
zhí yè jiào yù zhì dù
  • vocational education system
  1. 小康社会建设与农村职业教育制度创新

    The Construction of Well-off Society and the Creation of Vocational Education System

  2. 每一次国家制度变革,引发教育制度变化,职业教育制度也随之改变。

    Each time country institution changing caused education system change , so did the Vocational Education System .

  3. 第十九条国家实行职业教育制度和成人教育制度。

    Article 19 The State applies a system of vocational education and a system of adult education .

  4. 学徒制度是英国古老的职业教育制度,经过了历史发展的巨大变迁,从形式到内容都打上了许多现代印迹。

    Apprenticeship system is an ancient system vocational education in Britain .

  5. 论农民职业教育制度创新

    Research on System Innovation of Farmers ' Vocational Education

  6. 中国近代职业教育制度的确立

    On the establishment of Chinese modern vocational educational system

  7. 农民职业教育制度安排体现了典型的需求诱致型制度变迁路径。

    The institution designation of peasant vocational education shows the typical demand-luring institution change .

  8. 区域经济视域下吉林省职业教育制度设计研究

    Research on Designing the System of Vocational Education in JILIN Province from the Perspective of Regional Economy

  9. 并进一步对如何推进农民工职业教育制度的有效运行提出相应策略。

    I offer some suggestions on how to promote the effective operation of the vocational education system of migrant workers .

  10. 第三条主线是高等职业教育制度演变及其在高技能人才成长的作用。

    The third main line is the institution evolution of higher vocational education and its role in the growth of high-skilled workforce .

  11. 职业教育制度的形成服务于职业教育的功能,一定职业教育制度的效率制约了一定职业教育功能的实现。

    Vocational education institution support the function of vocational education , and particular vocational education institution restrict the function of vocational education .

  12. 而且,它作为整个职业教育制度化的一个开创性阶段,为以后的职业教育制度发展打下了坚实的基础。

    As an initiating period of the whole process of the systematization of vocational education , it offered the subsequent improvement of vocational education system a stably base .

  13. 总的来说,中国近代职业教育制度逐步确立的过程分为三个阶段:第一个阶段从1840年到1904年,中国近代职业教育制度在这个时期从酝酿萌芽到初步确立;

    Generally speaking , Chinese modern vocational educational system has gradually experienced three periods in the course of progress , namely , the fermenting to initial establishment from 1840 to 1903 ;

  14. 作为教育制度化过程中的一个分支,民国时期职业教育制度化丰富了教育制度内容,使教育结构得到了相对平衡的发展;

    As a branch of the course of the systematization of education , it enriched the contents of education system and made the structure of education get a relatively balanced development .

  15. 学徒制作为一种古老的职业教育制度,在中国战国时期和古埃及、古希腊、古罗马都有比较明确的文献记载。

    The apprenticeship is a kind of ancient vocational education system , and has been jot down in the Warring States Period of China , ancient Egypt , ancient Greece and ancient Rome .

  16. 上海作为在中国近代迅速崛起的一个城市,其职业教育制度变迁基本遵从国家的法律法规,体现了区域服从中央的精神。

    Shanghai , being a fast and sharply rising city in modern times , the transition of her Vocational Education System in general followed the law & regulation reflecting the spirit of region following center government .

  17. 在20世纪,世界各国积极发展技术教育,适应了高新技术快速发展的需要。技术教育成为培养技术型人才的一种新型的、独立的教育类型与教育制度。美国加拿大高等法律职业教育制度简评

    In the 20th century , many countries were keen on developing " technical education " to satisfy the needs of rapid development of higher technology . Comments on the Systems of Legal Vocational High Education in America and Canada

  18. 加利福尼亚州私立中等后教育和职业教育注册制度

    Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Accreditation System of California , USA

  19. 中等职业教育财政制度的现状和面临的问题

    On Status Quo and Problems of the Financial Policies in Chinese Secondary Occupation Education

  20. 国家实行劳动者在就业前或者上岗前接受必要的职业教育的制度。

    The State practises a system whereby workers receive the necessary vocational education prior to employment or assignment .

  21. 健全面向全体劳动者的职业教育培训制度,加强农村富余劳动力转移就业培训。

    We will improve vocational education and training for the labor force and intensify pre-employment training for surplus labor transferred from rural areas .

  22. 论文首先论述了关于吉林省职业教育供给制度的失衡现状,指出这种偏差是职业教育发展资源匮乏的首因。

    Paper first discusses vocational education in Jilin Province imbalance in the supply system , the status quo , pointing out that this bias is the development of vocational education in the first due to a lack of resources .

  23. TAFE体系是澳大利亚的一种职业教育与培训制度,其对我国旅游高职教育改革与发展的启示是:正确定位职业教育,转变教育思想观念;

    TAFE system is a kind of vocational education and training system in Australia , and its revelations to the reform and development of touring specialty of higher vocational education in China are : orientating rightly for vocational education , transforming educational thought and view ;

  24. 高等职业教育双证书制度的研究与实践

    Study and Practice of Double Certification System in Higher Vocational Education

  25. 高等职业教育社会评价制度研究

    The Research on System of Social Evaluation for Higher Vocational Education

  26. 建立职业教育教师资格制度;

    Establishing qualification system for vocational education teachers ;

  27. 关于高等职业教育招生考试制度改革的初探

    Study on the Reform of Enrolment Examination System in Higher Vocational Education in China

  28. 完备的职业教育及训练制度,为本港工商界训练技工、技术员和高级技术人才。

    A comprehensive system of vocational education and technical training provides the economy with well-trained manpower at craft , technician and higher technician levels .

  29. 简要地介绍澳大利亚、日本、英国和美国等国高等职业教育的基本制度;

    The basic systems of higher vocational education in such foreign countries as Australia , Japan , United Kingdom and United States are briefly introduced .

  30. 职业教育弹性学习制度探析建立与之相配套的政策与制度保障体系,可以最大限度地发挥弹性学习制度的育人功能和经济效应。

    Therefore , the policy and the ensuring system related with it must be set up so that the educational function and economic effects of elastic-study system can be given to full play .