
zì wèi
  • for oneself
自为 [zì wèi]
  • [for oneself] (从哲学范畴解释,自为即)自觉,自由(掌握了事物运动规律,按规律办事)

  1. 社会主义公民道德充分体现了社会主义公民对于职业劳动双重属性的自觉把握,要求实现自为的存在与为他的存在相统一。

    Socialist national ethics fully reflects the citizens ' understanding of the dual attributes of occupational work and the unity of existing for oneself and for others .

  2. 笑骂由他,好官我自为之。

    Let them laugh who will & I am a good official ( defiant , self-revealing words put into the mouth of a dishonest official ) .

  3. 我帮不了你什么忙,你好自为之吧。

    I can ’ t help you much . Look out for yourself .

  4. NET能自为文档注释生成一个模块。

    NET automatically generates a template shell for documentation comments .

  5. “我”是自为存在的最切近的例子。

    The readiest instance of Being-for-self is found in the'I ' .

  6. 自在与自为:思想政治教育学的重要范畴

    In-self and For-self : Main Part of Ideological and Political Education

  7. 从自在向自为&论当代中国农民的转型

    Discussion on the Farmers ' Behavior Character in the Chinese Contemporary Transformation

  8. 它有自主性、主观性和自为性三个原则。

    It has the three principles of the independence , subjectivity and self-performance .

  9. 逻辑思想是一切事物的自在自为地存在着的根据。

    Everything else rather is an ' only ' compared with these thoughts .

  10. 主要包括政府主导、社会参与、农民自为三方面入手。

    Mainly includes the government-led , social participation , farmers from three aspects .

  11. 韩非认为人性自私、自为。

    Han Fei understood that human nature is selfish .

  12. 论市场经济的自为性与为他性

    On the In-itself and For-others Nature of Market Economy Q & A on Sex

  13. 工商管理要适应民自为市的要求;

    The management of industry and commerce should meet the needs of free market ;

  14. 认识活动和实践活动是自觉的、自为的、自主的活动。

    Knowing activity and practicing activity is a self-conscious , voluntary , independent activity .

  15. 悲剧中的抗争与超越精神其实正是人的一种独立自为的生存精神。

    Actually , struggling and surmounting in tragedies show the spirit of independent human subsistence .

  16. 作为一个完全受自为支配的新女性,布莱特的选择都是从自己的意愿出发的。

    Brett is the For-itself manipulated new woman who makes choices freely from her own wills .

  17. 标准的答案是:上帝自为成因,所以没有必要。

    The standard answer is that he does not need any , because he is self-caused .

  18. 自为需要是主体与客观外在条件之关系的表现。

    Need for itself is the manifestation of the relation between subject and certain objective conditions .

  19. 在招商上,企业才是真正的当事人和主角,其行为具有趋利性和自为性。

    Enterprises whose behavior has profit following and self-center features are the real parties and leading role .

  20. 第一,如何确定国际正义的原则和规范的构成的自为者?

    First , how to define what is constitutive of the principles and norms of international justice ?

  21. 上海工人阶级在它成为自为的阶级之前,与帮会有着千丝万缕的联系,受着帮会的政治影响。

    Working class of Shanghai was closely related to these gangs and was politically influenced by them .

  22. 自为是马克思主义的特有品质,是社会主义的内在机制和优越性的根本体现。

    Act-by-oneself is the unique quality of socialism and essential embodiment of socialism intrinsic mechanism and superiority .

  23. 在女性的主体地位得以确立之后,她们可自为、自主地展开自己的行动,能依靠自己自我决定和自我实现。

    After establishing feminine subjectivity status being , female can rely on themselves to fulfill self-determination and self-realization .

  24. 孝亲不辞劳苦,自为儿孙好榜样;行善不望回报,必为儿孙积善福。

    Show filial piety , be a model for the children . Accumulate merits by doing good without reward .

  25. 这样,萨特通过自由想象把自在的存在与自为的存在统一起来,营造出一个艺术和美的世界。

    Like this , Sartre unifies being-in-itself and being-for-itself by imagination and builds up an artistic and aesthetic world .

  26. 如果自在自为的普遍性只采取直接性的形式,那么,它就只能是抽象的普遍性。

    Accordingly the essential and real universal , when taken merely in its immediacy , is a mere abstract universal ;

  27. 世界的本质就是自在自为的概念,所以这世界本身即是理念。

    That essence is the notion in posse and in esse : and thus the world is itself the idea .

  28. 从自发到自为:经济区位变动中的南汇政区改革探索

    From Spontaneity to Selfhood : Exploring the Reform of Administration in Nanhui Area Based on the Change of Economic Location

  29. 自由论的游戏理论:从自为论与和谐论到自足论

    The Theory of Playing Based on Freedom View : from a Theory for Itself and of Harmony to a Self-sufficient Theory

  30. 人的主体性是指作为主体的人在实践活动中所表现出的能动性、自主性、自为性、创造性。

    Human subjectivity is demonstrated as the activity , autonomy , self conduct and creativity in the practice of the human .