
  • 网络Lipid Metabolism;Metabolism of lipid
  1. 糖尿病和高血压患者食物IgG抗体产生与脂类代谢

    Food IgG antibody and lipid metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension

  2. Cr(Ⅲ)是机体维持糖代谢和脂类代谢必需的微量元素之一。

    Cr (ⅲ) is one of the essential trace elements to maintain glucose metabolism and lipid metabolism in the body .

  3. 载脂蛋白E基因多态性及脂类代谢与缺血性脑卒中亚型关系的研究

    Association of apolipoprotein E polymorphism with lipid metabolism and ischemic stroke subtypes

  4. ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸(ω-3POLYUNSATURATEDFATTYACID,ω-3PUFA)是一类主要来源于海洋生物的重要营养素,与机体脂类代谢等过程密切相关。

    ω - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (ω - 3PUFA ) is a group of very important lipids mainly from the cold-water fish .

  5. 铬(Cr)作为一种必需微量元素,在蛋白质合成、糖类代谢和脂类代谢等中都发挥重要作用。

    Chromium ( Cr ) is an essential trace element and has beneficial effect on protein synthesis , carbohydrate and lipid metabolism .

  6. vs缺乏引起细胞内脂类代谢紊乱,导致细胞质中脂滴的增加;

    In addition , the metabolism of the lipids was disordered with the increasing in the number of lipid drops with the cells .

  7. 大豆生物活性肽(SBP)对蛋鸡脂类代谢与蛋黄着色的调控机理研究

    Modulating Mechanism of Soybean Bioactive Peptides ( SBP ) on Cholesterol Metabolism and Yolk Pigmentation in Laying Hens

  8. 已有研究表明,小RNA在发育、细胞增殖、凋亡、脂类代谢、激素分泌及肿瘤发生等多种生理和病理过程中发挥重要作用。

    MiRNAs have been proved to be involved in various physical and pathological precesses , such as development , cell proliferation , apoptosis , fat metabolism , hormone secretion and tumor development .

  9. 绍兴鸭酯酶电泳图谱的扫描灰度显著高于高邮鸭,二者之间差异显著(P<0.05),提示绍兴鸭酯酶的活性高于高邮鸭,这可能与不同品种鸭脂类代谢不同有关。

    Esteras scan intensities of Shaoxing ducks was significantly higher than that of Gaoyou duck ( P < 0.05 ), it seemed esteras activity of Shaoxing duck was higher than that of Gaoyou duck , which is probably related to fat metabolism ;

  10. 结论提示血清胆红素低水平可作为CHD的一个新的独立危险因子,其机制可能是影响脂类代谢。

    Conclusion It is suggested that the low level of serum bilirubin be used as a new independent dangerous factor of CHD , whose mechanism could affect lipid metabolism .

  11. 家兔LCAT缺乏后的脂类代谢

    The lipid metabolism after LCAT deficiency in rabbits

  12. n-3多不饱和脂肪酸在蛋黄和组织中的富集规律及其对产蛋鸡脂类代谢的影响

    Enrichment of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in egg yolk and tissues and its effect on lipid metabolism in laying hens

  13. PPAR(peroxisomeproliferator-activatedreceptor),即过氧化物酶体增殖剂激活受体,是一类由配体激活的核转录因子,为核受体家族的一员。PPAR在调节脂类代谢及机体能量代谢平衡方面有重要作用。

    PPAR ( Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors ), are ligand-activated transcription factors belonging to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that functions as critical regulators of lipid and energy homeostasis .

  14. 因此FABPs对脂类代谢具有重要的调控作用。

    Therefore , FABPs play an important role in the modulation of lipids metabolism .

  15. 这些研究结果反应了PPAR基因在进化过程中是保守的,并且不同的亚型在基因组成和功能上有一定的差异,它将有利于对PPAR基因与鹅生长及脂类代谢关系的进一步研究。

    The results of the present study will benefit the further study of relationship between PPAR genes and the growth and development , especially in fat metabolism of goose .

  16. 用血液中TG、CHO、HDL-C和LDL-C的含量以及动脉血管的病理组织学变化考察药物对糖尿病所致脂类代谢紊乱和血管病变的作用。

    Determining the content of TG , CHO , HDL-C and LDL-C of blood serum and histopathologic change of arteriovascular to evaluate effect by CPM acting on metabolic disorder and vascular lesion .

  17. 结论:针刺调整脂类代谢疗效确切,其作用机制可能与提高高脂血症患者血NO、NOS有关。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture has reliable effect of regulating the metabolism of lipid . Its regulatory mechanism may be relevant to increasing the blood NO and NOS of hyperlipemia patients so as to prevent the progress of AS .

  18. 近年研究发现,细胞表面的特异性微内陷结构Caveolae富含脂质,膜受体和大量的信号分子,在脂类代谢以及信号转导过程中都发挥重要作用。

    Recent research found that Caveolae , the vesicular imaginations of the plasma membrane , play important role in lipid metabolism and signal transduction .

  19. 结论ILIB治疗氯氮平所致脂类代谢异常有效,且安全,有临床应用价值。

    ConclusionILIB has an extreme effect on the abnormal lipid metabolism induced by clozapine , and it is quite safe and has clinical practice value .

  20. 结论:HL启动子763A/G多态性与HTG发生相关,并可影响血浆脂类代谢,但不是独立危险因素。

    Conclusions Hepatic lipase promoter 763A / G polymorphism is associated with hypertriglyceridemia and may influence lipid metabolism . But the G allele may not be one of independent risk factors .

  21. 心脑血管疾病的病理基础是动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS),而脂类代谢与心血管疾病密切相关,脂质代谢紊乱所致的AS是引起心脑血管疾病发生、发展的重要危险因素。

    The basic pathology of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases is atherosclerosis ( AS ), while dyslipidemia is closely correlated with cardiovascular disease . Lipid metabolism dysfunction induced AS is the important risk factor in the occurrence and development of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases .

  22. 恰当的描述应该是,机体内一种或几种脂类代谢失调致使血中一种或几种脂质成分出现明显异常,称为血脂失调或血脂异常症(Dyslipidemia)。

    Appropriate description should be that one or more of the body resulting in lipid metabolism disorders in blood lipid composition of one or several significant exceptions , known as lipid disorders , or blood lipid abnormalities ( Dyslipidemia ) .

  23. 定期检测鸡血锗含量、血清总脂、甘油三酯、总胆固醇、高密度胆固醇脂蛋白和鸡卵黄中胆固醇含量以及蛋中的含锗量,研究了Ge-132对蛋鸡脂类代谢的影响。

    Egg yolk cholesterol and egg germanium were determined every five day after oral administration of Ge-132 in the diets . The influences of Ge-132 on the lipid metabolism in laying hens were studied during the experiment .

  24. BSP蛋白是牛精浆中的主要蛋白质,其功能研究备受关注,研究表明,BSP蛋白在精子胞膜的脂类代谢、调节精子获能及顶体反应等方面发挥重要作用。

    BSP proteins are the main proteins in bovine seminal plasma whose function has been focused on for many years . It was reported that BSP proteins play an important role in lipid metabolism and also modulate sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction .

  25. 1963年Nonomura等提出白藜芦醇是某些草药治疗炎症、脂类代谢紊乱和心脏疾病等的有效成分。

    Nonomura introduced that resveratrol is the effective ingredient of some medicinal herbs which can treat the inflammation , lipid metabolic disorder and heart disease in 1963 .

  26. 20E能够有效促进哺乳动物的多种组织和器官的核酸与蛋白质的合成及糖代谢和脂类代谢,改善高血糖症和高血脂症;

    The 20E can stimulate the synthesis of protein and nucleic-acid in the various tissues and organs of mammal , promotes the glycometabolism and the lipoid-metabolism , and alleviate the hyperglycemia and the hyperlipemia .

  27. 按功能将有基因功能注释的62条TDFs分为转录因子、能量代谢、糖类代谢、脂类代谢、氨基酸代谢、信号转导、转移运输、遗传信息处理、多肽类合成与代谢7大类。

    By functional annotation , 62 TDFs classified to 7 class : transcription factors , energy metabolism , carbohydrate metabolism , lipid metabolism , amino acid metabolism , signal transduction , transfer of transport , genetic information processing , peptide synthesis and metabolism .

  28. 肝外梗阻性黄疸病人的血清脂类代谢变化研究

    Changes in serum lipid metabolism of patients with extra-hepatic obstructive jaundice

  29. 脂类代谢异常及动脉粥样硬化等是共同病理改变。

    Disorders of lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis are common pathologic changes .

  30. 体重指数与血糖、脂类代谢的相关性分析

    Correlation between blood mass index , blood glucose and lipid metabolism