sense of vision art must from colour to express , the sense of vision art image must pass the colour to create .

  18. 打造和美化城市形象,城市色彩的整体规划成为我国各个城市规划的最为重要的内容之一,各个城市建设者开始通过各种政策措施对城市进行城市的品质的提升。

    To build and beautify the city image , the color of the overall planning of urban cities in China to become the most important elements of planning , one of the cities through various policy measures builders started the city to improve the quality of the city .

  19. 俄汉动物形象的社会文化色彩

    The Social Culture Color of Animal Image Between Russian and Chinese

  20. 产品形象以及产品的色彩形象在市场表现中都呈现一定的规律性。

    The embodiment of the image and the color DNA is regular .

  21. 我们追求生动的形象及鲜明的色彩。

    We seek for lively image and vivid color .

  22. 义位附属义方面,不同方言相对应的义位在情态义、形象义、外来色彩等方面存在着差异。

    The corresponding glosseme in different dialects has difference ineffective meaning , image-bearing meaning , etc.

  23. 它语言生动、人物形象鲜活、民俗色彩独具特色,在中外享有盛名。

    It is famous all over the world due to its vivid language , lively characters and distinctive folk custom .

  24. 具体分析了田中一光能剧招贴设计符号,是由能剧中的形象、方格、色彩、虚实组成了田中一光特有的设计符号。

    Specific analysis of theTanaka " Noh " poster design symbol , is by no in the image , grid , color , and form Tanaka unique design symbol .

  25. 房梁雕饰别具一格,大致利用谐音造型和形象寓意手法,色彩则多以红色、赭石、黄色为主,给人以富贵堂皇之感,其高雅精美,堪称民居建筑的奇观。

    Unique carved beams generally use homophonic style and image of the moral approach . The color is mostly red , ocher yellow which gives a feeling of wealth and state .

  26. 服务型法术僧人形象,缺乏佛教色彩;斗法型法术僧人形象,只是佛教与中国本土文化矛盾斗争中失败的象征。

    The image of service type magic monks lacks Buddhist colour , and the image of monks who match magic powers merely symbolizes the defeat of Buddhism in its competition with Chinese traditional culture .

  27. 本书编绘时采用生动的形象、艳的色彩、美的音乐,易学易记,让幼儿喜爱,会受到小读者的欢迎。

    This book adopts vivid image , bright-colored color , beautiful music while compiling , easy to study easy to write , let the infant like , will be well received by little reader .

  28. 主要结论如下:第一,在产品设计中,视觉形式语言是一种无声的语言,是传达情感、理念和信息的形象、图形、色彩等因素所构成的视觉样式。

    The main conclusions are as follows : First , visual formal languages are kinds of voiceless languages in product design . They can communicate emotions , ideas and information by visual patterns composed of images , shapes and colors .

  29. 列斯科夫许多作品中的正面人物形象都具有悲剧色彩,但是《姆岑斯科县的麦克白夫人》是上述观点的集中体现,作家以细腻的笔触逐步揭示了小说主要人物的悲剧及其产生的根源。

    In many of his novels the positive figure has the tragedy color , but Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk is concentration of Leskov 's concept about national drama , there the writer explained the tragedy of leading figure and its tragic source .

  30. 本文从意象油画的概念出发,通过分析中国传统绘画语言的特点的同时,阐述中国当代意象油画艺术语言在形象、笔法、色彩等方面的艺术内涵。

    This concept of oil painting from the image by analyzing the characteristics of traditional Chinese painting at the same time , describes the language of Chinese contemporary oil painting art images in the image , brushwork , color and other aspects of artistic content .