
Understandably supplementation of these oils can be particularly crucial for people afflicted with cancer , a condition which is characterized by oxygen-deficient cells .
A Meta Analysis or Dietary Fat and Breast Cancer
It can be secreted by fibroblast , platelet , adipose cell , cancer cell and so on . LPA is an important mitogen and has various functions , including facilitating vascular smooth muscle contraction , enhancing platelet aggregation .
LPA , secreted by actived blood platelet , cancer cell , fibroblast and adipocyte or produced by some inflammatory cell and endothelial cell , exists in blood serum , ocular humor and blood plasma .
Perigastric and gastric tumor cells necrosis , vascular inflammation , endothelial edema , intravascular coagulations were observed in GAE group .
Effects of soybean oil emulsion on stress response and immune function after esophagectomy
Effect of Unsaturated Fatty Acid on Reversing Drug-resistance of Breast Cancer Cell Strain
Context Evidence is lacking that a dietary pattern high in vegetables , fruit , and fiber and low in total fat can influence breast cancer recurrence or survival .
Levels of most amino acids , free fatty acids in the esophageal cancer tissues were higher than that in the adjacent tissues , while they were lower in esophageal cancer plasma than that in the control group .
Chemotherapy induced and endocrine therapeutics induced fatty liver in patients with breast cancer are reviewed in this paper .