
  • 网络lenovo computer;ThinkPad
  1. 联想电脑长春维修站服务经营转型研究

    The Transition Research about Service Operation of Lenovo Computer of Changchun Customer Center

  2. 在这种情况下,仍然拒绝联想电脑似乎有些偏执。

    Under these circumstances , the semi-ban on Lenovo computers seems a little paranoid .

  3. 结合采用联想电脑天玑5000s和嵌入式操作系统WINDOWSCE开发而成的电动车辆信息终端,介绍一种简单,高效信息终端的通讯实现方法。

    The information terminal was developed based on windows CE platform and run on the platform of PDA 5000s , and based on it , a simple , high-efficiency communication method will be introduced here .

  4. 房间里是一个领导的办公桌,桌上一台联想电脑。

    At one desk in the room , one leader sat at a desk ; on the desk was a Lenovo computer .

  5. 尽管外人不可能得知联想电脑预装该软件的原因,但大家都可以自己推断。

    Although it 's impossible for outsiders to know what led Lenovo to install the software , people can and will draw their own conclusions .

  6. 这个故事是一名英语教师在美国的一家网站上发现的,然而当时她使用的电脑却是中国产的联想电脑。

    And this story is being brought to you by an English teacher who found it on an American website whilst using his Chinese-made Lenovo computer !

  7. 为了重建沟通渠道,该公司应该让自己的隐私政策及其产品中预装了哪些软件变得更透明。曾把自己最私密的生活细节存储在联想电脑上的人当然会重新考虑该公司是否配得上这样的信任。

    To rebuild bridges , the company should be more transparent about their privacy policies and the types of software they prepackage with their PCs. People who have placed the details of the most personal aspects of their lives on Lenovo computers will certainly think twice about whether Lenovo deserves that trust .

  8. 总体来说,你对你最近购买的联想个人电脑的满意程度如何?

    Overall , how satisfied were you with your recent PC bought from Lenovo ?

  9. 在未来的发展中,如何有效选择自身的发展道路,是联想品牌电脑质量管理工作面临的重要问题。

    How to approach the right way in quality management is important to Lenovo computer in the future .

  10. 注:此优惠的目的是为人民谁买联想笔记本电脑在菲律宾,并不是每个人都。

    Note : This offer is meant for people who bought Lenovo laptop in Philippines , not everyone .

  11. 研发部:你部关于为新进员工购置两台联想台式电脑的申请已经批复同意。

    Research and Development Section : Your application for two Lenovo desktop computers for new staff members has been approved .

  12. 联想消费电脑事业部的实践证明,在它的指导下项目管理可以在企业取得成功。

    The practice of the Legend Consumer PC Business has proved that Enterprise will succeed in the guide ofthe Methodology .

  13. 特此申请购置联想台式电脑两台,涉及金额7000元整。

    We , on behalf of them , hereby apply for two Lenovo desktop computers with an amount of ¥ 7000 .

  14. 一则广告显示一台联想笔记本电脑在被抛出飞机之后激活一个降落伞,以展示它的开机速度有多快。

    One commercial shows a Lenovo laptop activating a parachute after being tossed out of a plane to show how quickly it boots .

  15. 研发部:我们很抱歉由于目前公司财务困难,不得不驳回你部关于为新进员工购置两台联想台式电脑的申请。

    Research and Development Section : We regret to turn down your application for two new Lenovo desktop computers for new staff members because of the current financial difficulty of our company .

  16. 联想个人电脑和移动设备在中国市场的稳定销售,使得该公司在第三季度实现净利润2.653亿美元,与去年同期的2.049亿美元相比增长30%,超出了分析师预期的2.44亿美元。

    Solid sales of PCs and mobile devices in China helped Lenovo post net profit of $ 265.3m for the quarter , up 30 per cent from $ 204.9m in the same period a year earlier and overshooting analysts " forecasts of $ 244m .

  17. 如果联想是个人电脑市场的领头羊,它为什么还需要使业务多样化呢?

    If Lenovo is the PC market leader , why does it need to diversify ?

  18. 这家中国公司表示,尽管整体市场有所放缓,但是联想的个人电脑业务创造了“强劲的利润”。

    The Chinese firm said its PC business had delivered " strong profits " despite a slowdown in the overall market .

  19. 联想在个人电脑市场处于主导地位。近期杨元庆试图将业务从不断下滑的个人电脑市场扩展至智能手机和服务器领域。

    He has recently sought to expand out of the falling personal computer market , which Lenovo dominates , and into smartphones and servers .

  20. 尽管联想的个人电脑业务可以继续从规模效益中获益,目前还不清楚其智能手机业务能否在全球拥有竞争力。

    While Lenovo 's PC business can continue to benefit from economies of scale , it 's unclear how its smartphones can become competitive globally , they say .

  21. 就在几个月前,宏碁击败了联想收购欧洲个人电脑公司PackardBell的企图。当时,这两家公司正在争夺全球第三大个人电脑销售商的地位。

    This comes just months after Acer beat Lenovo to acquiring Packard Bell , the European PC company , as the two companies battle for third rank among the world 's biggest PC vendors .

  22. 国际数据公司(IDC)的数据显示,去年第四季度,联想集团的平板电脑发货量占到全球市场的4.4%,高于去年的1.3%,在业界排名第五。

    In the fourth quarter , Lenovo was the world 's fifth-largest tablet maker with a 4.4 % share by shipment volume , up from 1.3 % a year earlier , according to research firm IDC .

  23. 联想推出消费者个人电脑的首次努力遭遇失败。

    Its first attempt to launch consumer PCs broke down .

  24. 同时,联想正在成为消费电脑领域的一只生力军。

    Lenovo is also becoming a force in the consumer PC segment .

  25. 而如今,联想统治了个人电脑领域,市场占有率达到19.9%。

    Today , Lenovo dominates the PC space with a 19.9 % market share .

  26. 转录因子的活动方式与细胞的‘设置’有点相似,联想一下手机或电脑的‘设置’就明白了。

    Transcription factors act a little bit like the'settings'of our cells , just like the settings on our phones or computers .

  27. 联想在全球平板电脑市场的占有率去年大幅提升,但与苹果和三星相比还有很大差距。

    Lenovo 's global tablet market share rose sharply over the past year , but it is still far behind Apple and Samsung .

  28. 这家电脑制造商在印度北部的一家新厂将于下月开业,计划将联想在印度的电脑年生产力提升至300万台,为目前的3倍。

    The computer maker 's new plant in northern India is due to open next month and aims to triple Lenovo 's annual production capacity in the country to 3m computers .

  29. 联想控股是个人电脑制造商联想的单一最大股东,持股比例达42.3%。联想控股表示,计划安排旗下所有子公司上市,控股公司本身也计划上市。

    Legend which is the single largest shareholder in personal computer maker Lenovo , with a 42.3 per cent stake , said it planned to take all its affiliates public and list the holding company .

  30. 而现在,联想的声誉遭到了冲击。消费者曾相信把数据放在联想电脑里很安全;现在,这种信任也受到了质疑。

    Now , its reputation has come under fire , and the trust that customers once had in Lenovo as a safe place to store their data is in question .