
  • 网络dropbox;txt;rar;Disk;box
  1. 新规规定,网盘服务商有义务和责任打击盗版。

    The new regulation stipulates that cloud storage service providers have the obligation and responsibility to fight against piracy .

  2. 阿里巴巴集团旗下的UC网盘于3月表示,将彻底关闭存储服务。

    UC net disk from Alibaba Group said in March it will terminate its storage offerings entirely .

  3. 与国际网盘存储服务提供商Dropbox和GoogleDrive不同的是,中国网盘存储服务在用户中有更强的关联性,并且鼓励分享内容。

    Unlike international online storage providers Dropbox and Google Drive , Chinese online storage services are more connected among users and encourage sharing .

  4. 嘿兄弟,很高兴又能在教育网盘论坛碰到你。

    Hello buddies , glad to meet you in Edudisk Forum again .

  5. 作为清理中国网络环境行动的一部分,中国政府现在正把目标瞄准在违法网盘上。

    Chinese authorities are targeting illegal online data storage , as part of their drive to clean up China 's online environment .

  6. 自今年3月以来,我国政府支持开展的“扫黄打非”行动已迫使至少6家网盘服务商陆续关停服务。

    A State-backed campaign against pornographic and illegal publications in China has forced at least six online data storage providers to shut down their services since March .

  7. 总部位于东莞的115网盘和腾讯旗下的微云分别于3月和上周宣布,将关闭部分分享功能。

    Dongguan-based " 115 " and Weiyun from Tencent said in March and last week , respectively , that they will turn off some of their sharing functions .

  8. 据中国互联网络信息中心表示,去年我国拥有个人网盘服务的用户数量已经由2014年的3亿8千万增长到4亿5千万。

    According to the China Internet Network Information Center , the number of personal web storage service users reached 450 million last year in China , up from 380 million in 2014 .

  9. 流媒体内容和下载服务提供商迅雷旗下的网盘服务商快盘和新浪旗下的网盘服务商微盘均于上周宣布,关闭免费个人用户的存储服务;

    KuaiPan , an online storage provider owned by content streaming and downloading company Xunlei , and Vdisk , an online storage provider from Sina , both announced last week their closure of free personal storage services .

  10. 纱网盘(6)用于保持导火索盘紧靠燃料块,后盘(10)用于保护垫圈。番2:6沿海之地要变为草场、其上有牧人的住处和羊群的圈。

    The gauze disc ( 6 ) serves to hold the coiled wick tightly against the fuel charge , while the back plate ( 10 ) protects the washer . So the seacoast will be pastures , With caves for shepherds and folds for flocks .