
fěnɡ cì xiǎo pǐn
  • Satirical sketch;satirical essay
  1. 他推出一个讽刺小品,让乌比·哥德堡(WhoopiGoldberg)和其他人拼命挤进那些只为白人预留的角色中去。

    He introduced a skit that had Whoopi Goldberg and others trying to edge their way into acting roles reserved for whites .

  2. 这并不是讽刺小品,这是事实。

    That 's not even a sarcastic quip , it 's the truth .

  3. 海伍德在最近的一篇讽刺小品里讽刺了那些为慈善事业工作的时髦女郎。

    In his most recent satirical sketch Heywood sent up fashionable young women who worked for charitable causes .

  4. 同时,《谗书》在艺术上也独具特色,其主题尖锐严肃、形式灵活多样、篇幅短小精悍,将讽刺小品的艺术推向了成熟之境。

    At the same time , A Collection of Slander was one of the most characteristic works in the arts which gave an impetus to the maturity of satires with profound theme , flexible forms and short length .