
zhí wù ɡōnɡ zī
  • Position salary;job classification wage;wages related to specific work positions;salaries wages appropriate to specific posts;payment according to rank
  1. 特别是设计中既保留了原来事业性工资体系中的职务工资和岗位工资成分,又增加了奖励性薪酬在工资中的比例,具有一定的创新意义。

    Then at the 6 point will lead to a higher pregnancy rate . Moreover , on the basis of remaining the position salary and post salary of the old system , the new scheme increased the percent of rewarding salary .

  2. 带有明显计划经济特征的职务等级工资制度具有强烈的平均主义色彩,工作业绩和贡献,竞争观念和激励机制均在此环境中被弱化。

    With characters of planned economy , this position-grade wages system is of strong colour of equalitarianism .

  3. 绩效工资制度的发展经历了职务等级工资制、结构工资制、技术等级工资制和岗位绩效工资制。

    The development of performance pay system has experienced the post-rank salary system , structural wage system , technical grade wage system and job performance wage .

  4. 今年空额不多,如果你要求高于原来职务的工资,那么没人会雇你的。

    There are not many jobs free this year , and if you ask for much more , you 'll price yourself out of the market .

  5. 我国公立医院大多采取的还是传统职务等级工资分配制度,没有在薪酬设计中很好地体现报酬要素,起不到应有的激励作用。

    In our country the governmental hospitals mostly adopt traditional headship hierarchical wage distribution system which does not incarnate the compensable factor well in the compensation design .

  6. 从供给制到职务等级工资制-新中国建国前后党政人员收入分配制度的演变。

    From the provisioning system to duty grade wage system : the evolution of the income distribution system of the Party-government staff before and after the founding of new china .

  7. 专业技术职务级别的工资上升空间小。

    The wage level professional and technical positions up little space .

  8. 教龄长、担任行政职务、高工资、高学历的教师在组织信任和组织公民行为上都显著高于教龄短、不担任职务、工资较低、学历较低的教师。

    The teacher who have longer fixed , hold the administrative post , higher salary and higher degree apparently have more organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior than opposite others .

  9. 考核的结果作为对公务员进行奖惩、培训、辞退以及调职务、级别和工资的依据。

    The inspection result takes to the official carries on the rewards and punishment , training , to resign as well as to adjust the duty , the rank and the wages basis .