- action for confirmation

Submitted invalid lawsuit , revocable lawsuit and nonexistent lawsuit .
Research on Suit of Declaration
Research on the Civil Suit
On The Negative Confirmation Suits
It is more accommodating to China 's context to adopt the declaratory judgment than the rule of the public figure .
In the divorce case involved the right of dwelling and rent of public housing , there is another case of affirmance of the right of dwelling and rent of public housing .
Court confirmed lawsuit should weigh the " the plaintiff to protect its legal status for prosecution of necessary " and " the defendant in litigation rights ", the defense on fair measure both parties interest .
To implement these principles , when we improve implementation of objection procedure , we should firstly establish v. objection system ; secondly introduce the right combination of independent confirmation ; thirdly improve the distribution of responsibilities in the implementation of the objection .
From the view of functionism , subjective lawsuit and objective lawsuit , remedy lawsuit and prevent lawsuit , shaped lawsuit , present lawsuit and affirm lawsuit , named lawsuit and anonymity lawsuit constitute the basic mode the type of the administration lawsuit in the world .
With the concurrence of right to petition and the emergence of interpleader cause and action of formation , the relationship between right to petition and object of litigation became complicated , and thus in different theories , the status of right to petition is different .
A paternity suit is a typical case of identity relation , and most countries establish legislatively it as an independent cause of action .
Research on Affirmation of no Tort
The defendant can countersuit in the affirmation of no tort which can be judged together with infringement suit .
Then , it gives its definition of this kind of suit and analyzes the difference compared to tort lawsuit .
Out of this point , this thesis demonstrates the paternity suit should be an independent cause of action in China .
Owing to its position of assistance succour method , we should appropriate to limit the exercise of the right of action .
The practise circle has reached a consensus in the conditions of admissibility , this paper focus on confirming non-infringement of trade secrets .
Right of inheritance , judicial proceedings filed request is usually not recognized or the formation of the complaint but the payment claim .
Chapter six introduces the patent infringement judgment principles , parallel import principle , definition of non-infringement and indirect patent infringement principles among other tacit principles formed through long periods of judicial practice .
In the points of view of intellectual property , intellectual economy and litigation interest , the thesis analyzes the legal basis and value of non-infringement action of intellectual property and points out the reasons and necessity of its being confirmed .
In brief , through discussion in the above questions regarding the declaratory judgment of non-infringement action of intellectual property , this essay tries to , to some extent , make contribution to Chinese juridical practice , legislation , and jurisprudence .
Regardless of the past , present , and future legal relation and legal basic facts , as long as the appeal with the interests of the interests of confirmation , namely the plaintiff " legal basis by the laws of that decision on interest ", allowing mention confirmed lawsuit .