
zhì ái wù zhì
  • carcinogen;carcinogenic agent
  1. 氨基甲酸乙酯是一种广泛存在于发酵食品中的致癌物质。

    Ethyl carbamate ( EC ) is a known genotoxic carcinogen which is contained widespread in fermented food .

  2. 美发产品含甲醛尽管标注“无甲醛”,但一些角蛋白直发产品经过检测之后都被发现含有甲醛成份,甲醛是一种致癌物质。

    Despite label claims of being " formaldehyde-free , " many keratin-based hair straighteners , when tested , were found to contain formaldehyde , a known carcinogen .

  3. 但是,你所做的任何事情来降低潜在致癌物质的几率,就一定会增加你生活方式的质量。

    However , anything you can do to decrease the risk of potential carcinogens can definitely increase the quality of lifestyle .

  4. 快餐店被告并不是因为在鸡肉中有致癌物质,而是因为加利福尼亚州65号提案,提案要求如果产品中有任何有害成分,公司应该给出明确的警告。

    They weren 't sued because there was carcinogens in the chicken , but they were sued because of California 's Proposition 65 , which stated that if there 's anything dangerous in the products then the companies had to give a clear warning .

  5. 儿茶酸还可能预防致癌物质引起的DNA损伤。

    Cate-chins may also prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens .

  6. 不同重金属元素中,Cd是主要的非致癌物质和致癌物质。

    Among the different heavy metal elements , Cd was the major non-carcinogenic substance and carcinogenic substance .

  7. 这些低外显基因可通过参与类固醇性激素的代谢,环境致癌物质的解毒作用,以及DNA损伤修复等多种途径参与乳腺癌的发生。

    These low penetrance genes involved in a wide variety of functions including steroid hormone metabolism , detoxification of environment carcinogens , DNA damage repair are associated with breast cancer happen .

  8. ROS本身就是一个重要的致癌物质,它可引起基因突变和染色体修饰,诱导癌变。

    Because the ROS can result in gene mutation and chromosome modification , it is the important carcinogen .

  9. carcinogen:致癌物质

    carcinogen : A cancer-causing substance or agent .

  10. 据辉瑞公司称,遭质疑的几批奈非那韦的甲基磺酸乙酯或EMS(一种可疑的人类致癌物质)超标。

    According to Pfizer , the questionable batches of Viracept contained an unusually high level of the compound ethyl methanesulfonate , or EMS , a suspected human carcinogen .

  11. 而包括贵州茅台(KweichowMoutai)和青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)在内的中国酒厂不得不出面否认互联网上关于它们的产品含有致癌物质的报告。

    And China liquor makers , from Kweichow Moutai to Tsingtao Brewery , were forced to deny internet reports that their products contained carcinogens .

  12. Jacobson说,这种化学反应产生的物质已经由联邦政府检测表明为致癌物质。对于这种说法,可口可乐公司表示强烈反对。

    Jacobson said the chemicals the reaction produces have been proven by federal government tests to be carcinogens , a finding that the Coca-Cola Company vehemently disputes .

  13. 烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNA,Tobacco-specificnitrosamines)是一组只存在于烟叶、烟制品和烟气中的致癌物质。

    Tobacco-specific nitrosamines ( TSNA ) is a group of potential carcinogens which have been found in tobacco , tobacco products , and cigarette smoke only .

  14. 操作繁琐且需接触致癌物质,也容易造成实验室的PCR产物污染,另外电泳检验只能判断扩增片段分子量的大小,而无法得到扩增核酸序列的特异性信息。

    These operations is tedious and must contact the carcinogen , which is easy to create the PCR product pollution in the laboratory . Another disadvantage is that we can only test molecular weight by judge the electrophoresis DNA fragment , and can not get more information .

  15. 国际癌症研究机构(IARC)研究发现,DES是一种致癌物质,能够在动物源性食品如肝脏、肌肉、蛋、奶中残留,并通过食物链危害人体健康。

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) have found : DES can lead to cancer , and can residues in animal products , such as liver , meats , egg and milk , and hazard health through food chain .

  16. 多环芳烃(PAHs)是大气中广泛存在的一类持久性有机污染物,占自然界中致癌物质总量1/3以上,主要来源有石油泄漏、汽车尾气、环境烟草烟雾、燃料燃烧及烹调油烟等。

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), a kind of POPs are ubiquitous in air , contributing more than 1 / 3 of the total carcinogenic chemicals , with the source of oil-leak , traffic emissions , environmental tobacco smoke , fuel-burning , cooking oil-fumes , and , so on .

  17. 家用微波炉烹制米饭对生成致癌物质丙烯酰胺的影响

    The effect of domestic microwave oven cooking on acrylamide in rice

  18. 不过他说,致癌物质镉已经不再使用。

    He does say the carcinogen cadmium is no longer in use .

  19. 石棉&建筑物及其周围环境中的致癌物质

    Asbestos & the carcinogen in the buildings and their surroundings

  20. 一些工业用化学品具有高度毒性或是致癌物质。

    Some industrial chemicals can be very toxic or carcinogenic .

  21. 物理致癌物质,例如紫外线和电离辐射;

    Physical carcinogens , such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation ;

  22. 黄曲霉毒素的急性毒性很强,是重要的致癌物质。

    Aflatoxin is one of main carcinogens and its acute toxicity is strong .

  23. 有些研究人员认为,致癌物质能使健康细胞变成癌细胞。

    Some researchers contend that carcinogens may turn healthy cells into cancer cells .

  24. 没有人特别喜欢——含致癌物质的须后水。

    So nobody likes particularly to -- you know , aftershave with carcinogens .

  25. 当三氯二苯脲分解时,会分解成两种化学物质——两种都是致癌物质;

    When triclocarban degrades , it degrades into two chemicals - both carcinogens .

  26. 鼻烟和口嚼烟都含有致癌物质。

    Both snuff and chewing tobacco contain deadly carcinogens .

  27. 偶氮染料类污染物的自然降解过程易产生芳香胺类致癌物质。

    The degradations of azo dyes in natural conditions easily produce carcinogenic aromatic amines .

  28. 砷是当前环境中最普遍、危害性最大的致癌物质之一。

    Arsenic is one of the most common and harmful carcinogens in the environment .

  29. 膀胱上皮继续受到尿内致癌物质的刺激。

    Bladder continue to be carcinogens in urine .

  30. 汽车释放出含有致癌物质的废气。

    Automobiles release waste gases which contain carcinogens .