
Methionine aminopeptidase ( MAP ) is responsible for removing N-terminal methionine from nascent peptides and the gene is essential to the cell .
The Correlation Between the Chain conformations of Unfolded mRNA and Corresponding Nascent Polypeptide R 40 % - 75 % , it can be obtained as antiparallel β - cheet and random coil conformation .
The molecular chaperone ( molecular chaperones ) are a group of widespreads from bacteria to human proteins , non-covalent reconciliation with the nascent chain folding of proteins chain binding , and help them fold and transport , usually not involved in the physiological functions of target proteins .
The class 1 release factor is required in termination of protein synthesis . It could accurately recognize the stop signal and promotes the hydrolysis of the ester bond linking the polypeptide chain with the peptidyl ( p ) site tRNA .
The research of the nascent peptide folding is the key to resolve the problems of the protein folding .
New Life Molecular chaperones are predominantly involved in assisting newly synthesized protein folding and in preventing denaturing proteins from misfolding and aggregation .
Chenglu Zou pointed out that nascent peptide folding is different from the refolding in vitro and is a simultaneously - happening process of synthesis , folding , the adjustment of the configuration .