
  • 网络litigation risk
  1. 您还可以通过这种方式降低组织的诉讼风险。

    And you can reduce litigation risk for your organization .

  2. 国外学者研究发现,过高的诉讼风险将会导致审计师的变更。

    Foreign researchers found that excessive litigation risk will lead the change of auditors .

  3. 含外资股公司股权分置改革诉讼风险分析

    Litigation Risks of Listed Joint - ventures in Course of Non-tradable Share Reform

  4. 首先,阿里巴巴将面临投资者诉讼风险。

    First , the risks of investor lawsuits loom .

  5. 文中还专门论述了中国企业在海外上市遭遇的诉讼风险等,并对其原因进行了分析。

    The risk of litigation faced by the oversea-listed companies is discussed in special .

  6. 本文主要是从狭义的角度来讨论审计师辞聘问题,即诉讼风险引起的审计师辞聘。

    The thesis mainly discusses auditor resignations from the narrow sense , which is caused by litigation risk .

  7. 论诉讼风险起点审计

    Auditing in Lawsuit Risks

  8. 如此一来,公司就会面临更大的产品责任诉讼风险,这对创新和生长控制都是一种打击。

    That means companies face a higher risk of product-liability suits , which could discourage innovation and restrain growth .

  9. 作为一种诉讼风险的社会转化方式,诉讼保险制度在西方产生了积极的社会意义。

    As a social transfer of litigation risks , litigation insurance has demonstrated its social significance in western countries .

  10. 随着市场经济的完善,审计报告的影响越来越大,审计人员将面临着较高的诉讼风险。

    With market economic more perfect and influential area of audit report more large , lawsuit risk confronted by auditors is increasing .

  11. 辩诉交易制度的基本机能在于规避诉讼风险,同时也有助于提高诉讼效率。

    The basic principle of the system of plea bargaining lies in eluding the ventures of action and contributing to improving the action efficiency .

  12. 当事人民事诉讼风险贯穿于整个民事诉讼过程之中,与民事诉讼中的各个基本要素有着密切的联系,并受到它们的影响。

    Civil litigation risks of parties exist in the whole process of litigation , and is closely linked to basic elements of a civil litigation .

  13. 一位欧盟官员不认为诉讼风险会产生很大影响,但承认公司会因担心遭到起诉而努力达标。

    An EU official played down the risk of lawsuits but acknowledged that companies ' fear of litigation would be an incentive to meet the target .

  14. 20世纪90年代开始,我国民间审计行业面临的法律诉讼风险越来越高,已经引起了有关方面的广为关注。

    Since the 1990s , China 's civil auditing has been facing more and more law suits , which has drawn extensive attention of all sides concerned .

  15. 切尔卡斯基指出,在中国,尽管诉讼风险并不常见,但恶劣天气、地震、流行病和大规模意外事件仍是中国国内严重的风险因素。

    While lawsuits in China are uncommon , Mr Cherkasky pointed out that dangerous weather , earthquakes , disease epidemics and large-scale accidents remain serious risk factors within the country .

  16. 后者主要指上市公司考虑到公司形象、与投资者之间的关系并避免诉讼风险等方面原因做出的主动信息披露。

    The later is an actively disclosure of listed company by considering many facts , such as corporate image , the relationship between companies and investors , litigation risk avoiding .

  17. 藉由实证资料分析,发现目前我国D&O保险需求的最主要的购买原因是为了降低诉讼风险,其次是为了促进公司成长与留住高级主管。

    Based on the empirical analysis , it is found that the primary reasons for D & O insurance are to reduce litigation risk , promote growth and maintain the executives .

  18. 说明为了规避盈利管理所带来的潜在诉讼风险,审计师会坚持采用降低公司盈利水平的会计政策和处理方法,这是导致审计师变更的重要原因。

    So , for eluding the latent litigation risk by earnings management , the incumbent auditor can prefer conservative accounting choices , this is the important reason to cause auditor change .

  19. “我们去年已经停止许多大案要案并且我们依然坚决的实行所有我们能减少我们的诉讼风险的事,”他说。

    " We have closed out a number of major cases over the last year and we remain determined to do all we can to reduce our litigation risk ," he said .

  20. 另一方面,注册会计师在出具审计意见时也不得不权衡审计风险,尤其是管制风险和诉讼风险,因为一家客户的审计失败有时足以给其前途以毁灭性的打击。

    For another , CPA has to balance the audit risks especially for litigation risk when issuing audit report , because the failure to an audit client may be a crushing below at the CPA .

  21. 在企业经营全球化和我国法律环境趋势下,董监事面临诉讼风险日渐升高,公司可藉由投保董监责任险分散其财务与法律风险。

    Problem : In the world of today 's business , there is a trend for investors not only to base their decisions whether to invest in a company on the basis of its financial results .

  22. 从以上实证结果中可以看出:注册会计师在审计定价时确实考虑了诉讼风险因素,风险补偿在实践中确实存在,但是并非所有的风险因素都包括在内。

    From the empirical results above it sees that , The CPA really consider the litigation risk factors when pricing , risk compensation does exist in practice , but not all the risk factors are included .

  23. 知识经济下,众多专利相互交叉的专利丛状况以及由此产生的新技术专利产业推行中的侵权诉讼风险的不确定性使得专利池许可和专利权交叉许可模式有其存在的必要性。

    The crossing-license and patent pool are necessary in the knowledge-based economy century for the situation of the patents thicket and the uncertainty for infringement on other patents when a new technology patent is used for production .

  24. 从会计专业法律教育、注册会计师考试制度改革、事务所人员结构三个方面提出了会计师事务所规避潜在诉讼风险的建议。

    It proposes suggestions to avoid the potential risks of lawsuit by illustrating the importance of law education of accounting majors , the reform of registered accountants ' examination system and the personnel structure of law affairs office .

  25. 后者主要包括:非理性的老股东理论,即期望理论;理性的投资银行理论,即避免诉讼风险理论;非理性的投资者理论,即信息瀑布理论与泡沫驱使理论。

    The latter includes a theory concerning irrational pre-issue shareholders , the prospect theory ; a theory concerning rational investment banks , the lawsuit avoidance theory ; and theories concerning irrational investors , namely the information cascade model and the fads driven theory .

  26. 制度基础审计在管理层舞弊方面的缺陷与注册会计师法律诉讼风险的不断加大,决定了这种审计模式日益不符合需要,因此有必要引入风险导向审计。

    The faults of system-based auditing in management 's embezzlements and the increasing risk of the lawsuits on the CPAs determined that this kind of auditing mode does not accord with needing day by day , so it is necessary to introduce the risk-oriented auditing .

  27. 从以下几方面分析本案引发的思考:一是以他人名义购买不动产所面临的诉讼风险,由于以他人名义购买不动产存在较大诉讼风险,应谨慎以他人名义购置不动产。

    Analysis the ponderation of the case as follows : First , purchase real estate on behalf of another person should face the risk of litigation : from the perspective of litigation risk , should be careful to purchase real estate on behalf of others .

  28. 该公司首席执行官欧德宁(paulotellini)还表示,英特尔同意支付大笔款项是为了减少法庭诉讼的风险(法庭诉讼可能会导致金额大得多的判决),并称英特尔坚持认为自己没有任何不当行为。

    Paul Otellini , chief executive , also said it had agreed to the massive payment to reduce the risk of the court case , which might have led to a much bigger judgment , and said that Intel maintained it had done nothing wrong .

  29. 国家建设项目审计引起法律诉讼的风险及其控制

    Risks of the Law Litigation Brought about by National Investment Audit and Their Controlling

  30. 对于部分应收账款,为了防止第三债务人的地位受到实质性削弱及使其避免处于多头诉讼的风险中,对其融资的效力在实体和程序上都要作出一定限制。

    Although the parts of accounts receivable are allowed to be used to finance , its effects should be limited in order to prevent the third debtors ' benefit from materially being undermined .