
Past is the key to the present : method of historical geology in Environmental Sciences
Some scholars believe that the texts of " The Analects of Confucius " in Han Dynasty occurred after the discovery of the old Analects , but the author doubts it .
Therefore , " to the ancient theory of this ", to provide a basis for a better understanding of modern and future climate change on Earth is the major reason for the geoscientific community research on over the past climate change .
Detailed facts of the ancient window & on the origin of traditional Chinese window decorations
Chapter one expounds the ancient Greek literary theory of the human and divine nature .
Today 's researchers decipher it to economic reason , which take current thought as that of ancient .
Prior to Sokrates , there were some factors of the divine nature and the human nature in the ancient Greek theory of literature and art .
The Theory of ' the Grandest One ' : The ladder With Which Plotinus Led the Ancient Greek Artistic Theories to the Altar of the Middle Ages
Zhu Yao 's Artistic Theory on Ancient Fu
Thinking on Relationship Between Ontology and Science ( Natural philosophy ) in Ancient Greece
In terms of the history of moral science , it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek , modern Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century .
Well , to some extent your guess is as good as mine , except that I know a bit more about ancient Jewish apocalyptic , and so I have a few resources to draw on .
Probe into the Tropes of the Scepticism of Ancient Greece
Discussion and Analysis of Ancient Greek Philosophical Ontology
Studies on Three Ancient and Modern Novels
Laozi is not only telling the ancient , but also talking about the modern society .
As a cross-section and the latest chapter of the geological history , the environment evolvement of Holocene plays a role of the connecting link between the preceding and the following in the research of global change .
However , in the recent centuries biodiversity has suffered great damages and living species are disappearing at unprecedented speed , which is fundamentally caused by traditional Western ideas , such as the natural teleology of ancient Greece , divine teleology of Christianity and the mechanistic and atomistic natural philosophy .