
zì tǐ zhònɡ dú
  • autointoxication;autotoxicosis;autoxemia
  1. 评估斯里兰卡卫生部为治疗一个地区的自体中毒(尤其是源自杀虫剂)患者所拨付的直接财政经费。

    To estimate the direct financial costs to the Sri Lanka Ministry of Health of treating patients after self-poisoning , particularly from pesticides , in a single district .

  2. 自体中毒由体内产生的微生物,代谢废物,或其它毒引起的中毒磷化氢是一种有毒气体,在空气中可以自燃。

    Self-poisoning caused by endogenous microorganisms , metabolic wastes , or other toxins produced within the body . Phosphine is a toxic gas which ignites spontaneously in air .

  3. 提倡人们使用毒性低的杀虫剂并在可能的情况下改善初级保健医院的病例管理,能降低杀虫剂自体中毒的治疗费用。

    The cost of treating pesticide self-poisonings may be reduced by promoting the use of less toxic pesticides and possibly by improving case management in primary care hospitals .

  4. 按照这项研究估计的每位自体中毒患者的总治疗成本进行估算,2004年,斯里兰卡的所有地区用于治疗自体中毒患者的费用约为866304美元。

    Based on the total treatment cost per self-poisoned patient estimated in this study , the cost of treating self-poisoned patients in all of Sri Lanka in2004 was estimated at US $ 866304 .

  5. 双解磷(TMB4)和阿托品自体注射导致儿童中毒

    Pediatric poisoning from trimedoxime ( TMB4 ) and atropine automatic injectors