
  • 网络United Securities;Lianhe Securities;Union Securities
  1. 尽管工行利润仍仅为花旗的一半左右,但联合证券(UnitedSecurities)驻深圳分析师葛金波仍预计,2010年前工行的收益将赶上花旗。

    Although ICBC 's profits are still only about half of Citigroup 's , one Chinese analyst – Ge Jinbo at United Securities in Shenzhen – predicts its earnings could catch up with Citigroup by 2010 .

  2. 亚洲和大洋洲生物化学家联合会国际证券交易所〔前称伦敦证券交易所〕

    Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists International Stock Exchange [ formerly known as London Stock Exchange ]

  3. 在联合交易所大证券交易所名古屋证券交易所东京证券交易所美国证券交易所纽约证券交易所或伦敦证券交易所上市的股份

    " Shares listed on the unified exchange , American stock exchange , London Stock exchange , Nagoya Stock exchange , New York Stock exchange , Osaka Securities Exchange or Tokyo Stock exchange "

  4. 他表示,中信证券的员工指出,前来商讨股票联合包销的外资证券公司员工,很多人曾在中国企业供职,但为了更高的薪水而离开了本土企业。

    He said CITIC Securities staffers note how many of the bankers at foreign securities firms who show up to discuss joint underwritings used to work for Chinese firms but left for higher pay .