
  • abnormal lipids metabolism
  1. 结果表明,温阳化瘀中药复方可使2型糖尿病IR模型大鼠的脂质代谢异常得到改善,尤其是能够降低其血中的FFA和甘油三酯水平;

    It showed that the compound Chinese medicine with the function of warming yang could ameliorate lipid metabolism , especially FFA and TC .

  2. 【结论】1,DM患者多合并有脂质代谢异常,糖尿病是冠心病的独立危险因素。

    Patients with diabetes often accompanied with abnormal lipid metablism , so the study suggests that diabetes is a independent risk factor for coronary artery disease . 2 .

  3. 结论:保肾冲剂对系膜增生性肾小球肾炎模型的治疗机理可能与纠正MsPGN模型脂质代谢异常有关。

    Conclusions : The mechanisms of Bao Shen Mixture in treating MsPGN may be related to correction of abnormal lipid-metabolism .

  4. 结果(1)血脂康可显著降低合并有脂质代谢异常的冠心病患者TC、LDLC和TG水平并显著升高HDLC水平。

    Results ( 1 ) The levels of TC , LDL-C and TG of CHD patients with abnormal blood lipids metabolism were distinctly decreased and the levels of high density lipid-C ( HDL-C ) was markedly increased of those patients .

  5. 因此,临床上在CKD的治疗过程中应重视对脂质代谢异常的治疗,降低动脉粥样硬化的形成及心血管事件的发生率和病死率。

    So we should pay attention to the dyslipidemia in CKD , as to reduce the formation of atherosclerosis , and eventually reduce incidence and mortality of cardiovascular events .

  6. 结论内源性抑郁症患者存在脂质代谢异常,而有自杀倾向的抑郁症患者存在更为严重的脂质代谢异常,其中低HDL-C水平可能是抑郁症共同的生物学标记。

    Conclusions The patients with endogenous depression have lipid metabolism dysfunction . The patients with suicide behavior have severe lipid metabolism dysfunction . The low HDL-C level may be the common biological marker in depression .

  7. 脂质代谢异常被认为是最关键和基础的环节之一,脂质代谢异常和其他多种原因诱导枯否氏细胞(KupfferCell,KC)激活释放炎症递质是脂肪肝到NASH的重要阶段。

    The abnormality of liver lipid metabolism is known as one of the most important and elementary component element , the activation of kupffer cell which induce the releasing of the inflammatory transmitter is a important stage of fatty liver to NASH .

  8. 脂质代谢异常会导致很多疾病如脂肪肝、肥胖等代谢综合征的发生,而关于REGγ与脂类质代谢方面的研究目前还鲜有报道。

    Lipid metabolism abnormality may lead to many diseases such as liver steatosis , obesity and other metabolic syndrome . But the relationship between REGy and lipid metabolism has rarely been reported .

  9. 结论:脂质代谢异常与脑梗死密切相关,LDL-C促发脑梗死的发生,尤其与家族聚集性脑梗死的发病似有更大的相关性,HDL-C对脑梗死的发生有保护作用。

    CONCLUSION : The abnormal metabolism of lipids is closely related to cerebral infarction , LDL C level has an effect on cerebral infarction , especially on family aggregation of cerebral infarction ; and HDL C level has an protective effect on it .

  10. 结论CITP可快速、灵敏分离定量血清脂蛋白及其胆固醇含量,可用于临床分析脂质代谢异常。

    Conclusions CITP is a new method for separation and quantification of serum lipoproteins and cholesterols , and the results may rapidly , sensitively reflect status of lipid metabolism . The content of P. C.

  11. 高脂血症(Hyperlipemia,HLP)作为一种人体脂质代谢异常的亢进模型,临床上主要表现为血浆血脂含量高于正常水平,是一种对人体危害极大的心血管系统病症。

    Hyperlipemia ( HLP ), as a model of abnormal lipid hypermetabolism of human body , is a kind of cardiovascular system disease which is very harm to human body , and its primary clinical symptom is that the blood fat level of blood plasma is abnormal .

  12. 脂质代谢异常和血管的炎症反应与动脉粥样硬化(AS)密切相关。

    Atherosclerosis is closely related to abnormal lipoprotein metabolism and inflammation .

  13. 内源性抑郁症患者存在脂质代谢异常

    Existence of lipid metabolism dysfunction in patients with endogenous depression

  14. 血脂异常是血液脂质代谢异常的简称。

    Dyslipidemia is the abnormality of blood lipid metabolism .

  15. 雌性激素及脂质代谢异常在胆囊结石发病中的作用

    The role of the abnormal metabolism of female hormone and lipid on the pathogenesis of gallstone

  16. 肝失疏泄&脂质代谢异常动物模型的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Animal Model of Lipid Metabolism Abnormality Basing on Not Liver Freely Distributing

  17. 脂质代谢异常、感染和血流动力学异常等均可引起TNF-α的表达增加。

    TNF - α can be induced by disturbance of lipid metabolism , infection and abnormity of haemodynamics .

  18. 因此,本研究对于中医中药防治脂质代谢异常具有重要意义。

    Therefore , this study has significance on preventing and curing disorder of lipid metabolism in Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  19. 结论衰老过程中过氧化体增殖物激活受体α表达减少可能与老年脂质代谢异常有关。

    Conclusion The mechanism of lipid metabolism dysfunction during aging is probably associated with the decreased expression of PPAR α .

  20. 提示颈动脉斑块的形成与高血压引起的内皮损伤、脂质代谢异常有明显关系。

    Conclusion There was a significant association between the formation of carotid atherosclerotic lesions and the hypertensive injury and disorders of lipids metabolism .

  21. 脂质代谢异常、氧应激反应、瘦素、脂联素等与胰岛素抵抗的发生有相互作用,也影响着非酒精性脂肪肝病的发生发展。

    It has been shown that lipid metabolic disorder , oxidative stress , leptin , and adiponectin etc are interrelated with insulin resistance and contribute to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver .

  22. 说明该锦橙皮膳食纤维对因饲喂高脂饲料引起的大鼠脂质代谢异常具有一定缓解作用,为柑橘加工中皮渣等废弃物的综合利用提供了较好的理论依据及实验数据。

    It shows that citrus dietary fiber has a mitigative effect on abnormal lipid metabolism of rats . The paper provides excellent theoretic foundation and experiment proof about comprehensive utilization of citrus .

  23. 而近期研究发现脂肪细胞能分泌活性蛋白分子,其可参与慢性肾功能衰竭与脂质代谢异常的相互作用过程。

    Lately researches releases the adipose can secrect a few of protein moleculars that it can take part in that the interaction between the primary chronic renal failure and lipid metabolism disorders .

  24. 心脑血管疾病已成为危害人类健康的主要疾病,而脂质代谢异常,特别是血胆固醇水平升高是基本易患因素。

    Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases are the major diseases which severely harm human health . The disorder of lipid metabolism , especially the high level of blood cholesterol , is the basic pathogenic factor .

  25. 由此可见,糖尿病所致的脂质代谢异常是导致动脉粥样硬化、冠心病、脑血管病发生的主要危险因素之一。

    This shows , the fat of diabetic be caused by metabolizes character is to bring about blood-vessel of sclerosis of arterial congee appearance , coronary heart disease , head unusually one of main risk elements of disease happening .

  26. 目前,心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、癌症等己成为危害人类健康的主要疾病,这些疾病病因复杂,但与自由基过量存在引起机体过氧化和脂质代谢异常有一定关系。

    The Cardio-cerebrovascular disease , diabetes and cancer etc. have been becoming the main diseases of human beings today . The causes of these diseases are complex , but there is a co-relationship between the lipid peroxidation and metabolic disorders which are caused by the excessive free radicals .

  27. 结果表明,单纯性肥胖患者血浆中cAMP显著低于正常人的水平,以及脂质代谢明显异常,说明调整脂质代谢的神经内分泌功能紊乱;

    The results showed that the level of cAMP in simple obese patients was lower than normal and the lipometabolism was markedly abnormal in the obses patients , suggesting a disturbance of neuroendocrine regulation to lipometabolism .

  28. 结论:冠心病存在胰岛素抵抗、高胰岛素血症及脂质代谢的异常,它们都是冠心病发生的危险因素,胰岛素抵抗与冠心病临床症状的严重程度相关。

    Conclusion : The coronary heart disease exist the insulin resistance , hyperinsulinism and lipin metabolism abnormity , they are all the dangerous factor which the coronary heart disease occurs , the insulin resist and the coronary heart disease clinical symptom serious degree are related .

  29. DPN发病机制复杂,至今尚未完全阐明。DPN时,神经组织糖、蛋白、脂质合成和代谢异常,提示与这些神经组织结构相关的酶可能发生改变。

    The abnormalities in the synthesis and metabolism of carbohydrates , proteins and lipids of the nerve tissues in DPN suggest that some related enzymes may be changed .

  30. 脂质代谢无明显异常。

    No obvious abnormality in lipid metabolism .