
  • 网络scientific reasoning;Science Reasoning;scientific inference
  1. 科学推理能力的涵义究竟怎样界定?影响科学推理能力发展的因素有哪些?怎样更好地定量评估测试样本的科学推理能力?等等问题不断推动着国际科学推理能力的相关研究。

    How to define the connotation and extension of science reasoning ? What are the main factors influencing the development of science reasoning ? How to develop better quantitative measurement methods to evaluate testing samples ' scientific reasoning ability .

  2. 该部分的主要想法是社会科学推理,包括如果X,则Y形式的条件陈述。

    The main idea in this section is that social scientific reasoning involves conditional statements of the form if X then Y.

  3. 科学推理有时也会出错。

    Scientific reason , like Homer , sometimes nods .

  4. 科学推理:从贝耶斯主义的观点看

    Scientific Reasoning : from Bayesian Point of View

  5. 另一方面,在哲学上,主体交互解释更满足科学推理要求的客观性。

    On the other hand , the subject interactive interpretation satisfies the objectivity of science inference .

  6. 应用新型数学工具粗糙集理论对干部管理决策中的一批数据进行科学推理,从中获得一组精炼的决策规则。

    In this article , Rough Set Theory is used to analyze some data about management decision .

  7. 他还天真地坚持,科学推理将会超越政治理念和宗教教义。

    He was also naive in insisting that scientific reasoning would trump political thought and religious teaching .

  8. 到学龄前结束时,儿童已能够进行推理,其推理的方式为发展科学推理提供了有用的起点。

    By the end of preschool , children can reason in ways that provide helpful starting points for developing scientific reasoning .

  9. 结果发现:(1)儿童在社会认知和科学推理两个领域的推理过程中考虑数量因素的能力发展,均表现出随年龄增长而提高。

    The results showed as follows : ( 1 ) Children 's ability to consider quantitative factors in the reasoning process of both the social cognition and the scientific reasoning develops as they grow up .

  10. 牛顿科学的推理规则与科学发现的逻辑

    Newton 's " Rule of Reasoning " and the logic of Scientific Discovery

  11. 对科学发现推理的再认识

    SCIENCE Think Once More about Reasoning in Scientific Discovery

  12. 小学普适的归纳推理可分为两类:枚举归纳推理与科学归纳推理。

    The inductive reasoning suitable for primary mathematics can be classified into to two types , enumerative induction and scientific induction .

  13. 译文:目前,这个观点已被普遍接受,虽然它是不言而喻的,并不是根据科学严密推理而证明的。

    At present it is generally accepted , although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof .

  14. 1998年愚人节,新墨西哥人科学与推理组织的通讯上刊登的一篇文章中称,美国阿拉巴马州已投票决定,将圆周率值3.14159改为圣经值3.0。

    In 1998 , a newsletter titled New Mexicans for Science and Reason carried an article that the state of Alabama had voted to change the value of pi from 3.14159 to the " Biblical value " of 3.0 .

  15. 明末中西会通,由神学而至科学,演绎推理的引入发挥了至关重要的作用。

    Deduction played particular role in the academic interaction between China and the West in late Ming , which started at Catholic theology and achieved in science .

  16. 因为幽默语言是人类的智慧语言,它来自敏捷的思维、严密的推理和丰富的联想。然而他的判断和推理不同于科学的判断和推理。

    Humor , as the vocabulary of human wisdom , comes from smart thinking , reasonable deduction and imaginative association .

  17. 它使中期天气预报成为模拟气象专家解决复杂问题时科学综合、逻辑推理的思维过程。

    It has maee mid-range forecast become a think proceeding that analog the meteorological experts to synthesize scientifically and logical reason when they solve complex problems .

  18. 本文运用科学严谨的逻辑推理进行思考,力求全面分析侵占罪的犯罪对象问题,发现立法规定不足并提出拙见。

    In this paper , the author uses the scientific , rigor and logic ratiocination to think deeply , in order to comprehensively analysis the problems of the crime targets of embezzlement , find out the legislation shortages and propose the humble opinion .

  19. 研究四探讨了科学认识论信念、对科学的态度、推理能力、知识与科学探究的关系,并采用结构方程综合考察了不同任务条件下、小学和初中样本中各因素对科学探究的综合影响。

    Study 4 , using the structural equation method , investigated further how the reasoning ability , the epistemological belief of science , and the attitudes toward science affected the science inquiry .

  20. 与之不同,布雷德认为,在科学的证明或辩护与境中隐喻发挥着重要的认知功能,在科学理论的推理和理论性解释中充满了隐喻。

    Differently , the author holds that metaphors also play a cognitively central role in the context of justification , and scientific reasoning and theoretical explanation are shot through with metaphors .

  21. 由教师严格设计的课堂探究很好地用于建立某一特定的科学概念,而比较开放的课堂探究则应为学生提供绝好的机会发展认知和科学推理能力。

    Guided inquiry can best focus learning on the development of particular science concepts . More open inquiry will afford the best opportunities for cognitive development and scientific reasoning . The transform of student ′ preconception is a long time .

  22. 复杂性科学是研究复杂性、复杂系统的科学,采用定性判断与定量计算相结合、微观分析与宏观综合相结合、还原论与整体论相结合、科学推理与哲学思辨相结合的研究方法。

    Complexity science is the study of complexity and complexity system . The methodology is combination of qualitative judgement and quantitative counting , combination of microscopic analysis and macroscopic comprehension , combination of reductionism and holism , and combination of scientific inference and philosophic speculation .