
fěnɡ cì huà
  • caricature;cartoon;satirical drawing
  1. 昨天报纸上有一幅描绘首相的绝妙讽刺画。

    There was a wonderful caricature of the prime minister in the newspaper yesterday .

  2. 这张上周摄于佛罗伦斯市区的照片,是一位在前义大利总理希尔维奥‧贝鲁斯柯尼讽刺画旁的漫画家。

    A street cartoonist sits near a caricature of former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in downtown Florence on Sunday .

  3. 西方人习惯地称之为讽刺画、幽默画、卡通和滑稽画。中国人一般把它称为卡通(Cartoon它包括漫画及动画)。

    Westerners used to call caricature , humor painting , cartoon and comical art ; Chinese people are generally called it a cartoon ( Cartoon which includes comics and animation ) .

  4. 令人欣慰的是,这里面也包括了詹姆斯•基尔雷,他的讽刺画发人深省,令人精神振奋。

    Thankfully James Gillray is also there , and his ★ biting [ 29 ] caricatures lift the spirits .

  5. 有长颈的肥大的瓷器饮用壶;装饰有红衣主教贝拉明的讽刺画(世纪)。

    A fat-bellied stoneware drinking jug with a long neck ; decorated with a caricature of Cardinal Bellarmine ( 17th century ) .

  6. 这也是一首带有挖苦式愤怒的歌,猛烈抨击了自由主义者的种族主义,他们对黑人文化的崇敬是黑人文化的一副扭曲的讽刺画。

    It is also a wryly indignant song that rips into the racism of liberals whose reverence for black culture is a crippling caricature of black culture .

  7. 我们将观察这些对象和广告、讽刺画、漫画、涂鸦、电视、时尚、民俗文化以及所谓的“原始”艺术之间的互动。

    These objects will be viewed in their interaction with advertising , caricature , comics , graffiti , television , fashion , folk art , and so-called " primitive " art .

  8. 再也没有弯曲的街道了,再也没有古旧的房屋了,花园中再也没有井了,城市里如果有私人花园的话,常常好象是一幅讽刺画。

    There are no more crooked streets , no more old houses , no more wells in one 's garden , and whatever private garden there is in the city is usually a caricature .

  9. 这种思想观始终贯穿在他的作品之中,不管是他早期的风景版画、中期的寓言故事及讽刺画,还是他晚期那种赞颂日常生活的风俗画。

    This idea runs through the concept of being in his work , whether it is the scenery of his early prints , mid-fable set of caricature , or the kind of tribute to his later genre paintings of everyday life .

  10. 被维多利亚时代的讽刺作家画成黑猩猩的达尔文,对防御性的合并发出了一个谶言。

    The genius caricatured as a chimp by Victorian satirists issued a coded warning against defensive mergers .

  11. 报纸或杂志刊登的讽刺或幽默的画。

    A humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine .

  12. 一些媒体报道授予她“铁娘子”的称号,讽刺漫画家将奥朗德画成了“妻管严”,被瓦莱丽管得死死的。

    Some media outlets have dubbed her the " Iron Lady , " and caricaturists have portrayed Hollande as under her thumb .