
  • 网络connection form
  1. 阅读报纸(和ipad应用程序)当然应该受到鼓励,但你或许期望欧元区早已发展出自己的对外联络形式。

    Reading newspapers ( and iPad apps ) is of course to be encouraged , but you might expect the eurozone to have developed its own forms of communication .

  2. 广义相对论旋量联络形式的讨论

    Dissension on the Form of Spin - Connection in General Relativity

  3. 下拉邮件给我,对我的联络形式,让我知道它。

    Drop me a message on my contact form and let me know about it .

  4. 意思联络的形式包括明示、暗示或默许三种方式。

    Meaning in the form of contact , including express , implied or tacit approval of three ways .

  5. 口头指令稍后必须以书面形式确定或通过会议纪要、联络函的形式予以确认。

    Oral instructions shall be confirmed in written in the form of meeting summaries and contact letters .

  6. 这些联络趋势有很多形式,所有这些都像构建相关专业知识的加速装置一样,从而满足我们客户的需求。

    These connections tend to come in many different forms , all of which act as accelerators to building the expertise relevant to meeting the needs of our customers .

  7. 本文给出了平坦仿射联络的对偶联络的定义,并推导出形状算子S~、仿射基本形h~以及横截联络形式r~的表示式。

    The definition of the duality connection of the flat affine connection is given and the representations of the shape operator S , the affine fundamental form h and the transversal connection form τ are obtained .