
  • Cover Letter;Personal Statement;Self-recommendation
  1. 写自荐信看起来是一项很艰巨的任务。

    Writing a cover letter often seems like a particularly daunting task .

  2. 采用标准的自荐信格式。

    Use standard cover letter protocol .

  3. 我辞职的时候向IBM公司索取了自荐信。

    I asked for a reference letter from IBM Company when I resigned .

  4. 首先感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间来看我的自荐信。

    I would appreciate the privilege of an interview .

  5. 感谢您在百忙之中垂阅我的自荐信。

    Thank you to hang to read my to recommend letter in100 favours .

  6. 自荐信中应该标明你对该职位的高度兴趣和你所拥有的深厚的知识背景。

    They should express a high level of interest and knowledge about the position .

  7. 无论何时给雇主递简历,附上一份自荐信是很必要的。

    A covering letter is essential whenever you are enclosing a curriculum vitae to an employer .

  8. 因此不甘平凡的我选择后者,也因此有了这封自荐信的诞生。

    So unwilling and ordinary I choose the latter , and therefore have this introductory letter birth .

  9. 自荐信也要个性化定制。

    Customize your cover letter .

  10. 申请外企工作时,求职信(又称自荐信)几乎已经成为一条标准规定了。

    A cover letter , or motivation letter , is almost a standard requirement when applying for international jobs .

  11. 论《约伯记》中的智慧谈谈自荐信和求职信的写作

    On the Wisdom in Job Discussion on the Writing of the Self-recommendation Letters and Job - wanted Self-recommendation Letters

  12. 邮件请附个人简历、成绩单以及描述个人背景及研究兴趣的自荐信。

    Please email your CV , transcript copy , or a cover letter expressing your background and research interests .

  13. 邮件系统会自动地帮你整理语句,你的自荐信不会未经整理成句就被寄出。

    Some email packages automatically do word wrap for you , so your cover letter doesn 't arrive in fragments .

  14. 自荐信是你和潜在雇主最开始的书面接触,会建立一个重要的第一印象。

    A cover letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential employer , creating a critical first impression .

  15. 第三,自荐信是否有必要,或者,我只需要让简历来说明一切?

    And third , is a cover letter always necessary , or can I let the resume speak for itself ?

  16. 通过你的介绍和他自己的自荐信以及一些相关的文件,我们得知约翰是一个非常优秀的研究人才。

    Through your and his own recommendation and some files , we know that John is a very good man for research .

  17. 如果你是使用文字处理软件写自荐信的,要将格式都清除掉,并且保存为简单的文本形式。

    If you write a cover letter in a word-processing program , strip away all formatting and save the file as plain text .

  18. 不要只写一封形式上的自荐信,并发给所有的潜在雇主。(你也知道你是如何对付垃圾邮件的吧!)

    Do not design a form letter and send it to every potential employer ( you know what you do with junk mail !) .

  19. 尊崇的指导您好:当您翻开这份自荐信的时分,关于我来说是为我的糊口翻开了一扇但愿之门。

    Hello , distinguished leadership : When you open the cover letter when , for me is my life opened a door of hope .

  20. 如果你通过邮件发送求职信的话,你给雇主的第一印象是通过你的自荐信来传达的。

    If you 're doing a job search or resume submission via email , the first impression any employer will have is your cover letter .

  21. 在她还在念研究生时,韦慧晓就向中国的第一艘航母辽宁舰负责单位写了一封自荐信。

    In the midst of her studies , Wei wrote a letter recommending herself for service on China 's first aircraft carrier , the Liaoning .

  22. 它可以选择在报纸杂志上登广告,提出简要的工作情况介绍并征集应聘者的自荐信。

    It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description on the job and invites introductory letters from applicants .

  23. 然而,如果你迈出了合适的第一步的话,你马上就会成为写与简历一同寄出的自荐信专家了。

    However , if you take it one step at a time , you 'll soon be an expert at writing letters to send with your resume .

  24. 如果您已经有我的简历和自荐信的话,那么我来面试的时候,希望不要一见面又再填什么表格。

    When I come in for an interview-and if you already have my resume and cover letter-don 't make me fill out other forms before I even see you .

  25. 用邮件写出一封成功的自荐信与手写自荐信同样需要以下技巧:专业的,正确的语法和拼写,重要的是要正确的运用它们。

    Some tips for creating successful email cover letters are the same as for paper covers : be professional , with correct spelling and grammar , and very important do use them .

  26. 而关于你提出的自荐信的问题,在当前的经济形势下,这些材料好像已经失去了原有的作用,因为根本没有人有时间看。

    As for your question about cover letters , these documents seem to have lost a lot of ground in the current economy , due to the simple fact that no one has time to read them .

  27. 在你朋友检查完之后,或者他们不帮你检查的话,将邮件先发给自己,以一个雇主的立场去读读自己的自荐信。

    If all your friends are tapped out , or even if they aren 't , test your email cover letter by emailing it to yourself , and put yourself in the mindset of an employer when you read it .

  28. 当“量身修改简历”已不足以帮你在简历筛选环节脱颖而出时,附上一封自荐求职信可能是个好办法。

    When customizing your CV is not enough to help you st out in the resume screening stage , adding a cover letter could be a good way to make the difference .