- 名carcinogen

So when I went through the data , I had very surprising results , because I found that four out of the five marinating ingredients actually inhibited the carcinogen formation .
DNA adducts as biomarker of carcinogen exposure in wild crucian from Qiantang Valley
These here are five different organizations that classify carcinogens .
The saltwater marinade and the brown sugar marinade also worked very well , decreasing the carcinogens by about 60 percent .
And the soy sauce results were inconclusive because of the large data range , but it seems like soy sauce actually increased the potential carcinogens .
So I combined these two ideas and I formulated a hypothesis , saying that , could possibly the carcinogens be decreased due to a marinade and could it be due to the differences in PH ?
When compared with the unmarinated chicken , which is what I used as my control , I found that lemon juice worked by far the best , which decreased the carcinogens by about 98 percent .
The final stages , when I ran the samples through a high-pressure liquid chromatography mass spectrometer , which separated the compounds and analyzed the chemicals and told me exactly how much carcinogens I had in my chicken .
And I found that if you increase the time cooked , the amount of carcinogens rapidly increases . So the best way to marinate chicken , based on this , is to , not under-cook , but definitely don 't over-cook and char the chicken , and marinate in either lemon juice , brown sugar or saltwater .
Chemical carcinogens can cause modifications or damages on DNA directly .
Genotoxic effect of carcinogens and Xray on human bronchial epithelial cells
A study on unscheduled DNA synthesis in freshly suspended rat liver cells induced by chemical carcinogens
Study on DNA alkaline elution in mice liver cell treated with chemical mutagens / carcinogens in vivo
The repair of human respiratory tract epithelium on the damaged DNA by b [ a ] p in vivo
Chemical carcinogens can damage cell DNA to result in gene mutation , and then eventually lead to tumor development .
Cr (ⅵ) is a suspicious carcinogen .
The molecular mechanism is the inhibition of phase I enzymes and induction of phase II enzymes .
And , FADU is also suita - ble for the detection of DNA strand breaks caused by indirect mutagens and carcinogens .
It was known that most chemical carcinogens could interfere with the synthesis of DNA , RNA and protein .
DNA adducts is a very important class of biomarkers of human exposure to carcinogen , cancer risk assessment , and population susceptibility .
These fine particles are classified a Group 1 carcinogen by the cancer agency by the World Health Organization .
Transcriptional Regulation of Y-family DNA Polymerase in Response to the Carcinogen N-methyl-N ' - nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine
The International Cancer Research Institute regards the OA as a possible carcinogen for human being .
Air pollution also increases risks for other diseases , especially respiratory and heart diseases , according to the World Health Organization , which classified outdoor air pollution as a carcinogen last year .
GINI technique may be an effective and quick approach to detect target genes of carcinogens .
The classical Griess method has low sensitivity and the reagent is carcinogenic which is bad to our health .
Studies of Effect of Conformation on Polycyclic Hydrocarbons Ultimate Carcinogenic Metabolites by CNDO
The experimental results of analysis of adducts formed from environmental carcinogenic compound MNU-DNA by combination of HPLC and FABMS are presented in this paper .
Conclusion SCGE which is a quick and sensitive method to detect DNA damage induced by CS_2 may be used to monitor carcinogen and mutagen .
Carcinogenesis of Epstein-Barr virus and chemical carcinogen DNP on transplants of human fetal nasopharyngeal mucosa in nude mice