
  • 网络guanting reservoir
  1. 官厅水库国家湿地公园是中国北方最大的湿地公园。

    The Guanting Reservoir National Wetland Park is the largest of its kind in north China .

  2. 今后,将在重要地区如官厅水库、密云水库等加装探头设备,用在线的方式进一步做好监督和预警。

    Next , cameras will be installed in important areas like Guanting Reservoir and Miyun Reservoir to reinforce the monitoring and warning system .

  3. 人类活动对官厅水库来水来沙影响的研究

    Study on the effects of oncoming streamflow and sediment

  4. 官厅水库是北京的重要水源地之一,水库库区主体位于张家口市怀来县,距离北京较近。

    Reservoir is located in the main Huailai County of Zhangjiakou City , from Beijing closer .

  5. 通过对官厅水库库区44个表层底泥样品的采样分析,对库区底泥中重金属的存在状态及生态风险进行了评价。

    The existing form and ecological risk of heavy metals were estimated according to the analysis of44 surface sediments in Guanting reservoir .

  6. 研究结果可为官厅水库上游地区土壤侵蚀防治效益定量评价和水土资源管理提供重要参考。

    The results can be served as benefits evaluations of soil and water conservation and land resource management in upper reach of Guanting Reservoir .

  7. 针对官厅水库下游三家店水库水源进行生物陶粒滤池预处理的现场试验,研究低温条件下生物陶粒滤池的微生物学特性。

    The microbiological characteristics of the bio-film in a bio-ceramisite filter treating slightly polluted source water from Guanting Reservoir in Beijing at low temperature are researched .

  8. 描述:在实体模型试验的基础上,对官厅水库的泥沙淤积发展和妫水河口拦门沙的清淤疏浚措施进行了研究。

    SpareDescription : Tendency of deposition in the Guanting reservoir and dredging on mouth bar of the Guishuihe estuary are analyzed by the data from the model experiments .

  9. 通过分析官厅水库浸没的原因,对水库浸没评价标准评价的确定方法进行了分析探讨。

    In accordance with the analysis on the cause of the reservoir immersion problem , the method for determination of the the evaluation standard for reservoir immersing is discussed and analyzed herein ;

  10. 官厅水库库区是北京的主要水源地之一,加强库区的水源涵养林建设,对改善北京水源区内生态环境,具有重要意义。

    Guan Ting Reservoir area is one of the main water source areas for Beijing , so that to strengthen the construction of water conservation forest would be having great significance for the ecological environment of water source area .

  11. 20世纪70年代初,官厅水库污染引起了国家对于工业三废污染前所未有的重视,也使河北意识到工业三废污染的严重性和污染治理的紧迫性。

    In the early 1970s , the Guan ' ting reservoir pollution to Hebei caused the unprecedented attention of Chinese government , and also awarded Hebei agencies of the seriousness of the industrial " three wastes " pollution and the urgency of the pollution management .

  12. 采用等标污染负荷法,确定了官厅水库流域上游地区主要污染源、污染行业、污染区域和污染物,以现场监测资料经过分析计算确定主要排污口,为水污染治理提供依据。

    By use of the equivalent pollution load method , the main pollution sources , pollution trades , polluted areas , and pollutants are identified . By calculation of the field monitoring data , the main discharge outlets are determined , providing a basis for water pollution remediation .