
  • 网络Natural Intelligence;naturalistic intelligence;Naturalist Intelligence
  1. Natural(天然等同)相近。论人工智能与自然智能的关系

    The Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Intelligence

  2. 研究者认为自然智能是以自然的神经网络为基础的,所以企图让仿真网络模仿人的智能行为。

    The researchers think that the natural intelligence is based on the neuron network , so they try to simulate mankind intelligence by the artificial network .

  3. 本文对智能论方法&自然智能、生物智能与人工智能等方面作了较全面的阐述。

    This article made an overall exposition of the way of intelligence-natural intelligence , biological intelligence and artificial intelligence .

  4. 基于自然智能系统的基本原理,提出了智能控制的一种新型研究范式。

    Inspired by the mechanism of natural intelligent systems , part one suggests a novel paradigm for intelligent control systems , which integrates most of the existing tools for intelligent control systematically .

  5. 自人类文明史开始,作为人类生命智慧和自然智能的符号化呈现,知识就一直如影随形着人类,成为思想家、哲学家、科学家们孜孜不倦的追求。

    Since the human civilized history begins , Appearing as human life intelligence and symbol of natural intelligence , knowledge is like the shadow following persons all the time and becomes persistent yearning of thinkers , philosophers and scientists .

  6. 不论从人工智能与自然智能的关系以及能动与被动的关系看,还是从认识论的基本原理看,人工智能超过人类智能、甚至统治人类智能都是不可能的。

    Either from the relationship between artificial intelligence and natural intelligence as well as the relationship between activeness and passiveness , or from the basic theory of epistemology , it is impossible that artificial intelligence would surpass or even control human intelligence .

  7. 这次图灵站在实践的角度上,讨论了行为模拟的原则,他开始严肃地思考,人类的自然智能与计算机之间,到底有什么样的相同和不同。

    This time he would be putting the imitation principle to a constructive use . The real point of this paper was that he was beginning to think seriously about the nature of human intelligence , and how it resembled , or differed , from that of a computer .

  8. 支持自然语言智能答疑系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of intelligent question-answering system supporting natural language

  9. 研制了的小口径天线毫米波辐射计自然变温智能定标系统,该系统实现了所有数据的自动采集与分析。

    An intelligent calibration system with temperature of blackbody naturally varying used for small antenna MMW radiometer was developed .

  10. 设计多元智能提高学业成绩测试卷,通过前测和后测,分析强化运用自然观察智能在生物教学中的应用对提高学生学业成绩的效果。

    Design multiple-intelligences improve academic performance test paper , through test and measurement and before after using natural observation intelligence analysis of strengthening the application in biology teaching to improve students ' academic performance effect .

  11. 充分利用学生天生的自然观察智能优势,体现课改的自主、合作、探究的教学理念,训练学生的多元智能,提高学生的生物科学素养。

    Make full use of students ' innate nature observe intelligence advantage and reflect the class changes independent and cooperative , exploring teaching concept , training students ' multiple-intelligences , improve students ' biological scientific literacy .

  12. 所谓人与自然的智能协同,是指人类凭借高度发展的智能,以真、善、美三种尺度建构起来的人与自然的和谐。

    What is called intelligent coordination between human and nature is the harmonization between human and nature which takes the true , the good and the beautiful as the measure relying on human 's high developed intelligence .

  13. 但是,即使是对于像谷歌那样拥有庞大计算能力和工程设计人才的公司来说,教会计算机更自然更智能地行动,也需要面对一些最棘手的计算机科学问题。

    But even for a company with Google 's massive computing power and engineering brains , teaching computers to act more naturally and intelligently has required it to confront some of the most intractable computer science problems .

  14. 多元智能理论分别代表学生发展的不同方面:语言智能、数学逻辑智能、空间智能、音乐智能、身体运动智能、人际关系智能、自我认识智能、自然观察智能。

    Theory of Multiple Intelligences include the different aspects of students ' development : linguistic intelligence , logical-mathematical intelligence , spatial intelligence , bodily-kinesthetic intelligence , musical intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence and natural intelligence .

  15. 加德纳指出每个人拥有八种智能:语言智能、数学-逻辑智能、音乐智能、肢体-运动智能、空间智能、人际关系智能、内省智能和自然观察智能。

    Howard Gardner formulated a list of eight intelligences that everyone possesses . They are linguistic intelligence , logical-mathematical intelligence , musical intelligence , bodily-kinesthetic intelligence , spatial intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , and naturalistic intelligence .

  16. 要求教师充分利用学生的多元智能为载体,强化运用自然观察智能来营造和谐的课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣,导入新课。

    Requires teachers to make full use of the multiple intelligences as the carrier , strengthen use natural observation intelligence to create a harmonious classroom atmosphere , stimulates the student to study the interest , to sing for us .

  17. 加德纳认为人除了语言智能和数学逻辑智能之外,还有其它六种智能,分别是视觉空间智能、音乐智能、身体运动智能、人际交往智能和自我认识智能,自然观察智能。

    According to Gardner , in addition to Verbal-Linguistic Intelligences and Logic-Mathematical Intelligence , there are six other kinds of Intelligence : Visual-spatial Intelligence , Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence , Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence , Interpersonal Intelligence , Intrapersonal Intelligence , and Naturalist Intelligence .

  18. 因此,车牌识别系统(LPRS)自然成为了智能交通的重要组成部分,并在各国的交通管理中得到了广泛的应用和发展。

    Therefore , the license plate recognition system ( LPRS ) has naturally become an important part of intelligent transportation , and has a wide range of application and development in intelligent traffic management in all countries .

  19. 基于自然语言的智能决策支持系统人机接口

    Natural Language Based Intelligent Decision Support Systems User Interface

  20. 自然语言在智能信息检索中的应用

    The Application of Natural Language in Intelligent Searching

  21. 新自然神学:智能设计论的兴起及其对科学理论的挑战

    New Natural Theology : The Origin of Intelligent Design and Its Challenges to Scientific Theory

  22. 在这里,自然栖息地与智能技术共存,生活、工作和学习位于一个连续统一体中。

    Living , working and learning are in one continuum & all accommodated on a437-hectare site on the Garden Route .

  23. 为了实现基于自然语言的智能信息处理,计算机需要了解大量的语义知识。

    To achieve semantic information based natural language processing , computers need to access to a great deal of background knowledge .

  24. 近年来,随着个人计算机性能的大幅度提高,人机界面越来越向着人性化、自然化、智能化方向发展。

    With the performance of PC ( Personal Computer ) being improved obviously , HCI ( Human Computer Interface ) is developing more humanely , natural and intelligent .

  25. 模型描述建立在较高的信息抽象层次之上,便于创造自然化、智能化的设计环境。模型数据通过模型描述的自动转换来产生,是一个逐步细化和完善的过程。

    The model description with high level information abstraction fertilizes design environment to be more natural and intelligent , and the model data can be generated by automatic transformation of the model description .

  26. 最新(也最显眼)的产品是一个智能数字助理,旨在开启一个更自然、更智能的人机交互模式,基于日常语言的使用。

    The latest - and most visible - product of the push is an intelligent digital assistant , intended to usher in a more natural and intelligent form of human-computer interaction , based on the use of everyday language .

  27. 人的智能是多元的,除了语言和数理/逻辑智能外,还有视觉/空间智能、身体/动觉智能、自知/自省智能、交往/交流智能、音乐/节奏智能、自然观察者智能和存在智能。

    Man 's intelligence is multiple , including verbal / linguistic intelligence , logical / mathematical intelligence as well as visual / spatial intelligence , bodily / kinesthetic intelligence , intrapersonal intelligence , interpersonal intelligence , musical / rhythmic intelligence , naturalist intelligence , existential intelligence .

  28. 基于XML与自然语言处理的智能化资源检索

    Intelligent Resource Retrieval Based on XML and Natural Language Processing

  29. 结合人工智能研究领域的自然语言理解、智能代理和计算机语言学理论,我们能够利用Internet这个大型数据库,从中挖掘有用的信息。

    With the techniques of Natural Language Understanding in Artificial Intelligence field , Intelligent Agent and Computer Language , we can mine useful information from the huge database - Internet .

  30. 基于自然语言识别的智能查询

    Intelligent Retrieval Basing on Recognition of Natural Language