
  1. 市场经济条件下对我国自然垄断规制的思考

    Consideration of Rules to Natural Monopoly in Market Economy of China

  2. 我国自然垄断规制并非出于克服分散竞争的低效率,而是作为传统计划经济体制的一部分,目的是为了解决重工业优先发展战略导致的资本约束问题。

    The origin of natural monopoly is not to overcome inefficiency of sporadic competition , but a part of planned economy , aiming at the solution of capital limit caused by the preferential development of heavy industry .

  3. 行政垄断与WTO竞争政策的冲突及法律对策认为WTO竞争政策与各成员国自然垄断法律规制间虽存在着冲突,但通过一定的调整可以求得两者的协调。

    Then analyzes the relationship between WTO competition laws and legal regulation in each country . Though there is a conflict between them , they can be in harmony through adequate adjustment .

  4. 第四章论述了在WTO体制下对我国自然垄断法律规制进行改革的取向和模式,并提出了制度改革和立法改革的建议。

    The fourth chapter discourses upon the orientation of the legislative reform of legal regulation of natural monopoly in our country in the system of WTO , and puts forward some system and legislative reform suggestions .

  5. 第二章介绍了WTO竞争政策的历史演变,归纳了WTO协议中的关于自然垄断法律规制的竞争政策,并分析了WTO竞争政策与各成员国自然垄断法律规制的关系。

    The second chapter introduces the history of the development of WTO competition laws , sums up the competition laws in WTO relevant agreements . Governance of the Administrative Monopoly Should Abide by the Competition Policy of W.T.O.

  6. 自然垄断产业规制改革与民营企业准入途径探讨

    On Restructuring of Natural Monopoly Industries and Ways of Accession of Private Enterprises

  7. 博弈论视角下的自然垄断产业规制改革

    Reform of the Natural Monopoly Industries Regulation from the Perspective of Game Theory

  8. 中国铁路规制改革研究论铁路的自然垄断及其规制

    Studying the Natural Monopoly of Railway and the Regulation

  9. 价格规制是自然垄断行业规制的重要内容。

    Price regulation is very important in the regulation of natural monopoly industry .

  10. 自然垄断的规制改革与反垄断法适用除外的科学构建

    Reform Natural Monopolied Occupation & Build System of Exemption from Application of Anti-monopoly Law

  11. 重构我国自然垄断行业规制制度的思考

    Reform the Regulation on Natural Monopoly Industries

  12. 在此基础上,对中国自然垄断产业规制体制改革提出了政策建议。

    Then we put forward our suggestion to Chinese natural monopoly industry 's regulatory regime reform .

  13. 第三部分介绍了关于自然垄断法律规制的成本收益分析。

    The third part introduced about the nature monopoly law rules and regulations cost income analysis .

  14. 摘要竞争与所有制改革是目前自然垄断行业规制改革的主要趋势。

    Competition and ownership reform are main trends in the regulatory reform of natural monopoly industries .

  15. 自然垄断产业规制改革研究及对中国实践的初步分析

    Study on Reformation of Natural Monopoly Industry Regulation and Some Tentative Analysis of China 's Practice

  16. 中国自然垄断行业规制的特异性及改革动力塑造

    Research on the Particularity of Chinese Natural Monopoly Regulation and How to Give An Impetus to Reform

  17. 经济转轨中自然垄断行业规制改革&竞争、所有制与激励机制选择

    Regulatory Reform of Natural Monopoly Industries in Transition Economy : Competition , Ownership and Choice of Incentive Mechanism

  18. 自然垄断产业规制理论的演化与我国电信业的规制改革

    The Evolution of the Regulation Theory of Natural Monopoly Industry and the Regulation Reform of Our Telecom Industry

  19. 摘要自然垄断产业规制理论的演化是20世纪90年代以来我国电信业规制改革的主要动因之一。

    The evolution of the regulation theory of natural monopoly industry is the main reason for china 's regulation reform of telecom industry since1990s .

  20. 本文主要围绕自然垄断产业规制中的核心问题&价格规制问题,从理论和方法两个层面对自然垄断产业的价格规制进行了深入而系统的分析研究。

    This thesis carries out a systemic research on the theories and methods of the price regulation , the central issue of natural monopoly industries .

  21. 在当前中国四大自然垄断产业的规制改革中,铁路产业是最迟滞的,也是中国自然垄断产业规制改革下一步关注的主要对象。

    In the reform several monopoly industries in China , the reform of the railway industry is the most sluggish and also the most difficult .

  22. 20世纪70年代后期以来,在世界范围内掀起自然垄断产业规制改革的浪潮,民营化的趋势贯穿其中。

    Since the late 1970 's regulation reform has been raised in natural monopoly industry in the world , among which privation is the main characteristic .

  23. 在对利益集团基本特征描述和三个模型基础上,剖析了我国电力、电信、邮政、铁路等主要全国性自然垄断产业规制改革中的典型案例;

    Based on the former work , this dissertation also analyzed the typical cases of some natural monopoly industries , such as electrical engineering power industry , telecommunication , postal service and railway industry .

  24. 自然垄断产业规制的国际比较研究市场经济的发展,科学技术的进步以及垄断自身的弊端,是政府放松自然垄断产业管制的主要原因。

    The author of the paper considers that the main causes for government to lessen its control ove naturally monopolized industries are development of market economy , advancement of technologies and malpractice of monopoly .

  25. 对于规制的法律依据,则应当一方面加快制定适应我国规制现状的反垄断法,另一方面尽快完善、制定各具体自然垄断产业规制法。

    As for regulation law , it is necessary to make anti-monopoly law adapting to present regulation conditions of our country , and to perfect and make specific natural monopoly industry laws as soon as possible .

  26. 方法阐述我国医药电子招投标服务产业的性质及成本特征,分析目前国内、外较为流行的自然垄断定价规制模式,并提出设想。

    METHODS : The nature and the cost feature of the pharmaceutical E-tendering & bidding service industry were expounded ; the natural monopoly pricing mode prevalent at home and abroad was analyzed and assumptions were raised .

  27. 自然垄断产业规制改革问题是规制经济学领域最为活跃的研究课题之一,也是当前中国经济体制改革的热点问题。本论文对我国自然垄断产业规制改革问题进行了较为深入的探索。

    The issue of regulatory reform of the natural monopoly industry is one of the most active subjects in the domain of regulation economics , and is the hot question of Chinese economic system reform as well .

  28. 论文从新政治经济学的视角分析了我国自然垄断产业规制改革中的消费者、垄断厂商和规制者三大利益集团的基本特征;

    From the perspective of new political economy , applying the theory of interest group , my doctoral dissertation analyzed the basic characteristics of three interest groups among the regulation reform of the natural monopoly industries in our country .

  29. 中国自然垄断产业规制中最重要也最核心的问题,就是由谁来规制,规制什么,规制谁,如何规制,以及谁来规制规制者。

    The most important and crucial issues in the regulation of monopolistic industries in China are : who will regulate , what should be regulated , who will be regulated , how to regulate and who will regulate the regulator .

  30. 自然垄断产业规制改革改变了原有的利益格局,不同群体间的利益冲突随着改革的推进愈发激烈。消费者、垄断厂商和规制者构成了自然垄断规制改革进程中的三大利益集团。

    The regulation reform has changed the former interest pattern , and the interest conflict among groups is becoming more acute with the impeding reform . Consumers , monopolists and regulators compose the three interest groups in the regulation reform of natural monopoly industry .