
  • 网络Receiving unit;accepting unit
  1. 接收单位应按月将接收情况向海事部门报告。

    The receiving unit shall report such acceptance to the maritime department every month .

  2. 欧盟科技人才培训项目(中国)共两期,每期30人;每位欧盟研究人员都有相应中方接收单位。

    The STF China Programme consists of two intakes of30 EU researchers in Chinese host institutions .

  3. 经卫生处理后,方可委托接收单位接收;

    Only after the sanitizing treatment may a receiving unit be entrusted with accepting the waste ;

  4. 转出个人档案需档案接收单位出具转出个人档案的介绍信。

    Letter of introduction for moving out personal files written by the receiving unit is required for moving personal files out .

  5. 接收单位应当对上缴的单位或者个人,给予表扬或者物质奖励。

    The unit that receives the object shall commend or give a material reward to the unit or individual that turns in the object .

  6. 接收单位应将接收的船舶污染物集中运至市环境保护部门指定的场所进行处理。

    The receiving unit shall gather the accepted ship pollutants together and transfer them to the place designated by the municipal department of environmental protection .

  7. 铁道部要建立相应规范,加强对铁路卫生技术中心及本系统其他疫情信息接收单位的监管。

    Fourth , the Ministry of Railways to set up a corresponding norms , to strengthen the railway Health Technology Center and other epidemic situation of the system to receive regulatory units .

  8. 接收单位需在本市运输、处理船舶污染物的,还须同时取得市环境保护部门的认可。

    If the receiving unit has to transfer and dispose of the ship pollutants in the city , it shall have approval from the municipal department of environmental protection at the same time .

  9. 本文试图将记忆心理学中短时记忆规律应用到口译实践,通过对短时记忆的遗忘规律及其容量理论的研究和学习,回答口译笔记是否必要以及口译接收时的记忆单位是什么这两个问题。

    In this article , the author tries to apply the rules of short-term memory in memory psychology to interpretation practice .