- 网络Free Trade Agreement;fta;FTAS;free trade area;CAFTA

Research on Possibility and Economic Effects of FTA between China , Korea and Japan
Under the WTO multilateral trade system , many countries begin to participate in regional trade agreement actively . FTA is one of the main forms of regionalism and it is the most usual form when countries join regional economic integration .
A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries .
However , the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement has yet to move .
The current international economic relations consist of two major axes . One is multilateralism represented by WTO and the other is regionalism .
2013 will be the year of an EU-US free trade agreement , or at least serious negotiations towards that goal .
Comparing and Drawing upon the New Generation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements
So , for all these reasons , President Obama is pursuing congressional approval of KORUS , together with necessary Trade Adjustment Assistance , as soon as possible .
As of July in 2005 , there are 330 free trade agreements have been filed with WTO and GATT .
In January , China implemented a free-trade agreement with ASEAN , the Southeast Asian grouping of 10 countries .
And while the Arab world looks east , the European Union and the GCC have for years been unsuccessfully negotiating a free trade agreement .
Research on the Development of Chinese Agri-product Trade under the FTA Framework of China-ASEAN and China-Chile
The establishment of FTA brings huge economic interests and great political benefits to member countries .
When the North American Free Trade Agreement passed in 1987 , the U.S. and Canada ( along with Mexico ) began a mutually beneficial process of integration that now needs strengthening .
Canada is protected by stronger government procurement rules under the North American Free Trade Agreement , and had to be given special exemptions during earlier US attempts to restrict steel imports .
With the stagnation of the WTO negotiations , free trade agreements ( hereinafter referred to FTA for short ) developed like mushrooms after rain .
The influences of NAFTA on Asian textile and clothing exporting and the industry development
The recent passage of the Korea-U.S.Free Trade Agreement underscores the contribution these bilateral relationships continue to make to our shared prosperity .
Mr Trump has made trade a central part of his populist economic message and has in the past threatened to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement and levy tariffs on Chinese goods .
Section one introduces the free trade agreements that China has already signed and those in ongoing negotiations , and analyzes the modes of trade remedy system adopted in the signed regional trade agreements .
Costa Rica already has a free-trade agreement with the U.S. , and U.S. companies like Intel Corp. INTC + 3.95 % have sizable operations there .
There is a lot of hype about the prospects of an EU-US free trade agreement , especially in the wake of Barack Obama 's State of the Union address last week .
In 1992 US presidential candidate Ross Perot predicted that a " giant sucking sound " would be heard along the country 's southern border as soon as the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed .
They can hardly expect to have a North American free trade agreement while telling Asians they cannot pursue pan-Asian arrangements .
And , just as South Korea now enjoys free trade agreements with the US , EU and the Association of South East Asian Nations , Japan must develop new trade ties further afield .
By becoming Canadian citizens , graduates have increased opportunities of getting a job throughout North America through NAFTA , he says .
Free trade agreement ( FTA ), as mostly basement and form of integration , has been rapidly developing since 1990 and brings far-reaching effects on the world economy .
It is the largest pact of its kind for the United States since the1994 North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) .
It will be the first FTA China has negotiated with an organisation for Economic Co-operation and development economy ( other than the companion talks with New Zealand ) .
In addition to updating traditional approaches to issues covered by previous free trade agreements ( FTAs ), the TPP includes new and emerging trade issues and cross-cutting issues .