
  • 网络satires;satiric novel;sarcastic novel
  1. 《儒林外史》作为一部近代讽刺小说在语言上有其自身的特色。

    As a modem sarcastic novel , Unofficial History of The scholars is characterized by its speech .

  2. 第四章魔幻化讽刺小说语汇的功用。

    Focuses on the functions of vocabulary in magic satires .

  3. 该片改编自帕特里克·德威特的讽刺小说,由德威特亲自担任编剧。在这部离奇又心酸的喜剧电影中,菲佛饰演了丧偶的纽约社交名媛弗朗西斯。

    In this quirky but poignant12 comedy , adapted by Patrick DeWitt from his own satirical novel , Pfeiffer plays Frances , a widowed New York socialite .

  4. 《掌舵的男人》(ManAtTheHelm),妮娜·斯提布(NinaStibbe)著(Little,Brwon出版社,25美元)。这是一本快活的英国社会讽刺小说,两姊妹努力让她们离婚的母亲结婚。

    By Nina Stibbe . ( Little , Brown , $ 25 . ) Two sisters try to marry off their divorced mother in this jaunty British social satire .

  5. 《脱销》(TheSellout),保罗·比蒂(PaulBeatty)著(Farrar,Straus&Giroux出版社,26美元)。比蒂的讽刺小说用一种强有力而亵渎神圣的风格讲述私人笑话与黑暗的秘密,但并不是逃避主义。

    THE SELLOUT . By Paul Beatty . ( Farrar , Straus & Giroux , $ 26 . ) Beatty 's satire breaks open the private jokes and secrets of blackness in a way that feels powerful and profane but not escapist .

  6. 张天翼的讽刺小说显示了特独的艺术个性。

    Zhang Tianyi 's novels exhibit his unique satirical art style .

  7. 爱伦·坡幽默讽刺小说创作成因探析

    An Analysis of Poe 's Writing Motive for His Satirical Novel

  8. 论张天翼怪诞讽刺小说的探索意义

    On the Significance of Exploration of the Grotesques Satire Novel of Zhang Tianyi

  9. 第二部分分析张天翼讽刺小说的讽刺艺术。

    Section two analyzes the satire art of Zhang Tianyi 's satire novel .

  10. 论张天翼讽刺小说的人物

    On the character of Zhang Tian-yi 's ironic novels

  11. 斯威夫特是英国十八世纪著名的政治家、讽刺小说作家。

    Jonathan Swift was a famous politician and satirical novelist of England in the 18th century .

  12. 《竞选州长》是美国著名作家马克·吐温早期作品中难得的讽刺小说。

    Running for Governor is a rare satirical short story of Mark Twain 's early works .

  13. 战争文化心理下的讽刺小说&浅析沙汀和张天翼的讽刺小说

    Satirical Novels under the Psychology of Warfare : Satirical Novels of Sha Ting and Zhang Tianyi

  14. 论沈从文的讽刺小说

    On Shen Cong-wen 's Satire

  15. 第一部分分析张天翼讽刺小说的讽刺对象,并由此把握他讽刺理想的建构。

    Section one analyzes the satirizing object of Zhang Tianyi 's satire novel and explains how his satirizing ideal is composed .

  16. 首先,它不仅仅是一部谴责小说,更是一部文采斐然、结构精妙的讽刺小说。

    Firstly , it is not only a condemning novel , but also a satirical one with sophisticated literary grace and ingenious structure .

  17. 他最后的一本书《神秘的陌生人》则是一部讽刺小说,表明生活实际上不过是一场梦。

    " The mysterious stranger ", his last book , is an allegory that suggests that life is in reality only a dream .

  18. 在这部小说中,沃综合运用了其早期讽刺小说及宗教小说的叙事策略来展现《亲者》中对死亡等主题的反讽。

    Waugh combines his narrative strategies in early satiric novels and religious novels to present his irony on themes like death in this novel .

  19. 《斩鬼传》在人物刻画和艺术风貌上有着自己独特的一面,对后代讽刺小说也产生了积极的影响。

    In the characterization and artistic style it has its own unique aspect , satirical novel of future generations also had a positive impact .

  20. 莫尔的政治讽刺小说《乌托邦》在很大程度上归功于柏拉图的《共和国》&这部作品同样启发了莫尔关于女性教育的思想。

    His political satire " Utopia " owed much to Plato 's " Republic ", a work which also inspired his ideas on female education .

  21. 沙汀在解放前创作的小说尤其是他的讽刺小说,在思想内容和艺术形式上都闪现着现代性光辉。

    In terms of contents and artistic style , modern glory shines in the works composed by Sha Ding before liberation , especially his satirical novels .

  22. 批评家大都认为《可食用的女人》是一部女权主义社会讽刺小说,从女权主义的角度批评了20世纪60年代的北美消费社会。

    Most critics regard The Edible Woman as a feminist social satire criticizing North American consumer society in the 1960s from a feminist 's point of view .

  23. 另外,现代官场小说是对传统讽刺小说、谴责小说、黑幕小说的继承与发展,符合艺术发展规律。

    In addition , modern officialdom novels inherit and develop traditional satirical novel , condemnation novels and muckraking novels , in line with the law of modern literature .

  24. 诚然,罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森并不是一个家喻户晓的名字,可你也许读过他的讽刺小说《化身博士》。

    Granted , Robert Louis Stevenson isn 't a household name , but you probably know him for his hit novel Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde .

  25. 本文廓清了人们对传统讽刺小说的理论误区,并对明清讽刺小说的发展轨迹作了清晰的勾勒。

    Clearing up people 's theoretical misunderstandings of traditional satiric fiction , the paper gives a clear account of the developmental course of satiric fiction of the Ming and Qing dynasties .

  26. 在她的讽刺小说中,她运用了精确的细节描写和人物心理分析,并大量使用自由间接引语、对照等手法揭示社会问题和人性本质。

    In her sarcastic novels , she successfully reveals the social issues and human nature by descriptions of details and characters ' psychoanalysis , by frequent use of free indirect speech and contrast skills .

  27. 但是,对于其主要创作成就的讽刺小说,虽然不乏关注和探讨,却缺少从讽刺文学的角度所做的全面系统的研究。

    However , although the satire novels , Zhang Tianyi 's main writing achievement had been attached much importance and been discussed , it need to be all-sidedly and systematically researched by Jhe point of view of satirizing literature .

  28. 一直以来,国内外学者对清代长篇讽刺小说的研究相对冷落,现有研究也主要集中在对中期作品的独立研究上,从发展的角度探讨其演变流程的学者鲜有人在。

    At present , the scholar study towards the satire novels of Qing Dynasty is relatively less , and mainly focuses on the mid period work , which lacks in the study of the evolution process from the point of development .

  29. 《儒林外史》是我国文学史上一部独具异彩的讽刺小说,具有很高的思想价值与艺术价值,历来为后人所重视,尤其倍受鲁迅先生激赏。

    " Anecdotes Among the Scholar 's Circle ", known as one of the extraordinarily splendid satirical novels in the history of Chinese literature , has over the centuries been highly valued both ideologically and artistically , and was especially appreciated by Mr.

  30. 本文还对明清讽刺小说的叙述模式与艺术图式作了简要的总结,并试图通过与西方讽刺艺术的比较研究抽绎出明清讽刺小说的核心价值。

    Moreover , the paper makes a brief summary of both the narrative pattern and the artistic scheme , attempting to deduce the core value of satiric fiction of the Ming and Qing dynasties by a comparative study of the western satiric art .