
  • 网络knot;protuberance
节疤 [jié bā]
  • [knot] 某些植物(竹、苇等)茎杆节上的突起部分;树干上枝杈去掉后长成的疤瘤

  1. 波旁家族,对法兰西来说,是它历史上一个显眼和流血的节疤,但已不是它的命运的主要成分和它的政治的必要基础;

    The House of Bourbon was to France the illustrious and bleeding knot in her history , but was no longer the principal element of her destiny , and the necessary base of her politics .

  2. 质量等级降低最通常的原意就是腐烂和节疤。

    The most common reasons for decreasing quality grade were rot and knots .

  3. 他把头朝着那多节疤的树干撞;

    He dashed his head against the knotted trunk ;

  4. 带许多节疤的松木,尤其用作镶板和制家具。

    Pine lumber with many knots ; used especially for paneling and furniture .

  5. 找一下木板上的节疤。

    Look for knots in the planks .

  6. 白天,我坐在多节的红杉树的节疤上,把一块块树皮丢进桶里。

    During the day , I 'd perch on a knobby redwood buff and toss pieces of bark into a bucket .

  7. 他桌上的一杯啤酒一滴未动,双手紧紧地抱着脑袋像节疤一样,静脉管在天阳穴悸动。

    His beer mug sat untouched on the table , his head burled deep in his hands , his veins throbbing in his temple .

  8. 松木节疤的设计方法有进行刻意保留、强化处理和弱化处理。

    The design methods of pine wood knurr have three ways that are , reserve it on purpose , strengthening treatment and weakening treatment .

  9. 接骨木丛斜在篱笆上,篱前一颗长着节疤的柳树下有一个小小的水潭,有一只鸭子或者几只鸭子在里面游着。

    An elder-tree hangs over the palings ; and beneath its branches , at the foot of the paling , is a pool of water , in which a few ducks are disporting themselves .

  10. 6年生开始修枝对降低尖削度、提高材积增长速率、促进节疤愈合效果最好,其次是5年生,11年生为最差;

    The pruning start age of 6 year-old was most effective in reducing acuminate intensity , increasing growth rate of stem volume and accelerating concrescence , the secondly effective treatment was 5 year-old , the worst was 11 year-old .

  11. 本研究针对人工林桉树木材多节疤、颜色不匀的特点,通过对桉木单板进行化学着色的方法,改善桉木单板材面视觉效果,以达到提高桉树木材的利用价值的目的。

    The plantation eucalypt wood is characterized by numerous knots , dull and uneven color . Chemical coloration method was used in this study to improve the visual effect of eucalypt veneer surface , in order to enhance utilization value of eucalypt plantation .