
cí wěi
  • ending;suffix
词尾 [cí wěi]
  • [suffix] 构词成分之一,加在词的最后,表示某些附加意义或语法意义,如躺着的着、同胞们的们

词尾[cí wěi]
  1. 本文叙述了CDWS的设计思想,并提出了词尾字构词检错技术及若干有效的纠错知识。

    The article introduces the design thought of CDWS and proposes the checking error technique of suffix character word-building and some effective correcting knowledge .

  2. 关于鄂温克语以派生词尾元音音位为中心的形态语音结构类型

    On the Formal Phonetic Type Centered with Derivational Suffix Vowel Phoneme in Ewenki

  3. 有一年冬天,雨水和夹雪骤雨,出于兴之所至,把第一个词词尾的S和第三个词前面的G抹去了

    One winter , the rain-storms and the showers had taken a fancy to obliterate the S which terminated the first word , and the G which began the third ; this is what remained

  4. 直链的、有一个叁键的烃可通过将其相应烷烃名字的词尾–ane改换为-yne而得。

    Unbranched hydrocarbons having one triple bond are named by replacing the ending-ane of the alkane name with-yne .

  5. 事情的真相是,倒霉的Quayle那天手上拿的拼写卡,本身就是印刷错误的词尾多加了个e,尽管这张卡事先被检查过(不知检查的人是干什么吃的)。

    The truth of the matter is , the spelling card Quayle held , and was assured had been checked , was wrong , adding an e to the end of the word .

  6. 其他常见的、让人不爽的说话声音还包括“升调”(uptalk,像说疑问句一样说陈述句)和“煎噪子”(vocalfry,词尾带上刺耳的低吼声)。

    Other common vocal irritants include ' uptalk ' -- pronouncing statements as if they were questions -- and ' vocal fry ' -- ending words in a raspy growl .

  7. 纽约金融业高管杰拉德•维格努利(GerardVignuli)说,他之所以向拉茨求教,是因为他知道自己说话太快、吞掉了词尾,并且常常使用“比如说”(like)之类的停顿词来给自己思考的时间。

    New York financial executive Gerard Vignuli consulted Ms. Latz because he knew he spoke too fast , clipped the ends of words and often used filler words such as ' like ' to give himself time to think , he says . '

  8. 事情的真相是,倒霉的Quayle那天手上拿的拼写卡,本身就是印刷错误的——词尾多加了个“e”,尽管这张卡事先被检查过(不知检查的人是干什么吃的……)。

    The truth of the matter is , the spelling card Quayle held , and was assured had been checked , was wrong , adding an " e " to the end of the word .

  9. “meme衍生于一个表示”“模仿”“的希腊语词尾。它描述思想如何模仿基因的习性,从大脑转变到大脑,而不是从躯体遗传到躯体。”

    " Derived from a Greek root meaning "" to imitate ,"" meme describes how ideas mimic the behavior of genes , propagating not from body to body but by leaping from brain to brain . "

  10. 在词尾加s构成名词的复数。

    Form the plural of a noun by adding ` s '

  11. 在古代汉语词尾研究中,助词、词尾、词缀概念混淆。

    There was no concept of termination in ancient Chinese .

  12. 本研究的实验音段为英语词尾单一爆破音。

    The target sound segments are English singleton coda stops .

  13. 英语词尾辅音字母双写规则的表述

    Investigating the Rules Governing the Double Spelling of Consonant Letters

  14. 英汉两种语言中语素、词缀、词尾的比较

    The Comparison of Morpheme , Affix and Grammatical Ending in English and Chinese

  15. 变化字尾通过词尾变化改变(一词)

    To alter ( a word ) by inflection .

  16. 论赫哲语的钝音加se/te词尾

    On the Suffixes of Grave Phonemes se / te in the Hezhen Language

  17. 这些词的词尾都要读清楚。

    Read the endings of all these words distinctly .

  18. 临漳方言的名词词尾的

    On de of the noun suffix in Linzhang dialect

  19. 名词:名词的发展主要表现在词头词尾上。

    Noun The development of noun is mainly epitomized on prefix and suffix .

  20. 词尾辅音的情况则要更复杂一些。

    In the case of ending consonant , the situation becomes more complicated .

  21. 英语动词靠词尾发生变化。

    In English , the verb inflects by endings .

  22. 后缀或者是文法上的词尾变化,或者是表示各种词类的词尾。

    Suffixes are either grammatical inflexions or endings indicative of various parts of speech .

  23. 这个词的单数词尾是怎样的?

    What is the ending in the singular ?

  24. 现代汉语儿出现于词尾的功能主要是两种,一是表示语音音变功能,二是表示构词语素功能。

    Er has two functions at termination which denote phonic changes and compound morphemes .

  25. 词尾&ase表示酶。

    The-ase ending is used to designate enzymes .

  26. 韩语是通过动词词尾的形态变化表示被动意义。

    Korean passive meaning is expressed by the morphological changes of the verb suffix .

  27. 如果我们在词尾加一个后缀,可以得到一个新词。

    We can get a new word if we add a suffix after it .

  28. 英语大多数动词过去式词尾均变化为-ed的形式。

    Most English verbs are inflected with ` - ed ' in the past tense .

  29. 哈萨克语领属性人称词尾表达的语法意义

    Suffix Shown in The Kazak 's Language

  30. 保定方言中词尾儿的表现差异及其相关变体

    Suffix " Er " s ' Showing Difference and Its Relevant Variant in Baoding Dialect