
  • 网络job category
  1. 你只需登入选择的职位类别,再由个别公司名称登入,便可查阅各职位的职责、求和聘用条件。

    Just click on the chosen job category and then click on the individual company to access vacancy information such as duties , requirements and employment conditions .

  2. 能否根据范围较广的职位类别合并现行职级?

    What scope is there to amalgamate existing grades within broader occupational categories ?

  3. 为避免考生过于集中,首尔市政府按照不同的职位类别设置了不同的考试日期。

    The city government holds exams for separate types of job on different days to ease congestion .

  4. 职位类别:验货员年龄:24-30工作地点:深圳应聘时请提供中、英文简历,并请在简历中注明您期望的薪资待遇及报酬。

    Post categories : Inspector Age : 24-30 Education : College Diploma or above Work Location : Shenzhen Work experience : 3 years Nature of work : Full-time Requirements on : 1 .

  5. 在对造成薪酬差距原因的研究中,部门和职位类别为主要因素,而其余指标对薪酬差距的影响较小。

    In the study of reasons caused the pay gap , department and job type were the main factors , while the other indexes on the pay gap was less affected . 4 .

  6. 公务员职位类别按照公务员职位的性质、特点和管理的需要,划分为综合管理类、专业技术类和行政执法类等类别。

    According to the nature , characteristics and management , Civil servants ' types of jobs are integrated into the management category , category of professional and technical categories such as law enforcement and administrative categories .

  7. 地区、性别分组间员工内部薪酬差距较为合理,年龄、职位类别、职位级别、部门和公司等指标对员工的薪酬影响不一。

    The wage gap between groups of region and gender were more reasonable , age , job type , job levels , departments and companies and other indicators had different effects to the pay gap . 3 .

  8. 表明你是应聘一份工作,并明确说明你所寻求的职位或工作类别。

    B.State that you are applying for a job , and identify the position or type of work you seek .

  9. 首先运用基尼系数理论,按照地区、公司、部门、职位级别和类别、性别和年龄等指标,对该跨国公司内部员工间薪酬差距进行了测量与评价。

    First , applying the Gini coefficient theory , by region , company , department , job level and category , gender and age indicators , analysed the internal status of the pay gap between employees .

  10. 要求具有大学学历的职位目前是增长最快的职位类别。

    Jobs that require a university-level education are the fastest growing types of jobs .

  11. 在公平劳基法中有些适用加班费领取资格的职位由于无法达到不适用加班费领取资格的职位的标准要求,将继续留在适用加班费领取资格的职位类别上。

    There will continue to be a number of classifications that will remain non-exempt because they fail to meet the criteria for exempt status under the Fair Labor Standards Act .